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2020-08-26 区块链瞭望 来源:火星财经
8月25日,火币全球站 “DeFi预言家”活动正式开启。

8月25日,火币全球站 “DeFi预言家”活动正式开启。预测“LUNA、JST、AKRO、WAVES”四个币种次日谁的上涨振幅最大,猜中前两名币种即可瓜分每日奖池。为了让社区用户更好了解本次活动项目,金色财经内容总监王瑜琨作为媒体观察团对话Waves首席战略顾问Sten。


王瑜琨:大家好,我是金色财经内容总监王瑜琨,今天火币全球站“DeFi预言家”活动正式开始。这个活动挺有意思,大家可以预测“LUNA、JST、AKRO、WAVES”四个币种次日谁的上涨振幅最大,猜中前两名币种其中一个就可以瓜分每日奖池。50%的概率,基础奖励300,000 USDT,而且上不封顶!最低交易100 USDT就可以参与了。


在开始今天的对话之前,请让我介绍下今天的嘉宾,来自Waves协会战略顾问 Sten Laureyssens先生。自四年前Waves成立以来,Sten就一直是Waves的忠实支持者。 直到近期Sten才加入Waves协会,并从战略角度对Wave生态系统的发展提供支持。目前,Sten已是整个Waves生态系统的基础构架中的Waves协会的战略顾问。Sten负责即将开发的产品运营计划,营销策略以及社区交流,并就Waves加密货币基础架构的搭建方式和发展方向的提供长远的战略指导。Laureyssens 具有雄厚的数字资产行业背景,自2011年接触比特币以来,他一直从事着在该行业内的交易,投资以及咨询服务。凭借着过去数年广泛参与到行业中所累积的丰富经验,他能够为加密资产投资周期以及整个区块链行业发表独到的见解。


Sten:Waves 协议于2016年4于正是启动。Waves现在是一个强大的基础公链,它链接了过去与未来,是一条真正的颠覆式区块链协议,我们在此协议的架构下,不仅仅构建了协议,还实现了产品。我们的愿景非常的清晰:我们希望把跨链DeFi带入社会产业和更多方面,跨链DeFi代表了基于区块链的技术自由主义金融。跨链对于提高各个DeFi生态系统的效率及其关键。

如今它已是由三个致力于同一目标的区块链协议(Waves 协议, Gravity 协议(未发行基础代币)以及Neutrino 协议(以Waves作为基础代币的算法型稳定币协议)构成的区块链生态系统。这三大协议都致力于完成同一个目标。一直以来,实现区块链技术的大规模应用已是Waves的长久愿景。因此Waves.科技作为Waves的技术延伸,能供提供不仅包括协议在内还包括一个实用的技术框架,通过该技术框架能给为开发者提供实验和创新的土壤,以及一些当前需求的即时可用工具和产品。得益于基于该协议和专门设计的编程语言, Ride, Waves因此能够支持任何类型的dApps。Ride支持固定费用且无矿工费的正式验证,从而降低了预估运营成本并且将交易失败的风险降低至零。Waves正为今日的需求以及未来的变化进行着不断的创新。数个开发团队正立着手于创建实用且强大,并且能够为用户带来无缝集成功能的区块链必要基础架构。WavesTech在开发协议和产品同时非常注重用户体验。目前由很多项目的进展都很不错,不过最重要的是能够以我们的方法在我们的产业链中搭建更好的区块链金融工具使我们感到非常自豪 。





首先,Waves的高易用度和集成度。像Waves Signer以及Ride语言这种极大程度降低了技术结构复杂程度的产品对用户和开发者而言非常的友好。其次,基于协议开发的出色产品。比如Waves Exchange, Neutrino, Signature Art 等能够被大规模应用的产品。最后,协议的安全性和高传输速度。当前的经验并不足以满足未来的增长需求,因此我们创建了更加快速,安全并且更具扩展性的技术。Waves正着力于为人们搭建更低准入门槛的区块链!


Sten:这是一个好问题!Waves的应用场景可以分为三类:WAVES可用在Waves链中支付使用。链上的每笔交易都需要支付一定固定费用的WAVES。WAVES代币可在如Neutrino.at 以及Waves.Exchange等DeFi等项目中作为抵押物以及费用代币使用。同时在WAVES系统目前的LPoS共识之下,已经有高达56%总供应量的WAVES代币正在锁仓来支持整个网络的验证过程。

此外还有一些机构和SMB 也接收Waves 作为付款解决方案以及抵押物,和大家分享一个最近很有趣的例子:https://cointelegraph.com/news/waves-powers-russias-first-reported-crypto-backed-bank-loan



Waves生态系统中每天都会有大量的更新和公告发布,想要挑出来一两条说明的话确实还不太容易。 我会推荐大家关注我们的Twitter账号以及电报群组来获取最新的消息。关于Waves协议:数日前,我们刚刚刚发布了一款名为“Malibu”的协议,对该协议我们做出来三项重大优化:可验证随机函数以使网络的抗攻击性能增加,zk-SNARKs 验证以提供更佳的匿名效果,新的dApps执行模型以抵御DDos。 我们采用了所有最尖端的技术来保证其安全性和匿名性。

Gravity协议: 在过去的几周时间里,我们与众多的项目建立了合作,比如ONT本体和我们建立了跨链的解决方案,我们与波场合作,波场Tron的生态非常棒有非常多很棒的项目,如果大家认真研究会发现波场令人惊艳的更多地方,你们应该在我们的AMA之后也听一下Justin Sun的分享。现在波场网络上正在流通的Tron-USDT是非常好的项目,并且也会被引入我们与波场合作的生态之中,这令人激动。我们同时还和Band协议(他们棒极了),ANKR,1inch交易所,Fusion,Sutersu等等众多的项目建立了合作关系。



Sten:Neutrino协议是发行稳定币方式中的一种。该智能合约中所有协议相关操作都是完全自动化以及完全透明的。目前市场上已有一些DeFi黑客事件,而我们的智能合约已由相当可靠的公司Beosin进行了审计,而审计结果表明并未发现任何重大漏洞。该协议在安全性方面仍有提升空间,像Gravity协议之类的专注于去中心化的解决方案就可用于此。此外,为了优化Neutrino更新时的决策决议过程,我们正在探索和研发针对该网络中第二款代币NSBT(Neutrino系统基础代币-Neutrino System Base Token)的优化,该代币具有其他实用功能的治理特性。


Sten:您可以比较一下交易成本。目前在以太坊中交易成本非常高。Waves能够以固定费用提供更加快速的交易完成速度。Waves上的用户还有机会进行免费交易,以及还有一个代币可以让您在 0 waves余额下进行交易。


王瑜琨:如果我理解的没错的话,Neutrino的方法与其他的稳定币不同,它更像是DAI形式的。您能就为什么市场需要如此多的稳定币发表下您的看法吗? 此外USDN的价值主张是什么?

Sten:基于算法的稳定币是加密货币行业旨于提高抗审查性,自动化、透明化以及去中心化程度的一项创举。算法稳定币的风潮已至,目前我们已经看到了四种流行的解决方案:DAI、USDN、sUSD 以及USDJ。 USDN的市值以及流通量仅次于DAI,位居第二。USDN的主要USPs之一是持币用户可以通过LPoS代币经济以及Waves货币结构进行权益质押并累积8-15%的年化收益。USDN的另一个竞争优势是其链上流动性。智能合约能够进行成千上万的WAVES和USDN的双向无利差交易。

王瑜琨:感谢Sten Laureyssens精彩的分享!咱们今天WAVES专场活动到此结束了~欢迎大家继续关注火币全球站“DeFi预言家”活动,预测你心中“最具潜力”的DeFi项目,争夺价值100,000 USDT的玛莎拉蒂!点击链接了解更多活动详情: https://www.huobi.fm/zh-cn/topic/defi/predict



Wang Yukun :Hi, everyone, I am Wang Yukun, CCO of Jinse Finance. Huobi DeFi Carnival season kicks off at Huobi Global platform today. This event is very interesting. Of the four tokens "LUNA, JST, AKRO, and WAVES",all Huobi users can predict which will have the largest increase in the next day, and if you guess the top two (50% probability) , you can share the daily prize pool with a 300,000 USDT-basic rewards and no cap limit, Purchase a minimum of 100 USDT daily during the promotion period to participate with no requirement to holdings limit or time limit to buy-in/ sell out.

The event page is here:https://www.huobi.fm/en-us/topic/defi/predict/

Before we start, allow me to introduce our guest Mr. Sten Laureyssens, Strategic Advisor of Waves Association.Sten has been a very avid supporter of Waves since it was founded 4 years ago. Sten joined the Waves Association only recently, to support the development of the Waves ecosystem strategically. Now, being the strategic Advisor of the Waves Association, the foundation behind the entire Waves ecosystem, he looks after forthgoing product development plan, marketing strategies and community communications and also offers insight into how the Waves’ cryptocurrency infrastructure is being built and where it’s going.Laureyssens’s background is in crypto, he’s been trading, investing and advising ever since being exposed to bitcoin in 2011. Being involved so extensively over the last few years, gave him a unique insight into crypto investment cycles and the blockchain industry.

Would you briefly introduce Waves?

Sten Laureyssens: Waves Protocol launched in April 2016. Waves right now is one powerful infrastructure, connecting the blockchain of now, not only of tomorrow, one that is truly blockchain-agnostic, where we build products, not only protocols. Our vision is very cleary: to bring Inter-chain DeFi to our industry and beyond, which represents technological freedom for blockchain-based finance. Inter-chain DeFi is crucial to maximizing the efficiency of individual DeFi ecosystems.

Now it’s an entire blockchain ecosystem(we call it WavesTech) consisting of the 3 blockchain protocols, Waves Protocol(fueled by $WAVES), Gravity Protocol(no native token)and Neutrino Protocol($USDN, crypto-backed, algorithmic stablecoin, fueled by $WAVES)that are all dedicated to the same mission.

Waves has always had it’s vision aimed at achieving mass adoption for blockchain technology. Therefore WavesTech, the expanded version of Waves technologies, provides not just protocols but a practical framework, combining developer-friendly infrastructure as an experimental ground for innovation and ready-to use tools and products demanded here and now.

Thanks to the protocol's purpose-designed programming language, Ride, Waves supports the development of any dApps. Ride offers formal verification with flat fees and no gas, resulting in low and predictable operating costs and a zero failure rate for transactions.

Waves is building the innovations of tomorrow for people of today. Several teams of developers are creating the necessary infrastructure for blockchain to succeed in not only being practical and powerful, but also to bring seamless integration for developers and users.

WavesTech isbuilding protocols and products, while focusing on a user-friendly experience. A lot of projects are doing really well these days, but we take pride in our approach to help all parts of our industry in building better blockchain finance based tools.

Wang Yukun :Waves has prepared for the DeFi movement already a long while ago,

what kind of unique features does WAVES have that attract more users and developers to it?

Sten Laureyssens: What is going on in DeFi right now is a logical step in the process to global adoption for cryptocurrencies. Our vision 4 years ago was ‘Blockchain for the people’. Today that vision is unchanged, but it has just become more clear how we can achieve this target.

Our Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS) core Waves protocol, allows us to build unique products, perfectly suited for DeFi requirements. Neutrino protocol, is a perfect example. $USDN is Neutrino Dollar, and it is a stablecoin, backed by $Waves collateral. Without diving into too many details, You can stake $USDN and get currently 19% APR. It fluctuates between 8 and 15% usually but last week you could even earn 25% APR on USDN staking. Neutrino leverages the Waves LPoS and requires $WAVES to be staked to the Neutrino smartcontract. It’s complex to understand, but super easy to use. Without a doubt, $USDN is one of the drivers of $WAVES current positive momentum.

We combine that mindset for DeFi with 3 key points we try to focus on

There are three things that can definitely show why Waves is better than many others:

- Easiness of use and integration. Very user and developer friendly products like Waves Signer and Ride language dramatically lower the complexity of tech.

- Great products on top of the protocol. Waves Exchange, Neutrino, Signature Art are products ready for mass adoption.

- Protocol security and speed. Making experience is not enough for future growth so we build tech which is fast, secure and ready for scaling.

Waves is building blockchain for the people making a lower entry threshold!

Wang Yukun :What kind of real-life use cases does the WAVES token have?

Sten Laureyssens: This is a great question! There are 3 categories of real-life use cases of Waves:

WAVES is used to pay fees in the Waves chain. Each transaction needs to be payed with a fixed amount of WAVES.WAVES is also used for staking in our LPoS. Currently 56% of the entire supply is staked, to help validate the network.

WAVES token is used in DeFi projects like Neutrino.at and Waves.Exchange as a collateral and fee token.

There are institutions and SMBs which accept Waves as a payment solution or collateral. One of the most interesting examples just happened a few days ago -


Wang Yukun :What’s the story behind WAVES success? What was that vision when it first emerged as an idea? Are there any special upcoming from WAVES updates that you want to show/share with us?

Sten Laureyssens: The original idea of Waves was to remove all blockchain adoption barriers for users. The main goal didn't change much, we still focus on user experience and build useful products for non-crypto audience.But right now, our vision and hard work is being rewarded. We see that our DeFi toolkits and Interoperability protocol are gaining big traction. Our proposed solution for cross-chain communication, Gravity, is being well received by colleagues in our industry and we have partnered with well respected projects to build solutions together.

There are lots of updates and announcements in the waves ecosystem every day and it is not so easy to mention one or two. I would recommend to follow our Twitter and subscribe to Telegram channels to stay tuned.

For Waves Protocol:A couple days ago we just released a protocol update called “Malibu” where we’ve added three big improvements: Verifiable random function to make the network resistant to attacks, zk-SNARKs validation for better anonymity and new dApps execution model for DDoS resistance. We use all the cutting edge tech to guarantee security and anonymity.

For Gravity: Over the last few weeks, we partnered with many projects, such as Ontology to align our interoperability solutions. We’re really excited that we partnered with Tron, you should follow Justin’s AMA after ours, Tron’s ecosystem has some really cool projects, most people will be surprised if they really take a good look. What Tron is currently offering to the community with TRON-USDT is really beneficial and working together to bridge that into our shared ecosystems is exciting. But we also are cooperating with Band Protocol (super cool guys!), ANKR, 1inch.exchange, Fusion, Suterusu, and more.

For Neutrino: These are super exciting times for the Neutrino team. They recently ported the Waves-based $USDN and Neutrino functionality to an ERC20 token on Ethereum. All staking functionality for the Neutrino stablecoin is now accessible on ETH, but also in all ethereum-based DeFi tools, dexes, aggregators.. Neutrino partnered with 1inch.exchange, it’s available on uniswap and we have some big partnerships and integrations coming soon for $USDN to be even more accessible for yield farming, with integrated %APR on top of the liquidity incentives.


Wang Yukun :Speaking of Neutrino protocol,what can Neutrino offer to a long-term investor? How much safe is to lock tokens on the smart-contract? What are your plans going forward?

Sten Laureyssens: Neutrino protocol is an alternative way of issuing stablecoins. The smart-contract fully automates all the protocol operations and makes them fully transparent. The market has experienced several DeFi hacks, so our smart-contracts were audited by a credible firm Beosin, which didn’t find any critical vulnerabilities.The protocol has a room for improvement in terms of security. Decentralization-focused solutions like Gravity protocol can be used for this. Besides, to improve the decision-making process of updating Neutrino, we are exploring and developing improvements for the network’s second token – NSBT (Neutrino System Base Token), which features governance among other utility functions.

Wang Yukun :Why can decentralized applications on Waves be more convenient than ETH analogs?

Sten Laureyssens: You can compare the transaction costs. In Ethereum they are incredibly high now. Waves offers fixed commissions and quick finalization. Also on Waves there is an opportunity to make transactions absolutely free for the user, as well as a token with which you can work with 0 waves balance.

I would like to add: Neutrino / $USDN staking with (today) 19% APR, is something that cannot be done in the same way with ETH, DAI and MAKER. The rewards on $USDN are not borrowing/lending based. but staking reward mechanism based.

Wang Yukun :The Neutrino’s approach is rather different from these stablecoins and is more DAI-like, if I understand it correctly. Could you please share your view on why the market needs so many stablecoins, and what is the value proposition of USDN

Sten Laureyssens:Algorithmic stablecoins is an innovation in the cryptocurrency industry aimed at increasing censorship resistance, automation, transparency, and decentralization. The wave of algorithmic stablecoins has already started, and so far, we’ve seen four popular solutions: DAI, USDN, sUSD, and USDJ. USDN comes second of third by the market cap and liquidity after DAI.

One of the major USPs of USDN is that holders can stake it thanks to LPoS tokenomics and Waves monetary structure focused on accumulating 8-15% annual rewards, which right now is 19% APR.

Another competitive advantage of USDN is its on-chain liquidity. A smart-contract can be used to trade hundreds of thousands of WAVES and USDN bidirectionally and without a spread.

Wang Yukun:Thank you Sten for the wonderful sharing!

Sten Laureyssens:Before i go: I want to thank you all for participating in this AMA and especially in the DeFi event! Huobi's 'DeFi Prophet' campaign is really a very interesting system/campaign to bring the community and projects closer together.

Wee are very happy to start this together;I am Very convinced we will have a great performance in this event, just like we had the last 4 weeks!

Huobi is a great crypto trading platform. On the one hand, it can connect high-quality projects and users, and on the other hand, it can help more people pay attention to and understand how DeFi works. I hope there will be more campaign like this in the future.



