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2020-04-18 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络



Blockchain is a chain of blocks with a time stamp on the block data information, which records in detail the time node at which the block was created. The advantage is that the grab time is frozen as a proof of uniqueness, and the blocks are linked together, the current block contains the encrypted value of the previous block. This set of books consists of a series of cryptographically generated packets, encrypted with a timestamp, or hash value, the bitcoin system is made up of a number of nodes, and this ledger is open, so we can go through all the records of the transfers, from the genesis block activation, to the king's chain running for n years, until the end of time.

At present, there are many intermediary organizations in the market economy, basically, the asymmetric information causes the two parties to the transaction to be unable to establish mutual trust, the blockchain ledger is based on the Internet, runs the encryption algorithm, the nodes in the system create trust, the blockchain technology itself is a tool to create trust. The more nodes there are, the more computing power there must be. 51% of the nodes in the network agree that the new blocks will come into effect. The cost of tampering, that is, doing evil, is far greater than the cost of investment, that is to say, game investment will probably let users participate in active and healthy governance, so the world is actively exploring the application and development of blockchain technology.


