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2020-12-14 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


Recently, the hottest news in China is that the Chang 'e-5 probe successfully landed on the moon and collected the lunar soil and returned smoothly. The successful launch of Chang 'e-5 marks the realization of the first rendezvous and docking mission of the lunar orbit. It can be said that space flight has successfully completed the counter-attack journey! At the same time, there is no doubt that the mission of Chang 'e-5 has attracted the attention of international scientists and observers. The dream of going to the moon for thousands of years has come true. At this moment, it is stimulated again, and the whole world is surprised.


The advancement of aerospace technology can actually push the country to a new level. Many people may not realize the importance of some technologies, think that they are far away from their daily lives, and feel that many technologies are only related to satellites in space; But in fact, space information technology is so close to us that it even affects our daily life unconsciously.举例而言,得益于太空信息技术的发展,就让地理数据技术更进一步,让定位技术和街景技术拥有更高的精度,未来,随着技术的更迭,地图导航将具备三维立体、虚拟现实和交互性。

For example, thanks to the development of space information technology, geographic data technology will be further improved, and positioning technology and street view technology will have higher accuracy. In the future, with the change of technology, map navigation will have 3D stereo, virtual reality and interactivity.


Those geographic information data from outer space provide a steady stream of power for human technological revolution on earth. The innovation spark generated by the collision of cutting-edge data and information technology will also inject fresh blood into the development of data and information industry.


However, this also puts forward higher requirements for data transmission and storage. Therefore, the current traditional storage methods are facing great challenges.


In 2020, the first year of distributed storage, IPFS/Filecoin distributed storage belongs to the infrastructure of blockchain and is the carrier of "data life" of blockchain.


The appearance of IPFS/Filecoin distributed storage can be said to be "forced". From LAN to Internet, information dissemination has gone through many stages, such as code, text, picture, video and live broadcast. In the future, VR and holographic projection technology will be popularized. With the arrival of 5G and Internet of Things, big data will explode, and the demand for storage will be stronger. The overall market scale will exceed one trillion.

涡轮蜂巢矿机由区块链联盟涡轮社区发起,联合美国灰度基金Grayscale Investment及全球名列前50家IPFS矿商进行紧密合作,共同推动IPFS(FIL)的全球共识。

The turbine honeycomb miner was initiated by the blockchain alliance turbine community, and cooperated closely with Grayscale Investment of the United States and the top 50 IPFS miners in the world to jointly promote the global consensus of IPFS(FIL).


The turbine honeycomb mining machine abandons the irresistible factors of traditional mining machines, such as clustering, pledge mining, long warehouse lock and return period, server, machine room and power consumption. Swiss mechanical engineers applied the acceleration principle of Beech turbocharged engine, and established a huge IPFS cluster by crowdfunding honeycomb miner to start AI intelligent honeycomb miner mode.


Turbine community consensus mechanism, creating a distributed storage network for the most important information of mankind, will build a new ecology of data value circulation, let everyone completely control their own identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automatic. Use mobile phone to decentralize APP honeycomb mining machine, and quickly open mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Thereby promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and making FIL more valuable.


Nowadays, the data storage industry has entered the era of commercialization. From satellite communication to cryptocurrency storage, data center has become the birthplace of a large number of computing actions. However, excessive centralization has also caused some inevitable disadvantages. To solve these disadvantages, a different scheme is needed.

Filecoin社区中的人们为Filecoin的不断发展而感到兴奋,这些发展将加速Filecoin网络进一步扩张。技术真正的发展,将促进Filecoin不断被更广泛的Web 3.0社区广泛采用,从而使研究与现实联系起来,创建新技术和应用程序。而只有Filecoin切实通过各类生态应用走向千家万户,才会真正实现跨越式的突破,成为新时代互联网的基石。千里之行,始于足下,就让我们一起见证Filecoin不断向前,走向更加明朗的未来。

People in Filecoin community are excited about the continuous development of Filecoin, which will accelerate the further expansion of Filecoin network. The real development of technology will promote Filecoin to be widely adopted by the wider Web 3.0 community, thus connecting research with reality and creating new technologies and applications. Only when Filecoin goes to thousands of households through various ecological applications will it truly achieve a leap-forward breakthrough and become the cornerstone of the Internet in the new era. A journey of thousands of miles begins with a single step, so let's witness Filecoin's continuous progress towards a brighter future.


