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bitcoin china

1. 书写中国:卡普伦《细谈比特币》(中英对译)

  Writing China: 'Chomping at the Bitcoin,' Zennon Kapron   书写中国:卡普伦《细谈比特币》   Bitcoin, the virtual currency that has attracted attention all over the world, has had a tough battle in China.   引发了全世界关注的虚拟货币--比特币,在中国的日子并不好过。   Last May, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV air...


2. Bitcoin Isn’t Down Because of China, It’s Down Because You Don’t Need It

...me utility is not as imminent as buyers thought it would be. This is most obvious with King Crypto, bitcoin, whose purported use-case as a store of value is not looking very compelling. The risk-reward in bitcoin has always been an extreme one, which is why its biggest proponents/salespeople assigned astronomic price targets to it. Widespread adoption is an extremely low-probability event with an...


3. 中国从潜在禁令清单中挖矿

...活动评测员Dovey Wan指出了对中国禁止挖矿的恐惧的差异: China: We plan to ban Bitcoin mining ????CT: Huge risk to Bitcoin ???? China: We plan to embrace Bitcoin mining ????CT: Huge risk to Bitcoin ???? China: ???????????? Dovey 以德服人 Wan ???? ???? (@DoveyWan) November 6, 2019 总体而言,加密货币社交媒体也批评中国挖矿业,实际上是在超越BTC网...


4. 您应该关注的7个Cryptocurrency Instagram帐户

...ponse. All this inspires inflation concerns around the globe, which appear to be driving demand for bitcoin (BTC) in some corners. “The non-stop quantitative easing process will finally impact the mid-term and long-term market,” said Danny Deng, a leading member of both the China Blockchain Application Center and the National Internet Finance Association of China. “Bitcoin is designed for th...


5. 一款比特币钱包在App Store的审核经历

... 1. we need access to a video that demonstrates your app in use   2. Can the user perform Bitcoin transaction within the app   看到这两点要求,小伙伴们都很激动,毕竟没有直接就给咔嚓了,问问题、要东西,那就是还有戏。   第二个问题很简单,我们回答了Yes,我们做的是比特币钱包,能发送和接收比特币...


6. 闲聊比特纪念币 实物比特币纪念币



7. 再谈比特币纪念币在国内的发展现状及未来

...并客观分析了当时行业方兴未艾,一片繁荣的景象。   在淘宝网搜索bitcoin纪念币曾经一度有140多个比特币纪念币产品出售,30多个卖家陆续参与这场火爆的淘金热。时隔半年,随着比特币热潮冷却,淘宝网搜索bitcoin纪念币,虽然产品数量上升至296件,但是成交量却寥寥无几了。   前文提及...


8. Theriseofthecryptocurrencymarket,Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?

The recent digital currency exchanges are so lively. Under the influence of the Bitcoin bull market, the platform coins of various exchanges have begun a very powerful charge. Among them, the platform currencies of mainstream Bitcoin exchanges have performed well. Relying on the influence accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, t...


9. Whatshouldnewbitcoininvestorspayattentionto?Ofcoursetheexchange

At present, more and more countries and institutions have recognized that Bitcoin is a very good alternative investment solution. People have also witnessed Bitcoin's four times tenfold feat. Since its birth, Bitcoin has entered people's sight at a high price in just a few short years of events. More and more people have noticed Bitcoin, and more and more people want to join the Bitcoin investment...


10. Whichcryptoexchangetokenisthebest?Takealookatthelistdata

The recent digital currency exchanges are so lively. Under the influence of the Bitcoin bull market, the platform coins of various exchanges have begun a very powerful charge. Among them, the platform currencies of mainstream Bitcoin exchanges have performed well. Relying on the influence accumulated under its own long-term operation, together with some of their respective high-quality services, t...


11. 数据分析:71%的比特币交易量是采用人民币来交易

...推特,披露过去30天71%的比特币交易来自于人民币(CNY)的市场,数据分析来源bitcoinity。排名第二位的是美元市场,第三位是欧元。   Did you know 71% of #Bitcoin trades in past 30 days occurred in the #CNY market Chart via bitcoinity http://t.co/MY3zwvX44D    BTC China (@btcchina) September 5, 2014   为了更好地说明中国对比...


12. 香港经济日报:比特币中国与政府猫捉老鼠

  中央政府大力打压比特币(Bitcoin),一度是全球最大比特币交易平台的比特币中国,其创办人李启元接受专访时形容自己在和政府玩猫捉老鼠游戏,不断找方法继续交易。   交易平台比特币中国(BTC China)创办人兼行政总裁李启元强调,买卖比特币在中国是合法的。(梁伟荣摄)   他透露...


13. Gate.io交易所否认关闭指控

...s tightened its cryptocurrency rhetoric and is closing down illegal exchanges. The Chinese can sell Bitcoin while there are loopholes left. What rich rulers do with Bitcoin. You won’t defeat us !!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/BGHFGiOpCi Sergey Balakin (@SaorSIBrokerRob) November 26, 2019 但是,这种局限性使得火币等大型市场无法幸免。相反,中国更加密货币切地关注直...


14. DCEP即将面世,这对中国有何影响?

原文戳这里(????)=?Bitcoin - China's digital Yuan close to launching - Wallet Application picture revealed on social media. China's Bitcoin-standard option.让我们马上展示今天大家都在谈论的图片:中国数字货币钱包应用程序的图片最先由币安全球法币并购执行董事张玲分享。据报道,这张照片随后被币安的CEO赵长鹏转发,消息传开了...


15. 比特币通史:97 张图详述比特币 12 年发展轨迹

...「唱多」比特币来对抗美元贬值已成为不可避免的趋势。2008 年 8 月 18 日:bitcoin.org 域名被注册。2008 年 10 月 31 日:中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)在 metzdowd.com (密码朋克)网站的邮件列表中发表了一篇论文,题为《比特币:一种点对点式的电子现金系统》(Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System),即:比特...
