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2020-04-20 GSL環球通證 来源:区块链网络

Vitalik Buterin Reveals Ethereum 2.0 Roadmap to Cointelegraph

Vitalik Buterin向以太坊發佈以太坊2.0路線圖

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin discussed plans for Ethereum 2.0 during an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph on Feb.19 at the Stanford Blockchain Conference. Buterin explained that the major development for ETH 2.0 over the course of this year is the launch of Phase 0. He said:

以太坊聯合創始人Vitalik Buterin于2月19日在斯坦福區塊鏈會議上接受Cointelegraph的獨家採訪時討論了以太坊2.0的計劃。Buterin解釋說,ETH 2.0在今年的主要發展是階段0的啟動。他說:

“Phase 0 is the first phase of the Ethereum 2.0 launch. This will release the proof-of-stake network, which will come online this year.”


While the official launch date of Phase 0 is still unknown, Buterin explained that Phase 0 is close to having a multi-client testnet and audits of the existing code. He noted:


“A lot of optimization is currently underway with Phase 0, which we will continue to refine over the next few months.”


Ethereum 2.0 roadmap


Following the launch of Phase 0, Buterin stated that ETH 2.0 will begin as an independent PoS network. He explained that the purpose behind this is to allow the PoS system to start off slowly in order to prove its capabilities over time. He explained, “Ethereum 2.0 will start with no applications and will have a small number of validators.”

在第0階段啟動後,Buterin表示ETH 2.0將作為一個獨立的PoS網絡開始。他解釋說,這樣做的目的是允許PoS系統緩慢啟動,以便隨著時間的推移證明其功能。他解釋說:“以太坊2.0將從沒有任何應用程序開始,並且將具有少量驗證程序。”

Buterin noted that Phase 1 of ETH 2.0 will launch next, which will enable sharding. According to a blog post from ETH 2.0 testnet client PrysmaticLabs, ETH 2.0 will contain a central blockchain known as the Beacon Chain. This will coordinate all 64 sidechains called shards.

Buterin指出,ETH 2.0的第一階段將在接下來啟動,這將使分片成為可能。根據ETH 2.0測試網客戶Prysmatic Labs的博客文章,ETH 2.0將包含一個稱為信標鏈的中央區塊鏈。這將協調稱為碎片的所有64個側鏈。

The post explains that every shard will act as a full PoS system,containing an independent piece of state and transaction history. Instead of processing all network transactions, each node will only process transactions for a certain shard.


If implemented correctly,,sharding would provide a solution for Ethereum’s scalability problem without compromising the network’s security and decentralized nature. Buterin noted that once the ETH 2.0 network becomes fully robust,Ethereum 1.0 will merge into the 2.0 system, completing the transition.

如果實施正確,分片將為以太坊的可擴展性問題提供解決方案,而不會損害網絡的安全性和分散性。?Buterin指出,一旦ETH 2.0網絡變得完全健壯,以太坊1.0將合併到2.0系統中,從而完成過渡。

Staking concerns


Ethereum 2.0’s development team held an “ask me anything” sessionon Reddit on Feb. 5. Cointelegraph reported that during the event, the primary concern from the Ethereum community was the transition to a PoS system. As a PoS network,asset holders are rewarded for pledging their coin holdings to protect and validate the network. ETH 2.0 will require 32 Ether (ETH) to participate as avalidator.

以太坊2.0的開發團隊於2月5日在Reddit舉行了“問我什麼”會議。Cointelegraph報道,在活動期間,以太坊社區的主要關注是向PoS系統的過渡。作為PoS網絡,資產持有人因抵押其硬幣來保護和驗證網絡而獲得獎勵。?ETH 2.0將需要32個以太坊(ETH)作為驗證者。

Additionally, one user noted during the AMA that the increasing wealth disparity seen in a staking model could potentially reward the wealthy for having more money. However, Danny Ryan from the Ethereum Foundation argued thatPoS systems are fairer than proof-of-work systems. He said:

此外,一位用戶在AMA期間指出,在抵押模型中看到的日益增加的貧富懸殊可能會為富人擁有更多的錢而給予回報。但是,以太坊基金會的Danny Ryan認為PoS系統比工作量證明系統更公平。他說:

“In both cases,the owning of an asset allows for seeking gains on that asset. The difference between the two is that in PoS, the mapping of capital to gains is much moredirect and fair.”


Are new scaling solutions creating less urgency for ETH 2.0?

新的擴展解決方案是否降低了ETH 2.0的緊迫性?

Buterin also noted that while ETH 2.0 is being tested and developed, news caling solutions are being created that are compatible with Ethereum and capable of solving some of its main challenges. For instance, “Optimistic Rollups” are second layer constructions that enable smart contracts to scale.

Buterin還指出,在測試和開發ETH 2.0的同時,正在創建與以太坊兼容並能夠解決其一些主要挑戰的新擴展解決方案。例如,“樂觀匯總”是使智能合約能夠擴展的第二層結構。

Co-founder and chief scientist at Offchain Labs, Edward Felten, told Cointelegraph that its product, Arbitrum Rollup, is now live on the testnet. Arbitrum is the first Rollup system for general smart contracts. Felten explained:

Offchain Labs的聯合創始人兼首席科學家Edward Felten告訴Cointelegraph,其產品Arbitrum Rollup現在可以在測試網上使用。?Arbitrum是第一個用於一般智能合約的匯總系統。費爾滕解釋說:

“Offchain Labs is trying to scale up and improve the performance and lower the cost of smart contracts on Ethereum in a way that is compatible with existing Ethereum blockchains.”

“ Offchain Labs正在嘗試以與現有以太坊區塊鏈兼容的方式擴大並提高以太坊智能合約的性能並降低其成本。”

According to Felten, the legacy applications written as Solidity smart contracts can be fed into the Arbitrum tool chain. This creates a custom sidechain for developer applications, yet security for these applications is anchored on the Ethereum mainchain. He said:


“There is a group of participants in the application that will work together to advance the application. However, this will be checked on the Ethereum mainchain, ensuring that security is anchored there. We move almost all the work off the mainchaininto the participants application, which are really just regular computers that are not part of the Ethereum chain.”


Felten also made it clear that Offchain Labs is not competing with Ethereum, but rather offering a compatible second layer solution to solve performance and scalability issues. When asked if asolution like ETH 2.0 is needed with Arbitrum in place, Felten said:

Felten還明確表示,Offchain Labs不是與以太坊競爭,而是提供兼容的第二層解決方案來解決性能和可伸縮性問題。當被問及在安裝Arbitrum時是否需要類似ETH 2.0的解決方案時,Felten說:

“We hope that Ethereum 2.0 brings the expected benefits to Layer 2 solutions like ours, but we're not waiting around for that to happen.”



