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2020-06-15 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络

第一篇章 分布式应用的发展



Before blockchains, centralization controlled computing power, and decentralization versus centralization was weak centralization, because in reality, something truly decentralized might not exist, but even this weak centralisation can make a difference. In a centralised world, where almost all software is used on the user's computer, just as with mobile apps, you will find that there is never enough memory, so mobile phones are consumables, it's only with constant iteration that you'll be satisfied with your phone. Large companies such as U.S. steel will tend to rent computing power from suppliers, run their own APPS, and as technology advances, the software market becomes more diverse and lean, and some companies develop clients, other companies are developing server applications that serve people to share information and showcase themselves, from the original virtual network to cloud computing, where cloud computing stores and processes third party data, cloud computing saves companies a lot of money. Single storage and control can make data dangerous, as hacker intrusions can lead to unrecoverable crashes. For users, we have access, not control, and while our precious data is making a fortune, we may not know it, because they're peddling our data privacy, distributed applications ensure secure execution of smart contracts, cryptographic economies operate in support systems, a distributed application can run on multiple computers, and all the code and storage mechanisms can not be manipulated, as opposed to a single server running, a single point of failure or the loss of a hacked database, distributed applications on multiple computers can not be destroyed at the same time, for lack of storage memory, we can incentivize users to use unused space so they can store data more securely and cost effectively, and no one can access private data without your permission, perhaps someday, you find that your APP is running in someone else's space, but they don't have access to your data, so your phone's space is effectively freed up and your phone runs more smoothly.




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