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2021-06-05 币圈小寒 来源:区块链网络

经过与社区布道者们讨论决定,第一时间开放MADOG的交易。由于去中心化交易平台手续费率较高,同时很多用户还不熟悉交易规则,所以我们第一时间不会上线任何去中心化平台,包含但不限于uniswap平台等。而MADOG会选择在6月中旬上线多家中心化交易所,目前已至少对接了5家。以增大OCC、MADOG的影响力。同时再此声明MADOG不会更换合约,也不会更换OCC主网,更不会基于任何其他主网发币。请用户认真识别。 MADOG基于OCC主网唯一智能合约:0x9c590bc59c019ce250187ce3a974a7bfd910884b


After discussion with the community preacher decided, for the first time open MADOG trading. Due to the decentralized trading platform formalities rate is higher, at the same time, many users are still not familiar with trading rules, so we immediately will not launch any decentralized platform, including, but not limited to uniswap platform, etc. And MADOG will choose online several centralized exchange in the middle of June, is now docking for at least five. To increase the influence of the OCC, MADOG. This declaration MADOG will not change the contract again at the same time, also won't replace main OCC, not based on any other provids issuing. Please carefully to identify users. Based on OCC MADOG provids the only smart: 0 x9c590bc59c019ce250187ce3a974a7bfd910884b

Before we have found that someone did MADOG wavelength in the chain, this is counterfeit, please pay attention to identify, lest be deceived. All in all, thank you for your support, we will become bigger and stronger occwallet. Improve the ecology of occ purse. After the success of MADOG, we will continue to drop other tokens. Complete ecological layout, Shared block chain bonuses!


