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2021-07-08 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络


Swarm main network has been launched, which makes many people want to participate in distributed storage network. In the distributed storage track of blockchain, the project will use tokens to encourage users to provide hardware devices to access the network, so as to provide storage resources and build distributed storage services.

Swarm 去中心化的内容存储和分发服务,可以视作 CDN。可以像以太坊节点一样运行 Swarm 节点,并连接到 Swarm 网络上。与 BitTorrent? 差不多,也可以用? IPFS 作类比。把文件分解成块,分配并被储存。提供服务的节点,从需要储存和检索数据服务的节点中得到补偿。

Swarm's decentralized content storage and distribution service can be regarded as CDN. You can run the Swarm node like an Ethernet node and connect to the Swarm network. Similar to BitTorrent, IPFS can also be used as an analogy. Decompose files into blocks, distribute them and store them. Nodes that provide services are compensated from nodes that need to store and retrieve data services.


"Traditional storage projects focus on the storage of effective data, and the key lies in the data itself, like a container. Since Swarm stores' instant data', it pays more attention to data interaction, that is, links, and high-density data application scheduling and buffering, which makes Swarm more like an' advanced data switch'.

Swarm 的存储空间受到所有单个节点对网络的存储贡献之和的限制。邮票系统通过将费用上传到网络上而增加了成本,从而分配了以最佳方式写入 Swarm 的权利。

Swarm's storage space is limited by the sum of all individual nodes' storage contributions to the network. The stamp system increases the cost by uploading the cost to the network, thus allocating the right to write in Swarm in the best way.

利用该信号,存储节点可以决定要保留什么内容以及要忽略什么内容,从而以保留最有价值的那些块的方式分配存储空间。例如,甲乙丙同时上传各自的文件,但存储空间有限,必须有先后顺序,此时就要三个用户自己决定愿意为文件的上传支付多少邮票。若甲认为自己的文件并非紧急文件仅愿意支付 1 元邮票,而乙愿意支付 2 元邮票,丙最迫切因此愿意支付 3 元邮票,很显而易见,在存储位置不够的时候,丙上传的数据将被第一个接受,其次才是乙和甲。这 3 块钱的邮票就是给存储节点的预付款,Swarm 网络会将所有邮票汇集,根据各节点的空间大小重新分配。

With this signal, the storage node can decide what to keep and what to ignore, thus allocating storage space in such a way as to keep the most valuable blocks. For example, Party A, Party B and Party C upload their own files at the same time, but the storage space is limited, so there must be a sequence. At this time, three users should decide how many stamps they are willing to pay for uploading files. If A thinks that his documents are not urgent, he is only willing to pay for 1 yuan stamps, while B is willing to pay for 2 yuan stamps, and C is most urgent, so he is willing to pay for 3 yuan stamps. Obviously, when the storage space is insufficient, the data uploaded by C will be accepted first, followed by B and A.. These 3-dollar stamps are the advance payment to the storage nodes. Swarm network will collect all stamps and redistribute them according to the space size of each node.

七号矿场——打造新一代互联网基础。坚定的分布式存储生态建设者,构建数据价值流转的新生态,让每个人完全掌控自己的身份、资产和数据,挖矿机制开放、透明、可信、自动化。致力于推动Swarm 加速全球共识,让?bzz 更加有价值。

Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation. A firm builder of distributed storage ecology will build a new ecology of data value circulation, so that everyone can fully control their identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automated. Committed to promoting Swarm to accelerate global consensus and make bzz more valuable.

七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Swarm 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Swarm 测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Swarm 一揽子解决方案。

Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of Swarm node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Swarm test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Swarm package solutions.


Under the background of Swarm, storage and bandwidth are the two most important limited resources, which are reflected in its incentive plan. The motivation of using bandwidth is to provide fast and reliable data. The motivation of storage is to ensure the long-term preservation of data. In this way, we can ensure that all requirements of Web application development are met, and that the incentive measures are consistent, so that the operation of each individual node not only benefits itself, but also benefits the whole network.


