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2020-12-16 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


The state-owned old saying is called "wine is not afraid of the alley deep", this sentence can not be used on IPFS, IPFS almost without any push, has been a lot of media coverage, at the same time, the major enterprises have thrown an olive branch to IPFS, IPFS as one of the main bases for data storage, and their own important data stored on the IPFS network.


Is IPFS a trend?Distributed storage is bound to bring great business value.From real-world infrastructure to data centers on the Internet.From the high-speed rail that roars between the ground and the constant stream of data, our good life is a national domestic policy based on no cost - new infrastructure.


Due to the development of society, a large amount of data is needed to support, no data, no big data, no storage technology, the emergence of new digital foundations, China set up an IPFS professional committee, China Communications Industry Association wireless network IPFS professional committee, IPFS development and application of senior engineer training certification center.At the same time, the relevant standards will be issued for IFS memory testing and certification, regulating the entire industry.IPFS has been written into the General Administration of Radio and Television blockchain technology application white paper series, will achieve distributed storage applications.

涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。

The Turbine Hive mine was initiated by the Blockchain Alliance Turbine Community to work closely with Grayscale Investment, a US grayscale fund, and the world's top 50 IFS miners to promote the global consensus on IPS (FIL).


At present, IPFS distributed storage industry has more than 36 industries, in response to the national call to promote the implementation of distributed storage technology, to prevent industry risks, formally established the China Distributed Storage Industry Alliance.In addition, top domestic and foreign companies such as Alibaba Cloud, Tencent, Huawei, Asus, Google, Netflix, etc. are investing heavily in IFS/filecoin distributed storage technology for commercial implementation.


Turbine beehive machine, discarding the traditional mining machine needs clusters, pledge mining, locking warehouses, return cycle is long, servers, rooms, power consumption and other irresistible factors.Using the principle of Beech turbo engine acceleration, Swiss mechanical engineers set up a huge IFS cluster to turn on AI's smart beehive machine mode by crowdfunding beehive miners.


Turbine community consensus mechanism, creating a distributed storage network for the most important information of mankind, will build a new ecology of data value transfer, so that everyone has full control of their identity, assets and data, mining mechanism open, transparent, trustworthy, automated.Apply mobile phone to center app beehive mine machine, quickly open the mining ecological model.Give the world's 5.4 billion mobile phone users a chance to dig up THEIL.This will accelerate the global consensus of IPS and make FIL more valuable.

目前,Google browser 的IPFS合作伙伴,brave opera和f fox browser的IPFS插件都支持IPFS。IPFE基于IPFS的互联网搜索引擎,indorse的社交平台也支持IPFS,越来越多的基于IPFS/filecoin应用。

Currently, Google Browser's IPS partners, brave opera and fox browser's IPS plug-ins all support IPS.IPFE is an IPFS-based Internet search engine, and indorse's social platform also supports IPFS, with more and more IPFS/filecoin-based applications.


In the long run, the demand for explosive data storage scenarios is growing exponentially due to the rapid development of high-tech technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and 5G.With the value transfer of related industries, IPFS can be expected to enter the lives of more people, IPFS behind the distributed storage is an inevitable trend.A new business model will also inspire greater value for distributed storage.


