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2020-06-08 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




Niko introduced the concept of intelligent contracts in 1994. First, intelligent contracts were trading protocols that were processed by computers, because digital machines performed calculations much faster than humans, this is part of the reason that the AI field, or computer based intelligent contracts, are designed to reduce economic disputes, reduce the reliance on third party intermediaries, and reduce the transaction costs associated with deception, all the rules are in the smart contract. At the time, computers could only trade structured data, but with the development of technology, payment transactions can now be triggered. Most typically, the successful use of Bitcoin, once the two parties to the transaction have reached an agreement, the linked bitcoins are automatically traded, the rules are met, the parties to the transaction can not deny, it is clear that some products or technologies, early Kalanchoe Pinnata, no conditions, but as time goes on and the number of users increases, we'll see that the opportunity has come, and like the UGC platform, in the early days of blockchain 1.0, we were more focused on bitcoin transactions, but by now, more and more people are willing to join in the blockchain technology learning, so UGC content platform, everywhere. The technology used to execute smart contracts has been in existence for a long time. Before the execution of a contract, after the negotiation and confirmation of both parties, it is effective from the beginning of the transaction. The agreement reached by both parties to the transaction is legally guaranteed and the consideration is fixed, in addition, the decentralized settlement system built into the blockchain can better serve the financial transactions of various smart contracts, for example, party a transfers money through the blockchain, we can see the transaction on the chain, the same as party B's goods, we can also do chain verification and trust each other, so blockchain technology is also a machine of trust, as we talked about in the last section of the trust machine generation principle, if b offers to give information about the blockchain to a, in terms of trust, a might trust B, let's say the probability is 50% , and since B is offering to transmit information to a, the potential cost will increase over time and as the opportunity cost of fraud increases, the more historical interactions the data produces, the more likely it is that the cost of forgery will increase exponentially. If a sees B's blockchain data for 10 years and many people sign on to it, then a's trust in B will increase to 75% , this is the manufacturing machine of trust. So the intelligent contract is executed on the blockchain, transaction cost, third-party intermediary, automatic execution, trust basis and other attributes can be effectively guaranteed.







