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1. 【收藏】区块链进阶必读白皮书(附链接)

...ingDataPaymentProtocol_2018.pdf28. DDM:一个去中心化的实时数据市场。*地址:http://blockchain.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/decentralized-data-marketplace-smart-cities.pdf29. 海洋协议(Ocean Protocol):一个面向人工智能的去中心化数据和服务交换协议。*地址:https://oceanprotocol.com/tech-whitepaper.pdf30. Mimblewimble / Grin:一个旨在提高...


2. 社区生态|每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.16)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


3. 社区生态|JustSwap官方发布《每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.08.21)》

...DgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to the meteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growth potential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable,and interoperable functionality, blockchain technology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience...


4. 社区生态| 每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.16)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


5. 社区生态 | JustSwap:每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(09.01)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


6. 社区生态 | 每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.21)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


7. JUSTSwap白名单首批项目公布(一切为了不要上当*到**)

...DgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to the meteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology hasshown signs of tremendous growth potential and transformative power. Just asthe internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, andinteroperable functionality, blockchain technology’s path to mass adoptionhinges upon creating a seamless user experience. W...


8. 社区生态|JustSwap官方发布《每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.02)》

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


9. 社区生态|JustSwap官方发布《每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.08.29)》

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamlessuser experience. W...


10. 社区生态 | JustSwap:每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(08.29)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamlessuser experience. W...


11. 观展丨5分钟,穿越以太坊

...具体流入和流出情况。“OpenSea is the first decentralized, peer-to-peer marketplace for blockchain-based assets, which include crypto collectibles, gaming items, and other assets backed by a blockchain.” (EthHub)"开放之海" The Opensea开放之海 (共8幅作品)——以太坊上的数千件收藏品通过OpenSea进行交易买卖。整个数字商品市场,已经建立...


12. 社区生态|JustSwap官方发布《每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.08.24)》

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamlessuser experience. W...


13. 社区生态 | JustSwap:每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(08.24)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamlessuser experience. W...


14. 社区生态|每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.23)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...


15. 社区生态 | 每日JustSwap白名单项目公告(2020.09.23)

...qDgRE67v1736s7bJ8Ray5wYjU7通证简介:Drawing comparisons to themeteoric rise of the modern web, blockchain technology has shown signs of tremendous growthpotential and transformative power. Just as the internet needed Web 2.0 to engage users with more social, usable, and interoperablefunctionality, blockchaintechnology’s path to mass adoption hinges upon creating a seamless user experience. ...
