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2021-05-09 二代狗狗币DOGV2 来源:区块链网络


Subject: As long as you recognize DOGV2! You are also the initiator! Although most of the public address coins of the second-generation Dogecoin DOGV2 are kept by the original initiator "18 Arhats", please don't underestimate the "18 Arhats" pattern. In the process of the

global promotion of the community coin DOGV2, If you can find better people who can better represent the interests of the community, maximize the interests of the community, and truly practice the "DOGV2" community currency values, then "18 Arhats" is also willing to transfer part of the decision-making power and token custody rights to Better people in the community. That is: we can let Xian!

All in all: as long as you agree with the community philosophy of the second-generation

Dogecoin DOGV2, you can also be the initiator! You can also participate in future DOGV2 operations and promotion decisions!

If you have any ideas, please enter the telegram group: t.me/doge2099




Adhere to the concept of global community-based second-generation Dogecoin

In the early morning yesterday, 499999999999996 DOGV2 were broken into the black hole address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead, why did it accelerate suddenly? I would like to explain the reasons behind this, because in the eyes of many community members and external partners, DOGV2, which accounts for 50% of the total amount, is in the hands of the 18 Arhat representatives. It is insecure and faces various risks at any time. After full discussion, it was decided that 50% of the DOGV2 that will be destroyed in the future will be destroyed overnight into the black hole address, leaving only 4 for the honor holder: Satoshi Nakamoto, Musk, Vitalik, Zhao Changpeng, each One DOGV2. This expresses an attitude of the sponsor: to be a sponsor with a structure, all open and transparent, and to practice the spirit of the community! Although Luohan is the initiator, the latecomer is also the initiator. As long as we recognize our concept, we are all the initiators of the second-generation Dogecoin DOGV2! I hope we will accompany DOGV2 for 3 years and create a new miracle!




Take a long-term perspective and believe in the huge compound interest of DOGV2 in time!

Look at it for 3 years, miss the first generation of Dogecoin DOGECOIN, and come to the second generation of Dogecoin DOGV2.Believe in the huge "compound interest" value of time!

Today, our second-generation Dogecoin DOGV2 almost broke a "0", but we hope that our community partners will guard against arrogance and rashness. We must develop steadily. The number of community members, currency holding addresses, and popularity must keep up.

The market is ups and downs. Don't pay too much attention to the price. The only way out is to expand the community!

Let our second-generation Dogecoin community concept spread throughout the world and learn from the predecessors of the first-generation Dogecoin DOGECOIN! Let us work hard together to preach the second generation of Dogecoin!

DOGV2, 100 times is the beginning, 100 times is the beginning of deflation or destruction!





让我们二代狗狗币的社区理念传遍世界,向一代狗狗币DOGECOIN的前辈们学习!让我们一起加油努力布道二代狗狗币 !



2021.5.7: Don't forget your original intention! Based on the maximization and long-termization of DOGV2 community benefits!

The main participants in our community must take the maximization of DOGV2's community benefits as a precondition for all considerations.What is the maximization of community benefits?

1: Don't hurt the community, don't do things that make the fans of the community sad, that is, don't do evil and lead by example.

2: Don't engage in speculation, remember that all speculative behaviors that are clever and clever may be able to attract the market's temporary attention, but in the end it is the interest of the DOGV2 community to pay.

3: Persist in evangelism and persist in propagating our ideas, we are the second generation of DOGECOIN. From our announcement of holding addresses, destruction of initial LP certificates, and active audits, we have proved that we are an open and transparent community and project initiator. We will do more things to make everyone feel safe in the future. Enlarging currency holders is the foundation of all our short-term and long-term values.

4: Insist on participating in community decision-making. As long as you hold DOGV2, you are one of the initiators of the DOGV2 community. 18 Luohan is just the earliest initiator.








Telegram: t.me/doge2099


