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2020-06-06 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




The development of the Internet has made the world refreshing. Networked enterprises have advantages such as open innovation and flatness. It is very moving to place more emphasis on the fact that the Internet can change the hierarchical system of industrialization because of the explosion and effective transmission of information, we thought it was all open to democratisation, but the internet speeds up the acquisition of asymmetric information, like the ancient transmission of vital information by carrier pigeons, a process that takes a lot of time, but the speed at which the first line of information is now available is in a few seconds, and the top down management structure has not changed at all, so the era of people relying on data for profit is operating in an opaque way, the wheels of high speed industrialization are constantly crushing, some databases are leaking, and the people responsible are not taking too much responsibility, but are blaming hackers, once the Internet changed the company's search costs by quickly finding the right information sources, coordinating the work of these teams efficiently, and making it possible to sign electronic agreements online. There is no doubt that the Internet has saved companies a lot of transaction costs, people's Daily economic production activities have been expanded, barriers to entry into the economy have been removed, and many companies as non-value-producing third parties, it's a shame that the Internet has had little impact on the structure of the company, that there is a hierarchical structure within the company, and that top executives are overpaid, these far exceed the value they create, and the power and wealth they create are increasingly concentrated in large firms, which, when they have no real competitors, tend to overcharge, creating monopolies that seem to foster innovation in the short term, but the long-term harm to society, the company itself began to decline, innovation from the edge of the company, in these edge position, between the various companies for healthy competition, the blockchain itself is shaped so that no brand is needed to demonstrate credibility, the source code is open, and power can be shared among participants, not only by eliminating intermediary costs, but also by decentralizing economic power, this wealth of innovation creates another kind of prosperity.





第二篇章“ 摆地摊发家致富?”





