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2021-01-12 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络

真正的数据时代是以数据为中心的时代。IPFS 可实现数据时代数据拥有身份和自由流通等特征,而 Filecoin 作为 IPFS 激励层有望加快数据时代与商业世界的结合。

The real data age is the data-centered age. IPFS can realize the characteristics of data identity and free circulation in the data age, and Filecoin, as the incentive layer of IPFS, is expected to accelerate the combination of the data age and the business world.

数据时代被谈论了好几年了,但到底什么是数据时代,数据时代有哪些特征,没有一个清晰的定义。在此之前,数据时代是将至而未至。真正的数据时代是以数据为中心的时代,数据具有自身的特征和属性,网络为数据服务。有了 IPFS,这一切就有了可能。

The data age has been discussed for several years, but there is no clear definition of what the data age is and what its characteristics are. Before that, the data age was coming. The real data age is data-centered. Data has its own characteristics and attributes, and the network serves data. With IPFS, all this is possible.

IPFS 的协议套件中有一个是 Multiformats,用来描述数据或者网络,在描述数据方面,通过 hash 算法来对数据进行描述,从而实现数据的身份标记。每一个份数据都有自己独一无二的身份,无论数据身居何处。

One of the protocol suites of IPFS is Multiformats, which is used to describe data or network. In describing data, hash algorithm is used to describe data, so as to realize data identification. Every piece of data has its own unique identity, no matter where the data resides.


When data has a unique identity, content addressing can be realized. This is a great breakthrough in thinking. Unlike the Internet age, you don't need to know where the data is, just tell the network which data I am looking for, and you can get it.


The Filecoin main network has been started. Join the network to make deals, store data and get FIL rewards. Filecon network allows anyone to become a storage provider and make profits by providing hard disk space to achieve economies of scale. Filecon network aims to reward participants at different levels-from large data centers to local SMEs with mining machines.


Miners combine hard disk and other hardware to win the storage transaction, and obtain the Filecoin reward by storing data.There is no need to prove useless workload here, and storing more files will get more block rewards. The more storage you add, the more Filecoin you get.


With the coming Filecoin retrieval market, miners will get rewards by delivering content quickly. Similar to the ultra-local CDN, the retrieval market is aimed at miners with low latency and high broadband connection to users. These miners with superior configuration get Filecoin by providing files and data quickly.

涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。

The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely with Grayscale Investment of the United States and the top 50 IPFS miners in the world to jointly promote the global consensus of IPFS(FIL).


The turbine honeycomb mining machine abandons the irresistible factors of traditional mining machines, such as clustering, pledge mining, long warehouse lock and return period, server, machine room and power consumption. Swiss mechanical engineers applied the acceleration principle of Beech turbocharged engine, and established a huge IPFS cluster by crowdfunding honeycomb miner to start AI intelligent honeycomb miner mode.


Turbine community consensus mechanism, creating a distributed storage network for the most important information of mankind, will build a new ecology of data value circulation, let everyone completely control their own identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automatic. Use mobile phone to decentralize APP honeycomb mining machine, and quickly open mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Thereby promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and making FIL more valuable.


Any great project needs time to grow, and we also need to take a long-term view of Filecoin. Without pre-pledge, miners can't be prevented from doing evil, and without linear release mechanism, miners can't be guaranteed to provide customers with long-term and stable storage services.


Moreover, the nature of Filecoin brings its own value market: storage and data retrieval. This is the most closely integrated project with the real economy among all blockchain projects at present. This is the fundamental reason why the turbine honeycomb miner has been favored since its birth.


