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1. 七号矿场在物联网下的优势

...构建数据价值流转的新生态,让每个人完全掌控自己的身份、资产和数据,挖矿机制开放、透明、可信、自动化。应用手机去中心化APP七号矿场,快速开启挖矿生态模型。让全球54亿手机用户都能有机会挖出FIL。致力于推动IPFS加速全球共识,让FIL更加有价值。Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation...


2. 「 比特派AMA」Helium-当物联网遇见区块链直播回顾

...之,我们希望有越来越多的人使用我们的网络。比特派CMO 孔维国使用hotspot挖矿每天平均能产生多少hnt,这一数字会随着hotspot数量上升而下降吗How many HNT we can expect from a single hotspot per day. Will it able to keep the curve flat while new hotspots are being deployed continuously?Helium COO Frank(孟繁荣)Today, with over 4,300 Hotspots on th...


3. 专访 Helium 孟繁荣:去中心化物联网难点与商业探索之路

...,我们希望有越来越多的人使用我们的网络。比特派 CMO 孔维国 使用 hotspot 挖矿每天平均能产生多少 hnt, 这一数字会随着 hotspot 数量上升而下降吗 How many HNT we can expect from a single hotspot per day. Will it able to keep the curve flat while new hotspots are being deployed continuously?Helium COO Frank (孟繁荣) Today, with over 4,300 Hotspo...


4. DeeperNetwork为Web3.0打造去中心化的基础设施

引言Deeper Network的经济设计可以激励用户加入网络以得到挖矿奖励,同时,用户加入网络越多,安全性就越高。这会形成一个正循环,并可以很自然地扩展网络。以下为AMA全文Audrey:I'm today's host Audrey,Welcome Eric and Chao ma . It's nice to meet you here!Eric ma:Hello everyone. I heard there's an AMA here today :)Audrey:Today we...


5. PunkNetwork’ssmartcontractSuccessfullyAuditedByCertiK

...n. In this spotlight, we elaborate on the scope of the audit, as well as present some of the issues found during the auditing process.Code Review & Auditing ProcessThe initial review was conducted by CertiK security engineers Alex Papageorgiou, and Angelos Apostolidis.This report represents the results of CertiK's engagement with Punk Network’s implementation of their $PUNK?token smart contract....


6. 【第268期】“万物联网难题”&“行情解读”

...alization of smartphones, by 2007, APPLE'S IPHONE 4 had really taken the smartphone by storm. These devices share a number of features, such as sensing, measurement, communication, positioning, monitoring, identification, and other new technologies that allow all devices to interact together. These devices communicate with each other, and the Internet allows these devices to expand and evolve, so ...


7. 如何在Filecoin测试网进行存储挖矿?

...-owner=t3spmep2xxsl33o4gxk7yjxcobyohzgj3vejzerug25iinbznpzob6a6kexcbeix73th6vjtzfq7boakfdtd6a<h2>3. 挖矿</h2>● 用下面的命令开始挖矿:lotus-storage-miner run如果要下载Filecoin证明参数(Proof Parameters),则下载可能需要一些时间。如果你位于中国,则可以尝试官方的的JD Cloud CDN(JD的CDN服务,压缩文件很大,链接地址如下:)https...


8. 科普 | 如何在Filecoin测试网进行存储挖矿?

...了一篇如何加入测试网的科普文章,点击查看《科普 | 最全的Filecoin测试网挖矿步骤解析》,今天我们为大家带来第二篇分享,如何进行存储挖矿。开始前,请确保你符合硬件规格,并最好已加入了测试网。注意:在矿机运行时,将有许多警告和错误日志。1. 开始添加矿机请使用以下命令确保你的钱包...


9. 去中心化存储项目Filecoin第二阶段测试网正式开启重置

...表示,由于网络拥堵严重,大部分矿工无法生成钱包地址,因此未开始进行挖矿,Filscan 浏览器提示「半小时内无区块产出(No block found in latest 30min)」。据律动此前报道,Filecoin 在 5 月 15 日首次启动二阶段测试,当天出现测试网出块仍在继续但区块链浏览器数据不同步情况。本次测试网第二阶段主要...


10. 7号矿场-未来发展趋势

...法来确保数据的安全和有效存储。因此,普通的家用电脑难以满足Filecoin的挖矿需求。IPFS is an open source decentralized network protocol, which allows users to store and transmit verifiable content-addressed data in peer-to-peer networks. Although IPFS is an excellent tool to save data, it is only a network protocol. It is difficult for ordinary users to save data for...


11. BigBang Core | 生态周报-第二十八期

...on (completed)Revenue sharing function (completed)社群活动6月18日,PockMine第四期“托管挖矿”开启。30万BBC额度在开启后1分钟内即被抢光。目前平台累计托管80万BBC。PockMine不仅为用户提供简单便捷、安全可靠的数字资产存储服务,更在为实现用户资产稳健增长而努力。On June 18, the fourth phase of PockMine "Hosted Mining" wa...


12. VGC币VirtualGameCoin的项目规划1、手机挖矿(空投)2、电脑节点挖矿VGC是属于全人



13. 七号矿场分布式存储将成为全球焦点

...构建数据价值流转的新生态,让每个人完全掌控自己的身份、资产和数据,挖矿机制开放、透明、可信、自动化。应用手机去中心化APP七号矿场,快速开启挖矿生态模型。让全球54亿手机用户都能有机会挖出FIL。致力于推动IPFS加速全球共识,让FIL更加有价值。Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation...


14. 站在Web3.0的大门口DeeperNetwork构建去中心化互联网

...r mining incentive which 60% of our allocation is reserved for, will take 50 years to mine.我们的挖矿奖励,其中60%的分配是预留的,将需要50年的开采。Under the Proof of Credit algorithm, users mine by donating their unused bandwidth to the network and other users will buy that extra bandwidth (at a very low cost) to improve their internet using DPR. Contributing to the netw...


15. 保持Pinetwork钱包安全的基本步骤

...并保护您的资金。1.Start with a Secure Foundation for Your Wallet Private Key!Make sure your device is free of any malware and never install Pi Network App onto a rooted device. To make sure you are always using an authentic version of Pi Network App, you should download the App exclusively from the links provided on our website: minepi.com or go to Google play store/ Apple store to downloa...
