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2020-06-24 醉玲珑 来源:区块链网络




The first generation of the Internet made a large number of people and companies rapidly rich. The rapid development of the Internet can not be separated from the efforts of the creators of intellectual property rights. At present, the relatively perfect protection of intellectual property rights is in the United States. The reason why the United States has been able to rise rapidly is that, the United States has given the greatest support to the protection of intellectual property rights in science and technology. The reason why the United States attaches such importance to the protection of inventions and intellectual property rights is that in high and new technologies, information and knowledge are at the core of our use, these resources will be the center of future trade, so it's not hard to understand why during World War II the United States poached other countries, including a group of excellent physical scientists to develop the atomic bomb. But this is far from enough, since many IP creators receive little incentive to motivate their inventors. Engineers at some companies have to transfer their intellectual property to large management centres, and these creators are getting less and less compensation for the value of that intellectual property. Blockchain technology to create a platform, the integration of these resources is our topic to discuss. On the blockchain's Intellectual Property Protection Platform, creators can upload works of art that can be seen as digitally encoded and watermarked to determine the version of the work, turning it into something akin to digital currency, intellectual property becomes an interchangeable asset, and we can trade it, and the platform for the protection of intellectual property issues a pair of public and private keys, so that we can also lend the intellectual property to an institution, the platform can also send out tweets that make public statements, and national libraries such as the United States archive publicly available twitter information, which is similar to how bitcoin is produced, in the event of an intellectual property dispute, it is only necessary for the chain to prove the order of the search time. In any case, this is a direction, and it is also a hope for the current inadequate protection of intellectual property rights. The root of all this is still the ugliness of human nature, trust does not exist, integrity does not exist, these ugly side must rely on a strong trust system to save, so intellectual property re-recognition is the re-establishment of trust.




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