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Internet of Coins

1. 机构发布白皮书,用于支持区块链之间的交易

  2015年1月3号,Internet of Coins在比特币大使馆发布了他们的白皮书,旨在创建一种基本工具,用于支持区块链之间的交易。   这个新成立的Internet of Coins,旨在通过一种混合型点对点的元网络,创建一种连接不同区块链之间的自助经济。这个系统通过使用混合资产,来供应一种点对点、跨...


2. Internet of Coins在多个区块链上推出代币"混合资产(Hybrid Asset)"

  译文:玩币族Wendy   Internet of Coins项目开发者正在开发系统内置和跨区块链平台代币混合资产hybrid asset,这种代币不需要更新或调整现有加密货币源代码,就能在不同总账系统间转账。   该非盈利性组织已经宣布将在2017年3月21日开始一项众筹。早鸟可享受5%的折扣。欢迎访问网页来...

知识:Internet of Coins

3. 独家:pi币最高价值138933美元?6个理由深度解析

...nt range is not too large, controlled within one order of magnitude.The reasons are as follows:1. Internet bubbleThe Internet bubble (also known as the dot com bubble or the dot bubble) refers to the speculative bubble between 1995 and 2001, and in the stock market of Europe and America and many Asian countries, the share price rose sharply with the technology and emerging Internet related enter...


4. 七号矿场把握未来

...目,对标ipfs。swarm的去中心化内容存储和分发服务可以将其视为cdn,并通过internet在计算机上分发。Swarm is positioned as the storage in the world of ETHereum. What he does is data storage, which can store intelligent contracts, related data and even do content distribution. So you can understand that his positioning is very high, but the distributed storage program...


5. 比特币侧链从长远来看将杀死山寨币

...o Back, sidechains are the next level?of the industry development. He draws some parallels with the Internet, saying that thee progress of Internet development would have been too slow and disorderly if anyone could have created their own version of ?TCP/IP protocol. ?


6. 如何挑选数字货币钱包?

...d through your computer.However, like most things nowadays, our PCs are constantly connected to the Internet. So never assume that your keys can’t get stolen.Online walletsOnline wallets “run”on the cloud, which makes them very convenient as you can access them from virtually anywhere in the world. As long as you’re connected to the Internet, that is.However, the online storage of the keys...


7. 带你了解七号矿场经济模型

... is possible to deduct the pledged FIL as punishment, and they must bear the gas burning fee in the Internet, so that IPFS can participate for a long time.作为一种矿币,Filecoin的投资者可以通过二级市场购买以及挖矿的方式参与。二级市场购入是最简单便捷的方式,但需要投资者具备一定的投资和分析能力,并且对加密市场有一定程度的...


8. 创始人不当行为、波动性和反身性——DeFi Chronicles

...去几天,MIM 一直低于 1 美元,但正在复苏。https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/magic-internet-money根据 Coingecko 的说法,过去 7 天 MIM 供应量下降了 17%。自四府事件以来,MIM 供应量下降了 17%。https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/magic-internet-money关于 MIM 为何倾销的一些理论已经出现,包括像 Alameda Research 这样的大型机构清算 ...


9. 区块链大型巡回播放第218期“维护个人权益”

...des were destroyed, the system can still function normally, the contract information of the current Internet user is trampled on at will, the large scale data is changed at will, Nakamoto's design may be derived from a major invention of cryptographer Adam, internet spam, presumably we do not want to see, how to avoid or reduce the spam of this kind of advertising?Adam's solution is to use ?ASY's ...


10. 2021年将是涡轮蜂巢矿机爆发的一年

...值可期。In the future market of big data era, including blockchain, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc., Filecoin is a solid foundation for storage and retrieval, and real data storage is the real value of storage mining. In the data market, application landing must be an important part. Since the birth of IPFS (Interstellar File System), it has been used by at least 50 organiz...


11. 七号矿场分布式存储将成为全球焦点

...tary and promote each other, and together provide excellent solutions for decentralized distributed Internet. The number of Fil coins issued is 2 billion pieces, and it will take 60 years to dig them out by the 6-year halving mechanism, of which 15% are protocol laboratories, 5% are Fil foundations, 10% are venture capital institutions, and 70% are miners with 1.4 billion.协议实验室凭借着...


12. IPFS下的涡轮蜂巢矿机

...融、电视广播、医疗等。It is a trend that IPFS will become the underlying protocol of the Internet in the future, and it will shine brilliantly in various fields in the future. Including but not limited to manufacturing, education, finance, television broadcasting, medical care, etc.现阶段,全世界互联网技术储存需求仍处在持续增长情况。依据相关组织的预计...


13. What is the Nature of Blockchain?

...s mailing list" encrypted email system, referred to as "Cypherpunks". The goal was to fight against Internet emails that were monitored by the government. Eric Hughes advocated its mission and goals of Cypherpunks in A Cypherpunk's Manifesto: "Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age.We the Cypherpunks are dedicated to building anonymous systems. We are defending our privacy ...


14. 9月25日16:00R网首席大客户经理Dora小姐姐邀请到AVF基金会理事长Martin

...ure in the market.Another core competitiveness of COO is that it has a group of teams familiar with Internet and blockchain products and Japanese culture and entertainment industry. The co-founder of the team has been deeply involved in Japanese cultural industry for 20 years, organizing star endorsement and Platform China joy and as, as well as project managers and product managers who havedevelo...


15. Reddit: 教你如何在Twitch上使用狗狗币doge打赏

...er with the name of the Viewer you would like to tip.   如何存币?(How do I withdraw coins)   Many answer:   To withdraw coins from your account, on your dashboard, you will see withdraw Simply click this and follow on screen directions   Note: dogetipbot uses coins from multiple input addresses to handle withdrawals. This means that transaction records of ...
