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RSK CEO 吴明洋 做客力场,与场东问答互动

2020-03-11 RSKCommunity 来源:火星财经


关于RSK :

RSK智能合约网络是比特币网络保护的第一个通用智能合约平台,是世界上最安全的智能合约平台,其支持可持续的链上扩容。RSK基础架构框架开放标准(RIF OS)是一套开放和分散的基础架构协议,可在统一环境中实现分布式应用程序(dApp)的更快,更轻松和可扩展的开发。通过RSK网络开发的RIF服务可以使dapp更加安全,简便的开发。目前RIF服务包括目录、支付、存储、通信和数据服务。




RIF作为RSK的代币,目前可在mxc、bitfinex、coinbene、kucoin、bithumb、ethfinex、hotbit交易所进行交易。当前价位约为 0.4 人民币。


主持人:在本次线上直播中,我们请到了Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar吴明洋先生来分享。

这次的直播我们收集到了一些场东对RSK感兴趣的话题,下面我们进行问答环节,请MR Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar为我们揭开RSK神秘的面纱吧!




主持人问:RSK has already crossed from Bitcoin to Ethereum. Will RSK access more public chains in the future? What is RSK planning to do next?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:Absolutelly a key element of our vision for RSK and RIF is the creation of the Internet of Value, a network of networks for the store and transfer of value. By interconnecting the two major networks (Bitcoin & Ethereum) we are bringing the Internet of Value to life and we will continue to interconnect all the important Blockchains both private and public.


主持人问:看到RSK已经从比特链跨越到以太坊,以后RSK会不会接入至更多的主流公链? RSK下一步准备打算做什么?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:我们对RSK和RIF愿景的一个关键要素就是创造价值互联网,一个储存和转移价值的网络。通过互联两个主要网络(比特币和以太坊),我们将把互联网的价值带到生活中,我们使价值互联网可以相互连接,将继续将所有重要的私有链和公共链进行相互连通。



主持人问:1. When will MOC be officially launched on RSK? 2. How is RSK doing in Japan?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK答 :Q2: MoneyOnChain.com protocol launched at the end of last year on RSK and create DoC (Dollar on Chain) the first stable asset backed by Bitcoin and soon it will launch rDoC (RIF backed Dollar on Chain.

Our presence in Japan is limited yet but we have integrated with one of the most prestigious exchanges in Japán, Liquid, and we are looking for partnerships to grow our ecosystem there.


主持人问:1、MOC在RSK上的DeFi产品何时正式推出? 2、RSK在日本合作项目进行的怎么样了?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:MoneyOnChain.com协议于去年年底在RSK上发布,并创建了第一个由比特币支持的稳定资产DoC(链上美元稳定资产(Dollar on Chain)),不久它将推出rDoC(由RIF支持的Dollar on Chain)。




主持人问:Since RSK is fully compatible with ETH's virtual machine, how will the upgrade of ETH2.0 affect the future development of RSK? Will many projects that believe in the PoW consensus move to the RSK platform?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答 :When we started RSK we did it because we wanted to bring together the best of Bitcoin (the safest network, the most accepted cryptocurrency of the world) with the flexibility of Ethereum and its amazing Developers community. We think that the Ethereum move to ETH 2.0 has some serious risks (like change in the current economic model as Ethereum miners will be left out and the new security model needs to be tested) and also will take time to migrate all the value currently in Ethereum to the new network.

With the RSK-Ethereum bridge we just launched all Dapps in Ethereum can easily move to RSK until the things get stable again in the Ethereum ecosystem and then decide if they want to go back or stay in RSK and be secured by the Bitcoin Network. Indeed many Ethereum projects are already reaching out to also deploy their Dapps in RSK both as a backup system and to participate on the new economy that is being created.



Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答 :当我们创办RSK的时候,我们之所以这么做是因为我们想把最好的比特币(最安全的网络,世界上最被接受的加密货币)与及其令人惊叹的开发者社区的灵活性结合在一起。我们认为Ethereum迁移到ETH2.0存在一些风险(如改变当前的经济模型Ethereum矿工将离开,新的安全模型需要测试),并且将需要花费时间来迁移当前的所有价值到新网络。




主持人问:What advantages does RSK have over Ethereum?What are the advantages of RSK over other Bitcoin cross-chain solutions?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答: The main advantage of RSK is its synergy with Bitcoin. By being merge mined with Bitcoin (currently between 40% and 60% of the Bitcoin miners protect both Bitcoin and RSK) it inherits its security without creating additional energy or hardware investment cost. I also provides additional economic incentives to Bitcoin miners that can now profit from processing smart contracts and DeFi solutions. In this way if Bitcoin grows RSK becomes stronger and viceversa.

Also in RSK we are implementing solutions to the bottlenecks that Ethereum already hit. Last year we implemented Unitrie that makes account and world state handling much more efficient and this year we are implementing storage rent (this avoid the bloating of the world state that is crawling Ethereum today), parallel processing (this can improve transaction processing capacity by 8 times) and onchain compression protocols to optimize the size of the Blockchain. You can read more about our scalability strategy here: https://blog.rsk.co/noticia/towards-higher-onchain-scalability-with-the-unitrie/

Regarding other Bitcoin sidechains RSK is the only one that is PoW based and merge mined with Bitcoin. So from an economical security perspective RSK is the safest network after Bitcoin.


主持人问:RSK相对于以太坊有什么优势? RSK侧链与其他比特币跨链方案有什么优势?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:RSK的主要优势是与比特币的协同作用。通过与比特币合并开采(目前有40%至60%的比特币矿工同时保护比特币和RSK),它继承了比特币的安全性而不会产生额外的能源或硬件投资成本。我还为比特币矿工提供了额外的经济激励措施,使他们现在可以从处理智能合约和DeFi解决方案中获利。这样,如果比特币增长,RSK就会变得更强大,反之亦然。





主持人问:How do you view the bitcoin halving market? What is the impact of BTC halving on RSK?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:I think from a price perspective Bitcoin halving is already accounted for although is a discussion topic that creates a lot of conversations in the news so it might bring new buyers to Bitcoin. From miners and users perspective the halving is very important. For miners because by reducing the reward they get from newly minted bitcoins by half, some mining operations might became unprofitable and will shutdown. For users is important because that reduction of income for miners will eventually result in higher transactions fees. That's why we think RSK is so important, a bitcoin transaction on RSK costs 8 cents of renmibi and all the additional activity on RSK wil bring more revenue to Bitcoin miners minimizing the impact on Bitcoin transactions fees.



Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:从价格的角度来看,我认为比特币减半行情已经在新闻中引起了很多热议,因此可能会吸引新的用户加入购买比特币。 从矿工和用户的角度来看,减半非常重要, 对于矿工来说,由于将他们从新挖的比特币中获得的报酬降低了一半,因此某些采矿业务可能变得无利可图,并将关闭。 对用户来说很重要,因为减少矿工的收入最终将导致更高的交易费用。 这就是为什么我们认为RSK如此重要,在RSK上进行比特币交易要花费8分的人民币,而在RSK上进行的所有其他活动都会为比特币矿工带来更多收入,从而最大程度地减少对比特币交易费的影响。



主持人问:How well does RSK add value and utility to the bitcoin ecosystem? Could you please give some practical examples?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答: One of the most important contributions of RSK to the Bitcoin ecosystem is to bring all the decentralized finance applications (DeFi) that exist on Ethereum to Bitcoin.

Some great examples of that are:

- MoneyOnChain (MoC) that created DollarOnChain (DoC) an equivalent to DAI from MakerDAO but collateralized with bitcoin. One interesting thing about MoC is that you can buy DoC with BTC in the smart contract and you can sell your DoC to the smart contract back for BTC at anytime. Every DoC is backed by 4 to 5 times its value in BTC.

- Koibanx that created a system for one of the major banks in Colombia and they created a colombian peso on RSK technology, they also created a currency for a municipality in Argentina to incentivize recycling.

- dexFreight created a logistics platform that manages truck shipments in the US and saves truck companies a lot of money by streamlining the process.

All this use cases wouldn't be possible on Bitcoin without RSK.


主持人问:RSK 为比特币生态系统增加价值和实用性,这方面做的怎样了,可以举一些实际的例子吗?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK 答:RSK对比特币生态系统的最重要贡献之一就是将以太坊上存在的所有去中心化金融应用程序(DeFi)引入比特币。


-MoneyOnChain(MoC),其创建了DollarOnChain(DoC),其等同于MakerDAO的DAI,但抵押了比特币。 关于MoC的一件有趣的事情是,您可以在智能合约中购买带有BTC的DoC,并且可以随时将您的DoC卖给智能合约以返回BTC。 每个DoC都有其BTC价值的4至5倍。



没有RSK,所有这些用例在比特币上都是不可能实现的,不仅对比特币而且对以太坊和所有其他加密货币来说,另一个非常重要的元素是,通过RIF(RSK基础架构框架),我们带来了P2P互联网基础架构,该基础设施可以扩展区块链以服务亿万用户。 RIF具有分散的数据存储,离线支付处理,预言机市场和安全的通信协议。 所有这些都围绕着一个运行在RSK上的开放共享经济引擎。



Cindy提问:How does RSK view the Chinese market and Chinese fans?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK :Dear Cindy we have been engaging with the Chinese community since 2016 and we think China is one of the most promising places for our technology that why we continuosly grow and nurture our Chinese community.



Diego 吴明洋| RSK :自2016年以来,我们一直与华人社区互动,我们认为中国是我们技术最有希望的地方之一,这也是为什么我们持续发展和培育华人社区的原因。


毛毛阿纪丶提问:In the bull market, bitcoin will be very congested, resulting in a lot of fee increases. Will RSK effectively solve this problem?

Diego 吴明洋| RSK :Absolutely RSK can process up to 100 transactions (tps) per second in its current state and with all the improvements we have planned it can reach 2000 tps in a sustainable way when you combine that with the offchain RIF Payment protocols you can reach 50/100 times the onchain capacity and process tens of thousands of transactions per second. The cost of a transaction in RSK is currently 8 cents renminbi and is a fraction of that when you use RIF Payment protocols.



Diego 吴明洋| RSK :RSK可以在当前状态下每秒处理多达100笔交易(tps),我们计划的改进可以达到2000 tps时以可持续的方式结合,随着offchain RIF付款协议可以达到50/100乘以onchain能力和处理成千上万的每秒交易量。 在RSK进行交易的成本目前为8分人民币,与使用RIF支付协议的成本相比只是九牛一毛。



直播结束,非常感谢Diego Gutierrez Zaldivar的回答,相信大家了解到很多关于RSK的技术和生态方面的内容。


原文标题:RSK CEO 吴明洋 做客力场,与场东问答互动




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