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1. mina已经到账了,但取出来还是有技巧的。详细步骤请进来。

...s by keeping MINA in your CoinList Wallet. Once you deposit MINA into your CoinList Wallet, you are automatically opted into staking rewards. There is no action on your end required to participate, but you may opt-out of staking rewards on CoinList at any time by sending us an email at [email protected]. 我如何获得米娜权益奖励CoinList上?当您存入或购买MINA或CoinList时,您可...


2. 区块链大型巡回播放【第37期】#智能合约作物保险# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点

...le intelligent contract, contract transaction, contract participants, contract resource collection, automatic state machine and so on are always executed according to the prior rules.You can use weather conditions as data to create an intelligent financial derivative crop insurance contract. Under the intelligent crop insurance contract, automatic claims are enforced automatically, and users can a...


3. BitBay发布钱包更新

...自己的 privkey 一起运作   强制钱包更新 (版本.   - Windows Automatic Installer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ysbxbxumyvcs535/BitBay-Automatic-   - Windows Manual Install: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6ea20i9fa64lftf/BitBay-Manual-   - Mac Installer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hdi7e7y4gjkvh93/bitbay-qt-1.0...


4. ATR打造娱乐挖矿体系,开启IPFS时代的财富之路

Automatic revenue(ATR)基于区块链解决了游戏娱乐类行业的公正问题,也通过双重挖矿模式解决了行业的循环体系Automatic revenue(ATR)基于区块链解决了游戏娱乐类行业的公正问题,也通过双重挖矿模式解决了行业的循环体系,从而打通游戏娱乐类的整个生态,又根据最近比较热点的分布式存储挖矿(IPFS)理...


5. 新一代ipfs挖矿协议ATR已开启创世股东线招募

据官方消息,Automatic revenue (ATR)已开启创世股东线招幕,目前第一期创世股东线(0.18U)10条已结束,第二期创世股东线正在火爆招募中。Automatic revenue (ATR)是全球首个兼容ipfs分布式存储保底挖矿的娱乐类挖矿项目,旨在让更多人参与到本次ipfs分布式存储挖矿盛况中,也让娱乐类app项目焕发新生。...


6. I'llpayforyour“zerocoin”

...ocked, and there are two ways to unlock it:① When the transaction volume reaches 6000u, it can be automatically unlocked.② Log in to the exchange continuously for 2 weeks every day, which can automatically unlock.Time: from January 19, 2021 to January 25, 2012Website link:https://www.sbits.io/


7. 新手一起学习区块链(一)

...这个生成过程被认为是难以重现和proof of work的。解决问题后得到的回报是 automatically adjusted,因此在比特币网络的头 4 年,将会产生总额为 10,500,000 BTC 的比特币。这个数量每隔 4 年就自动减半,也就是说在第 4 至第 8 年会产生 5,250,000 BTC,第 8 至 12 年则只有 2,625,000BTC,如此类推。到最后,总共产生的...


8. NKN双周报 2020年7月1日-15日

...载指南请参阅: nkn-commercial is an all-in-one mining software for NKN ecosystem. It will automatically run available services (e.g. NKN node, Tuna) and earn NKN token into your beneficiary address for all services. nkn-commercial will keep all services running and upgraded automatically. On most Linux distributions, nkn-commercial can install itself as a systemd service so that it can be ...


9. ENai intelligent brick

...ation and moving bricks (with time difference) first-in last-out in ethernet chain (block chain) to automatically buy and sell currency interest margin!As a whole, ENai is an intelligent brick moving quantization transaction system, and ENai has satisfied requirements of most investors, also, it will be updated according to change of environment. The system has completed spot transaction of multip...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放【第83期】#基于区块链技术保险# &“行情解读”

...echnology has commercial applications, and the BLOCKCHAIN + insurance field may be oriented towards automatic claims settlement insurance, what are the obvious benefits of this model?Through the intelligent contract technology of Blockchain, the insurance company can pay the claim automatically without waiting for the applicant to apply for settlement. For example, an airline may sign a delay insu...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放【第30期】#智能合约和传统合约的区别# &“行情解读”&“

...s that it's obviously very different from a traditional contract.Manual comparison: SMART Contracts automatically determine trigger conditions and enforce procedural commands; traditional contracts, however, require manual self determination to determine trigger conditions, and then offline communication, execution, and punctuality are inferior to smart contracts. In addition, the application scop...


12. 区块链大型巡回播放【第81期】#传统物联网# &“行情解读”

...cation service independently.For example, the air conditioner can call your navigation information, automatically adjust the temperature and humidity control, waiting for the arrival of the owner; the smart toilet can analyze the user's physical health, data analysis and automatic networking, thus the friendly reminds the user to pay attention to the health. In the traditional Internet of things, ...


13. 区块链大型巡回播放【第73期】#知识产权目前保护的难点# &“行情解读”

... accepted for half a year or even as long as a year, however, block-chain technology is implemented automatically through program Algorithm, information is stored on the shared account book, can not be arbitrarily tampered with, automatic comparison, as long as the rules are clear, the efficiency of safeguarding rights is very high.2、行情解读每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬...


14. 区块链大型巡回播放第222期“资产保护”

...nership review and circulation. The smart contract can effectively bind both parties, all terms are automatically programmed into the contract code, through the computer code to achieve and implement the results, just like the wechat small program, we set the rules, at the set point in time, for an automatic lottery.


15. NewB.FarmInCollaborationWithApeSwapHasOfficiallyLaunched3Vaults

...ults. The vaults will provide farmers the opportunity to stake dual currency to reap triple rewards automatically.Farmers who stake in any of the three?vaults below will enjoy income from the two staked currencies as well as earn NewB coins.VAULT 1:BANANA-BNBVAULT 2.:BANANA-BUSDVAULT 3:NEWB-BNB (Available on 9th?July)So, if a farmer stakes BANANA-BNB dual-currency in the vault, the farme...
