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2021-05-09 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的AMA,今晚我们有幸请来Tushar, Persistence CEO 及联合创始人和Abhitej Singh,Persistence市场及社群负责人 !

感谢:链闻ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。

Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA.?I am Miranda, tonight we have the founder Tushar: Tushar is the CEO and co-founder of Persistence and Abhitej Singh is responsible for the Marketing Strategy and Community of Persistence with us. Welcome.

Thanks: ChainNews, Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.


Persistence是基于 Cosmos 跨链协议之上开发的互操作协议,旨在创造一个包括债务融资、借贷、DEX、固定收益等在内的去中心化金融生态系统,一方面利用 NFT 技术和协议将汇票、信用证和提单等传统的商业票据代币化,成为加密世界里通行的质押品和交易标的,在解决广大中小企业融资难的过程中,将传统金融引入了 DeFi 的星辰大海,另一方面通过 Cosmos 跨链技术,让 PoS 原生代币持有者能够进入分享以太坊丰富 DeFi 产品和收益。


Q1: First question, could you introduce yourselves and the Persistence project, and the achievement so far ?

Abhitej Intro:I am Abhitej Singh and I take care of Strategy and Community at @Persistenceone. My introduction to Crypto was in 2016-2017 while? I was travelling across different parts of India and the US. I was very fascinated by the core characteristics of Crypto and Blockchain in general - ownership and transparency. So, after initial introduction I jumped into Crypto completely in late 2018.

Before joining Persistence, I was helping a couple of early stage startups (now backed by Ola and Livspace - unicorns in India). I was also actively involved building communities for Google, facebook and co-founded national hackathon in India called Code2Create.

I met Tushar and Deepanshu (Co-founders) in 2019 at a Blockchain Conference and really liked the vision they had and joined them back in November 2019. Here we are building Persistence.

I also co-founded Cosmos India with Tushar and Deepanshu.

大家好,我是Abhitej Singh,在@Persistenceone负责战略和社区。我是在2016-2017年开始接触加密货币,当时我正在印度和美国方旅行。我对加密货币和区块链的核心特性非常着迷——所有权和透明度。所以在了解之后我在2018年底完全进入了加密领域。

在加入Persistence之前, 我曾参与帮助过很多创业企业(现在这些企业得到了Ola和Livspace的支持,他们都是印度的独角兽企业)。我还积极参与了谷歌和facebook的社区建设,并在印度联合创办了名为Code2Create的国家黑客马拉松。

我在2019年的区块链会议上遇到了 Tushar 和 Deepanshu(联合创始人),我非常喜欢他们的愿景,所以我在2019年11月加入了他们,一同建设Persistence。

我还与Tushar和Deepanshu共同创立了印度 Cosmos。

简介:简单地说,Persistence 就是创造一个金融产品的生态系统,其中包括债务融资、借贷、DEXs、固定收益等。

再深入一点:Persistence 是一种可互操作的协议,旨在促进下一代金融产品的创建。持久性技术堆栈提供了基础设施,在各个领域有效地连接了 DeFi 和传统金融,同时也支持创建创新的加密货币解决方案,以扩展 DeFi 和 NFT。

Persistence 在 NFTs + DeFi + PoS 的融合中运作。我们已经开发了一整套金融产品 :

Achievements so far: 项目成就:

Some of the key achievements will be:


Strong partnerships with leading protocols, networks and wallets

2. Expanded team to 25+ members

3. ICF awarded grant to Persistence to develop inter-chain NFT standards and we are leading the global working group which includes Polkadot, Kusama, Secret Network, Keep Network, Cosmos etc

4. Launched AUDIT.one [$300 Million in total assets under delegation] and Comdex [$55 Million in total transaction volume]

5. Launched StakeDrop with 7 networks - Cosmos, Polkadot, Tezos, Terra, Kava, Iris and Polygon and already have 3000+ participating who have staked more than $900 Million worth of assets to earn $XPRT tokens.

6. Onboarded world's best validators securing $5B+ assets collectively including but not limited to stakefish, Dokia Capital, P2P Network, Figment, Cosmostation

7. Hosted $XPRT Auction on AscendEX (Bitmax) and it was 13x oversubscribed.

1. 与领先的借贷协议、网络和钱包建立强有力的伙伴关系;

2. 团队扩大到25+成员;

3?ICF 向 Persistence 授予了开发链间 NFT 标准的赠款,我们正在领导全球工作组,其中包括 Polkadot,Kusama,Secret Network,Keep Network,Cosmos 等;

4. 推出 AUDIT.one [授权下的总资产为 3 亿美元] 和 Comdex [总交易额为 5500 万美元;

5. 推出了具有 7 个网络的 StakeDrop,这些网络包括 Cosmos,Polkadot,Tezos,Terra,Kava,Iris 和 Polygon,并且已有 3000 多个参与者参与,他们已经投入了价值超过 10 亿美元的资产来赚取 XPRT 代币。

6. 接入了世界上最好的验证者,可共同保护 50亿美金 +的资产,包括但不限于利益攸关者,Dokia Capital,P2P Network,Figment,Sikka。

7. 在 AscendEX + Mainnet 上启动基于招标代币$XPRT项目,目前已经远远供不应求了。


Persistence 在 NFTs + DeFi + PoS 的融合中运作。我们已经开发了一整套金融产品 :

Comdex:面向机构的大宗商品交易和贸易融资平台,成交额超过 5500 万美元;

AUDIT.one:Staking-as-a-service 的基础设施,目前管理的资产超过 2.5 亿美元;



Asset Mantle:可互操作的 NFT 市场框架,支持创建「shopify 风格」的 NFT 市场。


Persistence自2019年以来一直致力于NFT领域,我们最开始是从一个机构性质的DeFi + NFT产品Comdex (Comdex .sg)做起,Comdex是一个公海商品市场。



Based on our work with interchain NFTs, Interchain Foundation (the backers of Cosmos Network) awarded Persistence with a grant to develop inter-chain NFT and Metadata standards for the Web 3.0 protocols.We created interNFT working group to grow the adoption of the interNFT module and standards across different chains and ecosystem. So far 22 projects have joined the working group including Polkadot/Kusama, Cosmos/ICF, Secret Network, Akash Network, Irisnet, Keep Network etc.

基于我们与链内NFT的合作,interchain Foundation (Cosmos Network的支持者)授予Persistence一笔资金,用于开发Web 3.0协议的链内NFT和元数据标准。我们成立了interft工作组,以促进不同链和生态系统对interft模块和标准的采用。目前已有22个项目加入工作组,包括Polkadot/Kusama、Cosmos/ICF、Secret Network、Akash Network、Irisnet、Keep Network等

4、跟大家讲一下XPRT 的代币用途和staking 吧?

Q4: Can you explain the XPRT utility and staking?

The token plays 3 keys roles:

Staking token (similar to other Tendermint based chains like Band, Kava, Terra, Iris)

2. Governance of the chain (not app)

3. Work token (stakers and delegators receive cashflows from the pStake and Comdex dApp as well as other dApps in the future)


1. 质押奖励:类似于其他基于 Tendermint 的链,如 Band、Kava、Terra、Iris。

2. 链上治理(不是app)

3.工作代币 参与者和委托者从 pStake 和 Comdex DApp 以及未来的其他 DApp 获得现金流和收益

The biggest advantage is as the Persistence ecosystem grows (we are already working on shipping multiple projects) the value of $XPRT will grow. Hence providing immense ROI for the XPRT holders.

最大的优势是随着 Persistence 生态系统的增长(我们已经在开发多个项目),$XPRT的价值将会增长。因此为XPRT持有者提供了巨大的投资回报率。

如果社区成员了解Terra (Luna),那么Persistence的代币效用和生态系统与Terra非常相似,XPRT持有者将从生态系统中的金融活动中获得激励。


1.Persistence 原生钱包:Wallet . Persistence .one

2. Cosmostation移动和网页应用程序

我们有世界顶级的验证者来保护网络安全,包括但不限于Cosmostation、Dokia、stakfish、Everstake、P2P validator、火币池。



参与此次项目的网络包括:Cosmos(已完成)、Kava(已完成)、Terra(已完成)、Matic Network(正在进行)、IRISnet、Polkadot和Tezos。

XPRT总供应的1% (1,000,000 XPRT)分配给StakeDrop 奖励。到目前为止,超过9亿美元的资产参与了前四个项目(Cosmos, Kava, Terra, Polygon [Matic])即将到来的项目:Iris, Polkadot, Tezos

此次 StakeDrop 活动的主要目标是:



-教育社区关于$XPRT的价值累积模型[答 MD TANBIR]]


??基于Tendermint的:Cosmos, Kava, Iris, Terra

??互操作性: Polkadot, Cosmos

??DeFi: Kava, Terra, Iris

??NFTs: Matic






??项目协同,用于 Persistence 生态系统产品,如pLend、pStake、Asset Mantle

-大使计划: 4月底即将推出我们还奖励了我们的100名早期支持者每人250 XPRT,以表彰他们对持久生态系统的贡献,我们还将推出多个这样的计划。


The biggest challenge for any Crypto project is user acquisition and ecosystem growth.Persistence plans to overcome it in two ways:

Value Creation [Both for users and the businesses]

Growth and Adoption

对任何加密项目来说,最大的挑战都是用户获取和生态增长。Persistence 计划用两种方式来克服:



Value creation:

As highlighted before the journey of Persistence started by addressing some of the existing issues in both traditional Finance and DeFi.

The ability to create application-specific chains such as Comdex allowed us to attract the businesses and projects looking for very custom and scalable solution.

The other biggest advantage Persistence has is that we are trying to provide the Web 3.0 robustness with Web2.0 interface which fits in our dedication to usability-focused approach.


正如开始 Persistence 就是定位于解决传统金融和DeFi中存在的一些问题。创建特定应用链(如Comdex),使我们能够吸引那些寻求定制化和可扩展解决方案的企业和项目。

Persistence的另一个最大优势是,通过Web2.0接口提供Web 3.0的稳健性,这也符合我们致力于以可用性为中心的方法。

Growth and Adoption:

Interoperability: Creating ways in which we can build applications that can be integrated with other applications [for eg. Comdex with pLend, AUDIT with pStake, Asset Mantle with Asset dapp (marketplace)]

Token utility: Creating an economics that benefits not only the users of the applications but the contributors of the overall eosystem.

Liquidity and Accessibility: Creating ways in which the users can gain access to not so accessible assest currently and creating liquidity for growing the toplines of the users/businesses.


互操作性:创建可以与其他应用程序集成的应用程序。Comdex 和 pLend 集成, AUDIT 和 pStake集成, Asset Mantle 和Asset dapp集成 (marketplace)]



And that will make users to come to Persistence and adopt our dapps.

Very successful examples of the similar approach will be Terra and Binance Smart Chain.




Q8:? Can you share with us the roadmap of Persistence and your next plan?

At moment, we are focusing on growing the Staking Ratio on our network and growing the Liquidity for $XPRT through exchange listings.

We will be soon adding more validators to Persistence mainnet Core-1.

On the product side we have already developed Asset Mantle and pStake MVPs and now are internally testing them. In addition to that working with 3rd-party auditors to ensure the security of the products.


我们很快就会在Persistence 主网 Core-1中添加更多的验证者。

在产品方面,我们已经开发了Asset Mantle和pStake mvp,现在正在进行内部测试。此外,与第三方审核员合作,以确保产品的安全性。


在 2021年5月推出 pStake,并拥有 2 亿美元以上的 TVL;

在 2021 年第三季度上线 Asset Mantle ,接入创造者和应用程序;

在 2021 年 7 月 引入我们的机构合作伙伴和他们的 DeFi/NFT 产品;





第三季度:Comdex 主网上线

上线 interNFT模型,集成到其他的主链


Thank you for your wonderful answer. Next is the community questioning session,.

1: Now many products are focused on various aspects of development. Are there more plans and developments for information disclosure?

Abhitej Singh | Persistence : We will be releasing the information incrementally and the best place to find the details is our Medium, WeChat and our website: https://persistence.one


黑客导致的黑天鹅事件层出不穷,那么 StakeDrop 在安全性上,能否突破目前的区块链瓶颈呢?

There were security issues by many hackers, how StakeDrop can breakthough the security bottlenecks and guarantee the assets safety?

Abhitej Singh | Persistence : StakeDrop is an incentivisation model for the stakers of the 7 networks. Hence, it encourages people to stake their assets which in return increases the security of the underlying network.


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