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2021-02-03 Cat说区块链 来源:区块链网络



Alexandra Serebrennikova,Nimbus全球市场总监





1. After the Nimbus platform and the mainnet token NBU go online, what are the major strategic layouts for the next step?


You can expect Nimbus's future to be equally as interesting as the launch of the Nimbus Platform and the NBU token that happens today. With the Nimbus Platform and the NBU token going live, we have initiated the first step in our long-term plan. Of course, this is just a small fraction of the functionality that we envision for Nimbus but this is a very important even. Here’s why:

We have a massive user base and incredible attention from interested participants, major influencers, and top media. Our key functionality such as the dApps and the Governance token will lso be released shortly. In the wake of this, our community is likely to need more and more NBUs over time to use this functionality.So we are sure that all of you understand that this is the perfect time to acquire the NBU token - don’t miss this chance!

We are working towards the launch of the Nimbus Governance Tokens, Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp, and the P2P lending dApp. The Governance Token solidifies the essence of Nimbus as a DAO governed ecosystem. Our users shall share a joint authority of the platform as they co-create and drive Nimbus's future. Our two dApps shall open up unprecedented opportunities for the users worldwide.

Summing up, Nimbus is just starting, and the future is incredibly exciting! The early movers on the Nimbus Platform stand the best chance to make the most of the present and future functionalities.






总结一下,Nimbus才刚刚起步,而未来令人兴奋! Nimbus平台上的先行者是充分利用当前和未来功能的最佳机会。



2. When can the Nimbus DAPP be tested and used?


The Nimbus dApps will be launched soon with the P2P Lending dApp and the Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp going live before others. Please see our roadmap here:?https://nimbusplatform.io/#roadmap

The great news is however that starting from today, you can already use the core functionality of the Nimbus Platform! It has been launched several hours ago and you should certainly try it out if you haven’t done so yet:?https://app.nimbusplatform.io/b/#/swap

Here are the highlights of what you can do there now:

1) This is your chance to get NBUs at a low price!

Don’t miss the early adopter advantage - go and swipe NBUs with 4 different tokens now! The demand has already grown significantly since the launch a few hours ago so be fast!

2) Stake your NBUs at up to 12% APY!

While you're waiting for our next product releases - the P2P Lending dApp, the Crypto Arbitrage-Trading dApp, and the Governance Token - why not make use of your NBUs? You now have access to 3 different staking pools - pick the ones you like and make this waiting time worthwhile!???Here’s the link:?https://app.nimbusplatform.io/a/#/staking

3) Participate in our Referral program!

We’re sure you have lots of friends who’d fancy Nimbus as much as all of us do here. So why not invite them to join? Your friend is our friend - their rewards are your rewards???? Just jump in all together and all of you will benefit from the 3 types of Referral rewards of up to 10% across 6 levels! Join here:?https://app.nimbusplatform.io/a/#/referral

Nimbus DAPP即将推出,而借贷dApp和加密量化交易DAPP将更快上线。请在此处查看我们的路线图:https://nimbusplatform.io/#roadmap











3. Recently some people in the community have said that NBU will launch Binance or Matcha soon. Are the rumors true?


Nimbus is indeed in negotiations with the big players in the crypto industry. For enhanced diversification and functionality, bringing NBU tokens and other Nimbus tokens to the top exchanges is one of our higher priority goals.

So as we’re developing more functionality for our platform and more people keep joining us, we are certainly spending a lot of our time forging partnerships with the right players all around the world, especially in China! Once some of these partnerships get officially confirmed, the Nimbus community will be the first to know about it. Stay tuned as we’ll share this news in our channels!

Nimbus确实正在与加密行业的头部公司进行谈判。 为了增强多样性和功能性,将NBU代币和其他Nimbus代币引入顶级交易所是我们的更高优先目标之一。

因此,随着我们为平台开发更多功能以及越来越多的人加入我们的行列,我们肯定会花费大量的时间与世界各地(尤其是中国)的合适企业建立合作伙伴关系! 一旦其中一些合作伙伴关系得到正式确认,Nimbus社区将是第一个了解它的人。 请随时关注,我们将在我们的频道中分享此新闻


4.为什么社区会对即将推出的DAO和Nimbus Governance代币感到兴奋?

4. Why should the community be excited about the upcoming launches of the DAO and the Nimbus Governance token?


Launching DAO is a really important step for Nimbus and for all Nimbus stakeholders. Here’s what our DAO enables participants to do and what makes it unique in comparison with other DAOs:

1) First of all, launching Nimbus DAO means that the decision-power will belong to the users. Only 10% of governance tokens are left to the Nimbus Organization. With such ideology Nimbus aims to create a transparent, fair, and secure model that puts front and center the interest of its users.

DAO participants can vote on three types of matters:

- Economic matters: reward levels, transaction fees, staking periods, token issuance and distribution

- Governance matters: governance subjects and processes, their responsibilities and rights

- Technology matters: decisions related to the technical updates of the Platform

Moreover, DAO participants will be able to decide on the matters connected to what is included to our pools: for example, which startups should be shortlisted for the Crowdfunding dApp pools? Or which IPOs should make it to the IPO dApp pool? This is a unique opportunity no other Platform offers these days.

And then, once the participants vote, the Smart Contracts shall implement their decision.

2) The second point is that the Smart contracts that will underlie the Nimbus DAO are to be fully audited by one of the most reputable audition firms worldwide, Zokyo, in order to make sure that our users and their assets are safe and everything works as efficiently as possible.

3) The third point is that our specially designed DAO mechanisms aim to protect users and participants from pumps and dumps and prevent fraud from the market participants, ensuring fair conditions for prosperity of all stakeholders.

Read more about the Nimbus DAO and how you can participate here:?https://nimbusplatform.io/DAO_cn.pdf


1)首先,启动Nimbus DAO意味着决策权将归用户所有。 Nimbus组织仅剩下10%的治理代币。通过这种意识形态,Nimbus旨在创建一种透明,公平,安全的模型,将用户的利益放在首位并放在首位。





此外,DAO参与者将能够决定与我们池中包含的内容有关的事项:例如,哪些初创公司应该入围众筹DAPP池?还是应该将哪些IPO纳入DAPP IPO库?这是当今没有其他平台提供的独特机会。


2)第二点是,作为Nimbus DAO基础的智能合约应由全球最负盛名的审计公司之一Zokyo进行全面审核,以确保我们的用户及其资产安全,并且一切正常。尽可能有效。


在此处阅读有关Nimbus DAO的更多信息以及如何参与的信息:https://nimbusplatform.io/DAO_cn.pdf


