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Licium Rights Engine

1. 「Columbus- 5」升级前,一文速览 Terra 黑客松中涌现的有趣想法

...,功能模块包含:治理模块组织模块;官方管理模块;金融资产管理模块;Licium Rights EngineLicium Rights Engine 是一个用于可信数字内容许可的去中心化应用,用户可用它铸造并授权对应的 NFT,而 Licium 可通过动态收入流来增强 NFT 的所有权,并创建关于其真实性和所有权的可验证判断。FansquadFansquad 是针对...

知识:DeFi,黑客松,Terra,Mirror Protocol

2. StarLinkKeywordsAuction(NFT)auctionisexpectedtobeFebruary22

...r will receive the corresponding LP Token of 100 times the mining usufruct, keyword page management rights, the right page advertising revenue and NFT rights ownership.100 times mining income rights: that is, to win the share of StarLink mining pool based on the value of LP Token multiplied by a factor of 100 ;Keyword page management rights: Users can upload pictures and text on the keyword manage...


3. Starlink'sfirstkeywordauctionwillopenat16:00onFebruary22

...token mining right, key word page management right, page advertising right, NFT ownership and other rights.100 times mining revenue right: that is, according to the value of LP token multiplied by 100 times coefficient to win Starlink mining pool share;Keyword page management right: users can upload pictures and words on the keyword management page, and they will be displayed in the search engine;...


4. UniswapLaunchesItsFirstPlatformCoin—LBPofLongBit

...aches 500 million.LBP currently plays an important role in LongBit's global ecology—in functional rights, ecological scenarios, and payment services, to name a few areas. It is widely applied toLBChain mainnet fuel payments, network transfer fees, as ecological trading zonepricing digital currency, and as the only vote-counting Token for IEO projects.It is predicted that LBP will usher in new gr...


5. LBP login to uniswap

...reaches 500million.LBP currently plays animportant role in LongBit's global ecology—in functional rights, ecologicalscenarios, and payment services, to name a few areas. It is widely applied toLBChainmainnet fuel payments, network transfer fees, as ecological trading zonepricingdigital currency, and as the only vote-counting Token for IEO projects.It is predicted that LBP will usher innew growth...


6. Engine.DEX:创新无界引领数字金融未来

...一次次见证历史,也一次次迈向新的征程,我们既是过来人,也是先驱者。Engine直译为“引擎”,DEX全称Decentralized exchange,是去中心化交易场所的意思,Engine.DEX结合的意思象征着Engine系统犹如一个动能引擎,由内向外为数字金融系统和结构输出源源不断的动力;Engine.DEX的设计来源于互联网本身结构价...


7. Engine.DEX:数字金融全生态体系的领跑者



8. Reserve (RSV) & Reserve Rights (RSR) 已在Kyber上线

...货币,可以像我们使用美元和其他稳定的法定货币那样持有和使用。2.Reserve Rights代币(RSR)- 用于促进Reserve 代币稳定性的加密货币。3.抵押代币 - Reserve智能合约为了支持Reserve代币的价值而持有的其他资产,类似于美国政府过去用黄金支持美元的情形。该协议被设计为持有的抵押代币至少等值Reserve代币...


9. 币安即将上线稳定币项目 Reserve Rights 代币 RSR

区块链网络消息,币安即将上线稳定币项目 Reserve Rights (RSR),将于今日 15 点开通 RSR/BNB、 RSR/BTC、RSR/BUSD 交易市场,8 月 27 日 15:00 开通 RSR/USDT 交易市场。来源链接

知识:币安,Binance,稳定币,上币,Reserve Righ

10. 元宇宙项目Infinite virtual Space旗舰应用X—Engine发布会

...项目Infinite Virtual Space Protocol宣布于北京时间2021/12/8下午6点进行旗舰产品 X-Engine(X引擎)的发布会,据悉X-Engine是一款自由度高并支持VR等技术的3D元宇宙场景创造基础设施。以下为Cointelegraph原文(译):主题:Build Maxwell equations in Metaverse日期:2021年12月8日早10点(UTC)申请:https://t.co/JYArvtQQGn举办地:h...


11. Alibaba Filmmaking Arm to Distribute New Movie Rights via代币: Report

Alibaba Group’s movie-making arm Alibaba Pictures reportedly plans to tokenize distribution rights for its new film “Striding into the Wind,” Chinese English-language publication China.org.cn reports on Nov. 22. The company has purportedly signed an agreement with New York-based decentralized entertainment platform Breaker, formerly known as SingularDTV, to distribute the film overseas...


12. 加密引擎的全面回顾

...易。 那里有许多自动交易软件,但是在对其进行测试之后,我们发现Crypto Engine使用的算法使它在其他方面脱颖而出。加密引擎识别最佳交易机会并自行执行。 该软件可以为您完成工作,因此不需要任何技能。免费开始使用加密引擎进行交易加密引擎如何工作?Crypto Engine自动进行市场研究,并通过其...


13. MakerDAO 创始人提议推出全新代币经济系统 Sagittarius Engine,使 DAI 成为环境友好的

...提议使 DAI 成为环境友好的货币(Clean Money)时,还提议推出名为 Sagittarius Engine (人马座引擎)的全新代币经济系统,以释放「DeFi 的超能力」。他认为 DAI 需要被可持续的资产或具有气候适应性的资产支持(抵押),以防止气候进一步恶劣,并抵御已经产生的经济损失。所以 Rune Christensen 表示,为了释...

知识:以太坊,MakerDAO,DeFi,DAI,Rune Chr

14. MakerDAO 创始人欲使 DAI 更加环境友好,并提议推出全新经济系统Sagittarius Engine

...消息,10 月 5 日,MakerDAO 创始人 Rune Christensen 在社区提议推出名为 Sagittarius Engine(人马座引擎)的全新代币经济系统。Maker 将涉及流动性挖矿并彻底改造 MKR 的代币经济学,该系统的核心价值主张是为那些长期锁定 MKR 的持有者带来切实的好处。 他表示,该系统将使 DAI 成为更清洁(环境友好)的 token,...


15. 【幕后花絮:Infinity Engine 】Decentraland创作者的提示、技巧和秘密

...、技术和秘密。在第一篇文章中,我们来看看作者Bence Varga创作的The Infinity Engine。Infinity Engine本质上是两件事情:Decentraland内部的可许可游戏引擎及其自己的第一个演示应用程序。玩家必须在地下挖掘战利品,然后乘火车穿越沙漠出售战利品-同时还要保护火车免受马背上的土匪侵害。Bence创建了一个充...
