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Proof Market

1. Bittrex & SUTER? b网的中国首次AMA之行

...a very good question. And it’s a bit of a yes and a no! As one of the first real exchanges in the market, we staked our claim onthe space with a commitment to security - that’s never changed, and we’ve remained consistent. So in that regard we’ve stuck to ourcourse remarkably. But as you know, in the past few years we’ve seen a boom of impressive competition in the space, and rather than...


2. [疑似跑路]ZeroCash、Dark Market与Ebitz携手共进带来更高层次的匿名性

  ZeroCash、Dark Market与Ebitz携手共进带来更高层次的匿名性   Ebitz疑似跑路。2016年11月28日, Ebitz展示了开发一个更加先进的ZCash版本的构想, 表示其将带来更高隐私性与透明性.   2016年11月21号, 法国巴黎 - 欧洲一个白帽子黑客组织宣布了他们即将启动的加密货币项目 - Ebitz cryptocurrency, 一...


3. Kadena如何让私链和公链跨链互通?丨Kadena AMA实录

...contrast to other blockchains that use PoS, PoW is the only protocol that’s been validated in the market. Kadena guarantees that an equal amount of hashrate is allocated to every chain. Cosmos’ different hubs don’t really need to resemble each other, and there is a distinct role for their “main chain” that hosts the Atom token. Similarly, Polkadot differentiates between “para-chains”...


4. “新基建”风向标助推七号矿场发展

... has enough hardware equipment and connects to the Internet can participate in Filecon network. The market forces in Filecoin economy can transfer information more effectively than centralized storage platform, and will have faster speed! And there are more nodes, which means that we can download or browse the website faster and more effectively.鉴于Filecoin经济的模型以数据存储为基...


5. IPFS小白指南丨IPFS和 BTC的区别

...何挖矿?Filecoin系统创建了两个挖矿市场:① Filecoin存储市场(Filecoin Storage Market)硬盘——没错,就是硬盘大小,数据存储市场你所需要贡献的就是硬盘存储空间,越多的硬盘空间,你的挖矿能力就越高,存储市场采用的工作量证明是 PoS(Power of Storage)证明,根据你存储的数据大小来按比例给大家分配...


6. 专访Blockswap创始人Scott:基于PoS的固定收益产品Blockswap

... allow me to briefly introduce TopoBlock. TopoBlock is a blockchain company which provides one-stop marketing consulting and service, as well as a sharing platform for various blockchain insights and info. We aim at seeking the Unicorn projects on Web 3.0 and continuously develop together with them.主持人:今天邀请的 AMA 嘉宾是固定收益协议 Blcokswap 的 COO, Scott。Jerry: The AM...


7. 硬核分享|Crust核心协议栈的设计与实现

...下为 Crust Show 003(上篇)分享整理。01.能具体介绍下 Crust 协议组 MPoW、GPoS、Market 以及 Storage 的设计和实现吗?Crust 协议组的设计是旨在解决 DS(Decentralized Storage,去中心化存储)激励层两个关键性的问题:证明和激励。证明主要指的是,如何将链下的存储状态正确的反映在链上;而激励就是对存储节...


8. DODORatingReport

1. PROJECT INTRODUCTIONDODO is a decentralized exchange platform which adopts the Proactive Market Maker (PMM) algorithm and has launched on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The protocol aims to mitigate the problems of slippage, impermanent loss, and capital efficiency under the Automatic Market Maker (AMM) mechanism by using oracle to feed price data and thus proactively adjusting the pri...


9. LuckinCoffeeToBeDelistedFromNASDAQ:LearnFromItsPastFailure

Introduction: Recently, the decision to delist Luckin Coffee from the Nasdaq Global Select Market has been proved. From a start-up that broke the global IPO record to an enterprise being delisted from Nasdaq Stock Market, Luckin Coffee has proved that aligning with sustainable strategy is the only way to remain in the game. The listing of an enterprise means that its current operating conditions a...


10. Whitecoin首席战略官H.K参与DeFi论道

...eted, and people are paying attention while learning about thefundamental driving factors.The total market cap of DeFi hasincreased from $2 billion to $14 billion just in the past three months. As moreprojects succeed, more investors join, which is reflected in the quicklygrowing total market cap of DeFi.With quickly developing technologiesand possibilities of new business models, DeFi will contin...


11. 科普 | 密码学货币的来历

...特征是,它不仅使用工作量证明作为价值的基础元素,还使用一个 “Bit Gold market” 来形成此类不均一的证明(irregular proofs)的价格,所以,价值不等的证明可以搭配组合成通用的单位(generic bundles),让这种数字商品更加标准化和可互换。就像现实世界中的金锭,基于这些搭配而成的通用单位,一个 ...


12. Despace-DeFi和NFT的一站式商店|龙葵社区AMA

...sets in sales methodologies, relationship building, team training, account management, branding and marketing. I found the love for cryptocurrency in 2016 and have been helping several projects since, the latest being vital to the successful launch of Mochi.Market and now bringing my expertise to DeSpace.大家好,我叫安德鲁芬内尔。我是?DeSapce Protocol 的业务发展经理,也是...


13. 科普 | 让信任最小化——一文回顾密码学货币的来历

...特征是,它不仅使用工作量证明作为价值的基础元素,还使用一个 “Bit Gold market” 来形成此类不均一的证明(irregular proofs)的价格,所以,价值不等的证明可以搭配组合成通用的单位(generic bundles),让这种数字商品更加标准化和可互换。就像现实世界中的金锭,基于这些搭配而成的通用单位,一个 ...


14. 近期你需要关注的11个NFT项目

...是活动可以升级玩家的 NFT 头像,ProjectPXN 未来也会生产 PXN 代币用于在 Grey Market 上交易实体商品。Big Boys Recreation Club推特粉丝:32kDiscord:突袭开放发售时间:暂未公布简介:从 BBRC 的 sneak peeks 不难看出,它很像是一个服装秀,通过简约的穿搭风格表达对生活的态度。这个项目由 MrGentleApe 创立,他拥有...


15. 浅谈原创创新之Nyzo(非PoW非PoS)

...10万NYZO。4,是否已上线交易所目前已上线的交易所有:Qtrade:https://qtrade.io/market/NYZO_BTCCitex:https://www.citex.co.kr/#/trade/NYZO_BTChttps://www.citex.co.kr/#/trade/NYZO_USDThttps://www.citex.co.kr/#/trade/NYZO_ETHBiHODL: https://bihodl.com/#/exchange/nyzo_usdtQBTC:https://www.qbtc.com/trade?symbol=NYZO_USDTBilaxy:https://bilaxy.com/exchange#symbol=280官网:https://nyzo....
