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2020-04-26 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



In the search for credible Internet transactions, many inventors and scholars have redesigned Internet processes, because third parties are always there, even if God is the third party in the transaction, but the God particle exists like a God, it's still in the hands of other third parties. The current Internet infrastructure can not provide security, so security guards are critical to the operation of the Internet. By the time of the 2008 global financial crisis disaster, satoshi Nakamoto has launched the peer-to-peer currency system, the BITCOIN economy.

The release of Bitcoin was not organized or controlled by any local organization, and it was unprecedented for us to be able to trade freely and securely without a third party, the new space for privacy protectors and computer centric systems is a major breakthrough. It's an unprecedented trusted network, a bridge of trust between ordinary people, it provides us with a trusted trading platform, at the bottom it is open source, anyone can browse and use it, we can develop online trading tools, these users generate super data to form a super book, distributed storage allows it to be everywhere there is an internet.


