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2021-03-31 sky110 来源:区块链网络

2021年3月30日下午3点,Uniswap中文社区首席分析师Jimm对话AIOZ创始人兼CEO Erman Tjiputra,带来“看CDN公链AIOZ Network如何打造下一代流媒体”的主题AMA直播活动,本次直播活动由区块方舟BlockArk支持,链闻ChainNews、星球日报Odaily、区块律动BlockBeats、加密阁媒体支持,直播分享内容整理如下:



BlockArk是一家加密资产行业的投资银行与市场营销机构,旗下管理专注加密货币一二级基金ArkStream Capital。BlockArk集投资、品牌、市场增长、战略咨询为一体,致力于推动Web3.0的独角兽们成长。

今天AMA的主题是“看CDN公链AIOZ Network如何打造下一代流媒体”,嘉宾是AIOZ的创始人兼CEO Erman Tjiputra。

Erman:Hi everyone,Thank you for inviting me to your great community


Jimmi:Hello Erman, welcome to the Uniswap Chinese community. Before you start, can you briefly introduce your team and what AIOZ does? As your opinion, what are the shortcomings of traditional streaming media services? Which shortcomings can be solved or optimized through AIOZ Network?

您好 Erman,欢迎做客Uniswap中文社区,开始之前可以简单介绍一下您的团队以及AIOZ是做什么的吗?您觉得传统的流媒体服务存在着哪些弊端. 哪儿些弊端可以通过AIOZ Network来解决或者优化的?

Erman:My name is Erman Tjiputra, Founder & CEO of AIOZ, AIOZ is a DeepTech company in Artificial intelligence and Blockchain.

我是AIOZ的创始人兼首席执行官Erman Tjiputra,AIOZ是一家人工智能和区块链领域的DeepTech公司。

We are a team of highly talented Blockchain back end engineers, front end developers and AI scientists with academia collaborations with top universities in the world.


AIOZ Network is a Layer 1 Blockchain Based Content Delivery Network.? ?forming a core foundation for the digital content ecosystem using blockchain + p2p + smart contracts.

AIOZ网络是基于第1层区块链的内容交付网络。 使用区块链+ p2p +智能合约为数字内容生态系统奠定核心基础。

AIOZ Network uses p2p nodes to build a network to store, transcode & delivery digital media content. We utilize the redundant resource of all computers around the world to build an efficient dCDN in delivery speed, cost & streaming quality.

AIOZ Network使用p2p节点构建一个网络来存储,转码和交付数字媒体内容。 我们利用全球所有计算机的冗余资源来构建高效的dCDN,以提高交付速度,成本和流媒体质量。

Shortcomings through AIOZ Network optimization:

?Lower cost for video delivery & live streaming

?High quality for streaming

?D-Apps ecosystem rewards with $AIOZ




?D-Apps生态系统奖励$ AIOZ

Jimmi:What is CDN? What is dCDN? Compared with traditional CDN, what are the advantages of AIOZ's dCDN?

请问什么是CDN?什么是dCDN? 相比于传统的CDN,AIOZ的dCDN有什么优势?

Erman:Traditional CDN has a single Point of Failure architecture,? facing with problems of scaling in developing regions like Africa or Asean where internet speed is lower than developed nations.


An army of internet engineers are needed to build rack servers and to maintain the quality of service needed for applications build on top of the traditional CDN.


AIOZ dCDN is scaling infinite with critical mass adoption of nodes,? AIOZ dCDN uses LOCAL Bandwidth powered by the nodes,our nodes will act like a mesh network within each country in each local neighborhood . We can stream video up to 4K or 8K with local bandwidth.

随着节点的大量采用,AIOZ dCDN可以无限扩展,AIOZ dCDN使用由节点提供动力的本地带宽,我们的节点可以像每个本地社区中每个国家/地区中的网状网络一样工作。 我们可以使用本地带宽流式传输高达4K或8K的视频。

AIOZ CDN pricing will be incredibly cheaper than traditional CDN because the storage, transcoding and delivery costs are distributed among the p2p nodes therefore transferring these costs savings to the platforms dApps.

AIOZ CDN的价格将比传统CDN便宜得多,因为存储,代码转换和交付成本分布在p2p节点之间,因此将这些成本节省转移到了dApp平台上。

Users of the platforms are able to enjoy a greater viewing experience with lower buffering frame rates and improved latency.


Blockchain dCDN with smart contracts on ledger create accountability and transparency for all stakeholders to have trust that everything is functioning properly as intended. Stakeholders that include nodes , dApps, viewers of dApps , and advertisers.

带有分类账智能合约的区块链dCDN为所有利益相关者创建了问责制和透明性。 包括节点,DApp,DApp的使用者和广告商的利益相关者。

Jimmi:There are also some other products in the CND track, such as Theta Network, Wanke Cloud, etc. Among them, Theta is the largest project currently in market capitalization, and it is also a public chain like AIOZ. There are many similarities between Theta and AIOZ, so what are the advantages of AIOZ compare to Theta Network?

在做CND的赛道还有其他的一些产品,比如说Theta Network , 玩客云等等,其中Theta 是目前做的市值规模最大一个项目,而本身和AIOZ一样也是一条公链,二者之间有很多相似的地方,所以我想问AIOZ相对于Theta Network的优势是什么?

Erman:Theta architecture is different from AIOZ CDN Network.Theta Firstly focus on powering the livestreaming experience via Caching Browsers

Theta架构与AIOZ CDN网络不同。Theta 首先专注于通过缓存浏览器提供实时流媒体体验。

1) Viewer will fetch content from traditional CDNs like GCP or AWS.

2) Viewer will then cache several segments on browser?and transfer the segments to next nearest viewers who are also watching same video,This will optimize for cost saving for internet bandwidth.



AIOZ Network’s nodes storing, transcoding and delivery of digital content are permanent while Theta’s p2p caching technique are temporary.

AIOZ Network的数字内容存储,转码和交付节点是永久性的,而Theta的p2p缓存技术是临时性的。

Permanency allows greater $AIOZ rewards for consistently powered nodes thus providing consistently greater viewing experience on dApps.

永久性为一致供电的节点提供了更高的$ AIOZ奖励,从而在DApp上提供了一致的更好的观看体验。

AIOZ Network want to build stable & committed nodes in any regions like Africa, Asia...

AIOZ Network希望在非洲,亚洲...等任何地区建立稳定可靠的节点。

Then local business can deploy their video streaming application with lower price, or global business can hire a part of our bandwidth in our CDN for improving their video streaming quality like Netflix. If they want to support 4K video streaming in Indonesia, they need to set up servers in indonesia, register company…. But using our CDN, it can be everywhere easily.

然后,本地企业可以以较低的价格部署其视频流应用程序,或者全球企业可以在我们的CDN中租用部分带宽,以提高其像Netflix这样的视频流质量。 如果他们想在印度尼西亚支持4K视频流,则需要在印度尼西亚设置服务器,注册公司…。 但是,使用我们的CDN,它可以轻松地在任何地方。

Jimmi:Why should AIOZ build DApps in the form of a public chain instead of not relying on the existing user base on Ethereum? Can you explain the governance model of AIOZ?AIOZ为什么要以公链的形式, 而不是以不借助太坊上的现有的用户量来搭建DApp?如果采用公链,那能否解释一下AIOZ的治理模型?

Erman:Our network requires to process a lot of micro transactions at the same time for storing, delivery, computing tasks. If using Ethereum Network, we face challenges of costs with Gas Fee.? AIOZ Network if uses Ehtereum, will not be able to onboard dApps media platforms as Gas fees GWEI are high.

我们的网络需要同时处理大量微交易,以进行存储,交付和计算任务。 如果使用以太坊网络,我们将面临Gas Fee带来的成本挑战。 如果使用Ehtereum,AIOZ Network将无法使用dApps媒体平台,因为汽油费GWEI高。

AIOZ Network uses the consensus algorithm dBFT - delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance with a designated group of 21 validators.

AIOZ Network使用的共识算法为dBFT-由指定的21个验证器组委派的拜占庭容错。

Jimmi:What are the ways for users to participate? How to become a node? After becoming a node, what benefits will users have?


Erman:To participate our network, users only need to download our AIOZ Node software, let it keep running to store & deliver content, in we will add more types of tasks such as computing, transcoding, training data.

要加入我们的网络,用户只需下载我们的AIOZ Node软件,使其保持运行状态以存储和交付内容,我们将添加更多类型的任务,例如计算,代码转换,训练数据等。

Jimmi:At present, I only saw one DApp—AIOZ Tube in AIOZ. Can you briefly introduce this product for us? Compared with Youtube, what is the difference in user experience? What is the source of the content in the product? What are the different experiences for publishers, users, and advertisers? How to attract video uploaders and viewers?

当前在AIOZ只看到了一个DApp—AIOZ Tube,能为我们简单介绍一下这个产品吗?相对有Youtube, 在用户体验上会有什么不同?产品里的内容来源是什么?发布者,使用者,广告商在里面会有什么不同的体验?如何吸引视频上传者和观看者?

Erman:AIOZ Tube is the showcase of a d-Apps that using our AIOZ CDN. AIOZ Tube stores all content in AIOZ Nodes. The difference with Youtube is costs,streaming quality & speed. Because our dCDN is easy to join via an AIOZ Network user friendly application interface at everywhere at anytime, therefore with this local resources it will improve greatly for streaming performance, specially in places with low speed of Internet.

AIOZ Tube是使用我们AIOZ CDN的DApp的展示。 AIOZ Tube将所有内容存储在AIOZ节点中。 与YouTube的区别在于成本,流媒体质量和速度。 由于我们的dCDN易于通过AIOZ网络用户友好的应用程序界面随时随地进行连接,因此,借助这种本地资源,它将大大提高流传输性能,特别是在Internet速度较慢的地方。

Download the AIOZ Network Node app,Help us power our dApp.


With $AIOZ, we incentivise all youtubers and content creators to publish their video content on top of us. Content Creators will be rewarded with $AIOZ which was paid by advertisers for all video ads that running on top of the Content Creators/YouTubers videos.. All advertisers will run ads campaigns using $AIOZ thereby benefiting the AIOZ Network nodes , which stores the digital ads , as well as dApps stakeholders.

借助$ AIOZ,我们可以激励所有youtube用户和内容创建者将他们的视频内容发布到我们的顶部。 内容创建者将获得$ AIOZ奖励,广告客户将为在内容创建者/ YouTubers视频上投放的所有视频广告支付$ AIOZ。所有广告客户都将使用$ AIOZ进行广告系列投放,从而使存储数字内容的AIOZ网络节点、广告以及DApps利益相关者收益。

Jimmi:How to build a DAPP ecology as a public chain and how to attract developers?


Erman:We will create SDKs and APIs for both backend side & frontend side to deploy and host their media content using AIOZ dCDN.

我们将为后端和前端创建SDK和API,以使用AIOZ dCDN部署和托管其媒体内容。

We will create developer portal & documentation for everyone to access.


Jimmi:I have seen the Roadmap on the official website that erc 20 tokens and NFT tokens will be listed in Q4 of 21, as well as decentralized exchanges launch. As a major CDN project, why do you to do DeFi and NFT products?

我在官网的Roadmap上有看到21年Q4 会上线erc 20代币和NFT代币,以及去中心化交易所,请问作为一个主打CDN的项目,为什么会去做DeFi和NFT的产品?

Erman:NFTs in AIOZ Network is designed to be used for our dApps like Video Platforms like Youtube, or Livestream applications like Bigo,? to create their own NFTs for their community and their fans? with customized monetisation models using smart contracts and blockchain ledgers.

AIOZ Network中的NFT旨在用于我们的DApps(例如Youtube之类的视频平台)或Bigo之类的Livestream应用程序,以使用智能合约和区块链分类账定制的货币化模型为其社区和粉丝创建自己的NFT。

DEX is decentralized exchange platform like Uniswap in Ethereum Network or Pancake Swap in Binance Smart Chain. AIOZ DEX will be a decentralized exchange platform designed to create liquidity for AIOZ RC20 tokens and NFTs AIOZ RC 721 tokens on AIOZ Network.

DEX是去中心化交易平台,例如以太坊网络中的Uniswap或Binance Smart Chain中的Pancake Swap。 AIOZ DEX将是一个去中心化交易平台,旨在为AIOZ网络上的AIOZ RC20代币和NFT AIOZ RC 721代币创造流动性。



问:Will AIOZ Network allocate rewards based on the length of time users are online or the usefulness provided?

AIOZ Network会针对于用户在线的时间长短或者提供的作用性来分配奖励吗?

Erman:AIOZ Network rewards Edge nodes for computing tasks of Storage, transcoding and delivery of Digital media contents of dApps ecosytem. The more the node stays online, the higher the rewards of $AIOZ

AIOZ Network奖励Edge节点执行dApps生态系统的数字媒体内容的存储,代码转换和交付的计算任务。 节点保持在线状态越多,$ AIOZ的奖励就越高。

问:Will AIOZ tube launch token?? Or does it mean that all dapps on the public chain use AIOZ tokens?

请问AIOZ tube 会发行自己的代币吗?还是说公链上的所有APP都用AIOZ代币?

Erman:When AIOZ Network migrates to Mainnet , AIOZ DEX in our roadmap for AIOZ RC 20 tokens will enable AIOZ Tube tokens to be deployed . Therefore increasing utility usage of $AIOZ.

当AIOZ网络迁移到Mainnet时,AIOZ RC 20令牌路线图中的AIOZ DEX将允许部署AIOZ Tube令牌。 因此,增加了$ AIOZ的实用程序使用率。

问:What plans does AlOZ have for the market?


Erman:AIOZ Network has methodically and logically laid out our technical roadmap for 2021. Please visit our aioz.network for more informations. We have exciting developments to implement Live Streaming, NFTs , onboarding existing traditional median platforms to our AIOZ Network as well as Developer Portals.

AIOZ Network已经系统的列出了我们2021年的技术路线图。请访问我们的网站 aioz.network了解更多信息。 我们正在实现实时流媒体,NFT,将现有的传统中位数平台加入我们的AIOZ网络,以及开发者社区方面也取得了令人振奋的进展。

问:Also AIOZ will be listed on uni


Erman:AIOZ Network will IDO on April 2nd via public sales platform : Ignition Labs ans BSCPad,We will be launching in ERC20 and BEP20 tokens,ERC20 Uniswap,BEP 20 - Pancake Swap.

AIOZ Network将于4月2日通过公共销售平台IDO:Ignition Labs和BSCPad,我们将推出ERC20和BEP20代币,ERC20 Uniswap,BEP 20-Pancake Swap。

问:Hello, AlOZ nodes can work like a mesh network in every country/region in every local community. With the expansion of the node, how to ensure its transmission fluency?

您好,AlOZ节点可以像每个本地社区中每个国家/ 地区中的网状网络一样工作。 随着节点的扩展延伸,如何保证它的传输流畅性呢?

Erman:Scalability is a property of p2p. The more nodes join our AIOZ network, the higher the scalability. Thus creating an interconnected mesh network of edge nodes to power dApps.

可伸缩性是p2p的属性。 加入我们的AIOZ网络的节点越多,可扩展性就越高。 因此,创建了一个边缘节点的互连网状网络来为dApp提供动力。

Jimmi:好的,今天的AMA就到这里结束了,再次感谢Erman 的精彩分享,额外获奖的小伙伴可以私聊sumi@BlockArk小助手登记信息,谢谢大家积极参与!再次感谢Erman


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Telegram : https://t.me/aioznetwork

Telegram Ann Channel: https://t.me/aiozofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/aioz-network

Website: https://aioz.network





