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1. 如何使用 Travis CI 提升 Github上项目开发的效率与自动化?

... install: 安装一些必要的依赖 script: 执行构建脚本 你也可以在安装依赖之前(before_install),执行构建脚本之前(before_script)或之后(after_script)执行一些自定义命令。你也可以在构建成功或失败后执行相应的自定义命令。 完整的生命周期如下: (可选的) 安装 apt addons (可选的) 安装 cache components before_install ins...


2. 圆满举办2019 COSBALL Leaders seminar Ver.2“发现新大陆”

...问委任仪式等。在接下来活动的第二部中,进行的新产品发布会上,展示了Before The COSBALL的3种新产品。Before The COSBALL是没有添加一滴纯净水,以黄连解毒水天然原液作为基础成分,Ectoin(依克多因)为主要原料,通过属于COSBALL的特殊制造工法独自开发出来的产品,对于改善皱纹和增加皮肤弹性有着卓...


3. Will Bitcoin Reach $4200 Before Stabilizing at $6900?

2 As the year nears its end, some analysts are giving bleak predictions about the price of Bitcoin. Earlier in Nov, Bitcoin had seemingly reached its bottom and some expected new highs by the end of the year; however, the price of the cryptocurrency never picked up the pace as was expected. Now, it seems that a bearish future is upon the cryptocurrency market given the worrying trend some anal...


4. 加密货币Analyst Calls 991% Bitcoin (BTC) Boom Conservative, Forecasts Future of XRP, Litecoin, Da

... like a second inning of a very long ball game. In other words, Bitcoin is likely to go much higher before this multi-year wave is over. I’ve mentioned in?prior articles?why the current wave is likely to last several years, and could drive BTC’s price up to roughly $76-$100K, before the next bear market arrives. Conservatively speaking Bitcoin could be trading between $50K-$100K within the nex...


5. 挖矿巨头比特大陆将再次裁员50%

原文链接:https://cointelegraph.com/news/mining-giant-bitmain-may-lay-off-another-50-of-staff-before-btc-halving文章标题: Mining Giant Bitmain May Lay Off Another 50% of Staff Before BTC Halving译者:NO抱怨姐文章内容不构成任何投资建议,请读者自行斟酌。以下为译文:加密币挖矿巨头比特大陆据报道有计划削减另外的50%劳工。在12月2日,...


6. 印度央行重申对加密货币交易的主要关注点

...r,blockquote:after{position:absolute;content:" \300D";right:6px;bottom:12px;color:#333}.new_summary:before,blockquote.before{position:absolute;content:" \300D";top:10px;left:2px;transform:rotate(180deg);color:#333}#postlist .post-content p{font-weight:400;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;color:#333;font-family:open sans,PingFang SC,Lantinghei SC,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Microsoft YaHei,s...


7. 摩根大通CEO警告投资者“要当心加密货币”

...r,blockquote:after{position:absolute;content:" \300D";right:6px;bottom:12px;color:#333}.new_summary:before,blockquote.before{position:absolute;content:" \300D";top:10px;left:2px;transform:rotate(180deg);color:#333}#postlist .post-content p{font-weight:400;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;color:#333;font-family:open sans,PingFang SC,Lantinghei SC,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Microsoft YaHei,s...


8. 不到48小时,直到有史以来第一次溶解神-皮肤

...} .pagg1imgimage {position:static; box-shadow:#000 0 0 0; user-select:none;}))> span:before {content:'?';} .pgg_cg0button下一个> span:之前{content:'?';} .pgg_cg0buttonNext {cursor:pointerimportant;} .pgg_cg0 ul {position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:0; right:0; text-align:center; color:#D0CFCDimportant;} .pgg_cg0 li {padding:0 5px; display...


9. P成Chia格式还是MASS格式?MASS硬分叉的公平性分析



10. Reddit推出基于以太坊的Moon代币

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...


11. 荷兰央行:加密货币公司注册的最后期限到了

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...


12. 三星推出全球首款5G区域链智能手机 5月15日预售

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...


13. 特朗普说了这句话之后,比特币又涨了

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...


14. 科技巨头敦促美国国防部使用区块链技术

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...


15. 以太坊突破200美元,恢复周日闪电崩盘前水平

...y:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transform: rotate(180deg); color: #333; } blockquote{} /*add 20200330 */ #postlist .post-content p{ /*line-height:1.6rem; text-align:justify; font-family: "PingFang SC";*/ font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: 0.5p...
