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2021-03-05 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注我们最新一期的AMA,本期Sunny邀请到了CUDOS的销售VP Pete Hill,欢迎Pete Hill!

感谢:链闻ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。





1) 嘉宾回答预先收集好的问题;

2) 嘉宾在线实时回答社区的自由提问。

再次欢迎@Pete Hill ,我们正式开始吧~


可以从您的角度,先给我们社区的小伙伴简单介绍一下 CUDOS 这个项目吗?它的愿景和使命是什么?

CUDOS is a cross-chain decentralized compute network being designed to power Web 3.0.? It will enable anyone to sell their computing power or consume decentralised computing resources either via blockchain/smart contract or via more traditional cloud computing API’s.

In essence, what this means is CUDOS will be one of the few networks which can power other blockchains and scale to the demands of cloud computing required today.

The Airbnb of computing power for a new internet!

CUDOS是一个跨链去中心化计算网络,旨在赋能Web 3.0。它将使任何人都可以通过区块链/智能合约或通过更传统的云计算API来出售其计算能力或消耗去中心化计算资源。




Our founder and CEO, Matt Hawkins previously built an ISP providing datacentre, cloud and network infrastructure solutions called C4L. This became one of the largest privately owned UK networks in this space, providing 1% of the UKs internet infrastructure.

我们的创始人兼首席执行官马特·霍金斯(Matt Hawkins)此前建立了一个网络服务提供商(ISP),提供数据中心、云和网络基础设施解决方案,名为C4L。该公司成为这一领域最大的英国私有网络之一,提供了英国互联网基础设施的1%。

We’re an internal team of around 30 now with a further 5-10 external contractors for blockchain & smart contract development and 10+ world class advisors including the former President of Sony Entertainment Media (Playstation), Chris Deering and the current Director of Blockchain for AMD, Joerg Roskowetz.

我们现在内部团队在30人左右,还有5-10名外部人员从事区块链和智能合约的开发,以及10多位世界级顾问,包括索尼娱乐媒体(Playstation)前总裁克里斯·迪林(Chris Deering)和AMD现任区块链总监乔格·罗斯科维茨(Joerg Roskowetz)。

Our internal team have backgrounds in building and scaling and SaaS with our CRO Andrew Walker founding Clicktools, a business acquired by SurveyMonkey and two of our core developers Pete Willis and Richard Poole building software for Vodafone. Our CTO, Andrew Sturmey, myself and our Head of Project Management all joined Cudo from Matt’s last business and offer vast experience in scaling cloud infrastructure platforms and customer bases. Our Head of Blockchain Yves Messy was responsible for enterprise blockchain at R3 and Our VP of Partnerships has over 15 years experience in securing big brand and high value partnerships including AMD. All in all, we have 14 internal developers across backend, frontend, design, hardware optimisation and networking, with the rest of the internal team including marketeers, operations led by our CEO Lee Woodham with 25 years experience in scaling financial services and tech companies, finance and business development.

我们的内部团队有开发和扩展软件服务(SaaS)的经验。我们的CRO Andrew Walker成立了Clicktools,这是被SurveyMonkey收购的业务,以及我们的两名核心开发人员Pete Willis和Richard Poole曾为沃达丰(Vodafone)开发软件。 我们的首席技术官Andrew Sturmey、我本人以及我们的项目管理负责人都是从Matt的此前公司加入Cudo的,在扩展云服务基础平台和建立客户基础方面拥有深厚的经验。 我们的区块链负责人伊夫·梅西(Yves Messy)在R3负责企业区块链,我们的合作伙伴副总裁在确保大型品牌和高价值合作伙伴(包括AMD)方面拥有超过15年的经验。总而言之,我们在后端、前端、设计、硬件优化和网络等方面拥有14名内部开发人员,其他内部团队包括营销人员,由我们的首席执行官Lee Woodham领导,他在扩展金融服务和科技公司、金融和业务发展方面有25年的经验。

We are all passionate and motivated in building a better and more sustainable computing network that not only empowers the new internet, but also empowers anyone in the world to contribute and benefit financially.




We have successfully grown our supplier node base to over 40,000 active nodes, we’re live in 145 countries and our growth is 500%+ since this time last year. User revenues over our platform are now in excess of $1.5m per month.? We have also agreed big partnerships with AMD, Sapphire, Algorand and Ultra which will bring us accelerated growth both on the supply and demand side of the network.For 2021, we are now focused on:Q1: Launch CUDOS staking

Q2: Launch CUDOS testnet: initial 30 validators. Built using the Cosmos SDK and Tendermint

Q3: Launch testnet v2: first dApps in POC

Q3/4: Launch mainet: compute oracle services

CUDOS recently announced that it has completed multiple rounds of financing with a total of more than 10 million pounds. Strategic investors include Moonrock Capital, GBV, Spincrypto Capital, etc. CUDOS tokens have been launched on Bitmax, Gate.io, Kucoin and other trading platforms, and the testnet is planned to be launched in the second quarter.




第二季度:上线CUDOS测试网:最初30个验证节点。使用Cosmos SDK和Tendermint构建



CUDOS近期宣布已完成总额超过1000万英镑的多轮融资,战略投资方包括Moonrock Capital、GBV、Spincrypto Capital等。CUDOS代币已上线Bitmax、Gate.io、库币等交易平台,计划二季度上线测试网。


目前市面上有哪些竞争对手?CUDOS有哪些创新之处? 它的机制将解决什么?

There are a number of great market leaders in the space.? These include the likes of Near Protocol, Oasis Protocol, Polygon.? The vast majority have focused purely on smart contracts.


You of course have Ethereum and the upcoming Ethereum 2 as well and Akash is on the rise.


CUDOS will enable you to scale out compute on EVM/eWASM, Docker Containers and VM’s on a global compute network.? We already have over 40,000 compute nodes and over 250,000 users which is scaling quickly, which gives us substantial global compute capacity.

CUDOS使您可以在一个全球计算网络上扩展EVM(以太坊虚拟机)/ eWASM、Docker容器和虚拟机(VM)的计算。我们已经拥有超过4万个计算节点和超过25万用户,并且正在迅速扩展,这为我们提供了巨大的全球计算能力。

We have AMD rebranding our technology which you will see in shortly, and Ultra integrating our compute engine, between them is due to expand the network to over 1 million nodes in 2021.? We are currently live in over 145 countries.


As well at this network, we have been busy signing up global data centre providers and bandwidth providers to expand the network further.


The difference is we took a market approach first and applied the technology to that which is what is giving us the quick scale of network and users, plus we are able to provide computing power through the CUDOS network to both on and off chain consumers.




10 year release schedule. 10bn CUDOS in total.

100 validator nodes with min 2m stake. Each validator will be responsible for marketing to their networks to increase amount of delegated stake on their nodes. This network will be incentivised with staking rewards and bonuses. Our target is 75% of all CUDOS staked.

Tokens are used to buy and sell compute through the CUDOS network. Consumers can use other currencies too like fiat and this is then converted into CUDOS to pay the validators and compute nodes. Miners will be able to earn CUDOS through our platform as well.

CUDOS will be used to award and pay grants to incentivise development on the network.

More detail in our whitepaper available in English, Chinese and other languages from www.cudos.org.








We are focused on growing the network. This is where the value is, in being able to provide services to both blockchain users and traditional cloud consumers and the CUDOS token is core to that providing multiple functions/utilities within the network and ecosystem.For holders, we are heavily incentivising staking with not just rewards and bonuses, but a share of the fees over the network. For compute nodes, they will also receive discount on platform fees. We have large partners adopting the technology and we are strategising with them how their customers can benefit from the token too. So there will be high levels of transactions over the network.



问题1: What do you think is the advantage of your project over other competitors?

The advantage that we have is that we will provide both onchain and offchain compute. The CUDOS network will essentially be a bridge between these two worlds. That's a big leap in the right direction for main market adoption and merging web2 with web3.

问题2:What is the current value of our project? What is the expected market value in the future?

The market will always decide on the token price.

Our focus is to grow the network by providing real value into the web3 ecosystem.

问题3:What do you think will be the biggest challenge on this track in the future? How can we break through successfully?

I think it is very clear where the gaps are in the blockchain space with the protocol (layer 1) projects struggling to scale because of cost and other reasons. Layer 2 is growing very fast because it is solving those issues.

Where we go one step further is to provide layer 3, so that we can bring traditional cloud consumers into the blockchain world.

The challenge is always in the transition. When cloud first became a technology in 2006, it was not until 2010 that most businesses understood what it was and it was then another 3-4 years before the major industries such as banking and insurance changed their policies to then move to cloud.

We are seeing the same now with blockchain and web 3. The inverse this time though, as the finance sector has been the first to adopt! : )

问题4:Please talk about the future development and expected benefits@Pete Hill

Whenever there is a new tech, the same question is asked: Are you Better, Faster, Cheaper?

This is where the CUDOS network will benefit customers

问题5:What is the total amount of cudos? What is the output mechanism?

10bn CUDOS in total that are released over a 10 year period.

We are targeting 75% of circulating supply to be staked on the network. This will create a very strong network

问题6:What practical problems does Cudos solve, and how can he improve on them in the future?? This is quite crazy, but a transaction over Ethereum last month reached a price nearly 1 billion times higher than the same size transaction would cost over a public cloud like Alibaba!

That's a real pain point for everyone in blockchain as we have seen from the gas fees.

On the other side, traditional cloud consumers using platforms like Alibaba and AWS are paying high costs for cloud resources.

The CUDOS network and distributed model addresses both of these audience pain points.

Also, the distributed model, means that anyone in the World can contribute to the network and earn, rather than a few central companies only

问题7:At present, many decentralized service's validators nodes are actually running on centralized service providers like AWS. What do you think of this problem?

This is something that CUDOS network layer 2 and Cudo layer 3 solves, CUDOS empowers blockchain companies to truly become decentralised and independent of centralised infrastructures such as? AWS, Google, etc... while supporting traditional enterprises that wish to benefit from blockchain technologies and its tools. A true bridge between Blockchain and Cloud.

We saw Binance go offline recently because of an AWS outage. That shows the risk of hosting with a single provider for a region.

Validator networks are doing the same and that is because these hyperscalers provide great convenience.

But we're doing it differently. After spending 20+ years building datacentre and cloud networks, we're fully aware of the redundancy required within a network.

We are therefore making sure our validators (100 in total), will host a H/A dedicated server in one of 10-15 different service provider environments that we have recommended. These will be in different countries, to provide us with the global distributtion and in different branded service facilitied to provide the redundancy

问题8:When will the coin exchange be held on? binancezh?

If you know CZ, please give him my number so that we can speak direct

We are talking to a lot of exchanges. It's a very competitive landscape for listing on the big ones like Binance and Huobi because of the Defi focus, but we will get there!

问题9: Hi Peter, it has been said that computing resources will be one of the most promising area governments or counties looking forward, will CUDOS group have plans or opportunities to provide applications or utilities in citizens daily life?

Governments are usually the slowest to move (in the west anyway), because they are huge institutions in the public eye and there is a lot of red tape. The innovators and startups always move fast and that's what makes this industry so exciting.

But over time, enterprise adoption followed by public services will transition. We're at the start of the journey and you can see that even though enterprise/governments haven't yet moved, they are all trialling blockchain for the many benefits it provides.

再次感谢@Pete Hill的分享,2020年的全球疫情的蔓延将加速全球数字化转型,并刺激更多的技术应用,包括集中式云计算服务和分散式云计算网络CUDOS。 CUDOS致力于解决这些问题。 CUDOS正致力于解决这些问题。 我们相信,它可以提供新的技术解决方案,并为云计算行业带来颠覆性的创新!

Thanks again to @Pete Hill for sharing.The global pandemic in 2020 will accelerate the global digital transformation and stimulate more technology applications, including centralized cloud computing services and decentralized cloud computing network CUDOS. CUDOS is committed to solving these problems. We believe that it can provide new technical solutions and bring disruptive innovations to the cloud computing industry!


