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2021-05-06 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


With the continuous progress and development of society, people's demand for big data is getting bigger and bigger. There are many drawbacks in the past HPPT, such as the leakage and loss of many important files. In order to solve this problem, ipfs interstellar file system has appeared, replacing the original HPPT.

IPFS是一个开源的去中心化网络协议,允许用户在对等网络中存储和传输可验证的内容寻址的数据。虽然IPFS是保存数据的绝佳工具,但它只是一个网络协议,普通用户自行成为节点保留数据存在难度,而IPFS本身又没有激励机制能够促使节点为其它用户提供服务。因此,Filecoin应运而生。Filecoin既是IPFS的存储层,也是IPFS的激励层,Filecoin的节点也是IPFS的节点。项目通过FIL激励数据存储矿工与检索矿工维护网络,客户通过FIL对所需服务进行支付。客户与多个节点达成协议,节点承诺在一段时间内保留一段数据,到期之后需要续签才能保持数据的持久性。对于同样的内容,保存的时间越长,支付的FIL越多,数据存储矿工没有义务永远保存内容。Filecoin通过复制证明(Proof of Replication,PoR)和时空证明(Proofs of Spacetime,PoSt)来证明存储矿工保存了某段数据。复制证明允许存储矿工证明数据已经被存储到相应的设备中,时空证明用于检查存储提供者在某段时间是否存储了相应数据。Filecoin的节点必须对客户数据进行封装、存储,还需要大量的加密算法来确保数据的安全和有效存储。因此,普通的家用电脑难以满足Filecoin的挖矿需求。

IPFS is an open source decentralized network protocol, which allows users to store and transmit verifiable content-addressed data in peer-to-peer networks. Although IPFS is an excellent tool to save data, it is only a network protocol. It is difficult for ordinary users to save data for themselves, and IPFS itself has no incentive mechanism to encourage nodes to provide services for other users. Therefore, Filecoin came into being. Filecon is not only the storage layer of IPFS, but also the excitation layer of IPFS, and the nodes of Filecoin are also the nodes of IPFS. The project encourages data storage miners and retrieval miners to maintain the network through FIL, and customers pay for the required services through FIL. The customer has reached an agreement with multiple nodes, and the nodes promise to keep a piece of data for a certain period of time. After the expiration, they need to renew to keep the data persistent. For the same content, the longer it is saved, the more FIL is paid, and the data storage miners have no obligation to save the content forever. Filecoin proves the storage miners through Proof of Replication (PoR) and Proofs of Spacetime (PoSt)


According to the development law of blockchain, Filecoin is still in the early stage of project development-storage space growth stage. At the same time, we can also see various efforts made by the government for the ecological development of Filecoin, but at present, Filecoin, as the infrastructure of decentralized storage, is the current focus.

对于 IPFS本身来说,已经取得了很大的成功,2017年 IPFS上存储的文件数量达到了50亿个。这一数量每天都在增长。它表明了市场需求是真实存在的,所以 IPFS不能被市场淘汰,除非有更好的去中心化存储技术和产品出现,通过竞争来优胜劣汰。但是,从技术成熟度和结构合理性方面来看, IPFS优于其他同类技术,在竞争中具有明显优势。

For IPFS itself, it has achieved great success. In 2017, the number of files stored on IPFS reached 5 billion. This number is increasing every day. It shows that the market demand is real, so IPFS cannot be eliminated by the market unless there are better decentralized storage technologies and products, and the survival of the fittest is achieved through competition. However, in terms of technology maturity and structural rationality, IPFS is superior to other similar technologies and has obvious advantages in competition.

于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Filecoin 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Filecoin测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Filecoin一揽子解决方案。七号矿场布置存储节点,备份人类文明,让信息永存。

Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies, and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, No.7 Mine has the full-stack service capability of Filecoin node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Filecoin test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Filecoin package solution. Mine No.7 is equipped with storage nodes to back up human civilization and keep information forever.


Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation. Founded in 2018, the company is a firm builder of distributed storage ecology, building a new ecology of data value circulation, allowing everyone to fully control their identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automated. Use mobile phone to centralize APP No.7 Mine and quickly open the mining ecological model. Let 5.4 billion mobile phone users around the world have the opportunity to dig out FIL. Committed to promoting IPFS to accelerate global consensus and make FIL more valuable.


