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2021-07-23 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络

Swarm 是以太坊推出的数据存储与通讯系统,为 DApp 代码、用户数据、区块链和状态数据提供去中心化和冗余存储,为不可追踪通信提供了底层构造,Swarm 内置激励系统是通过智能合约进行实施的。

Swarm is a data storage and communication system introduced by Ethereum, which provides decentralized and redundant storage for DApp code, user data, blockchain and status data, and provides the underlying structure for untraceable communication. Swarm's built-in incentive system is implemented through intelligent contract.

以太坊通过 Swarm 来完成去中心化数据存储,不再直接依赖外部生态。相较 Filecoin,Swarm 与其最大的区别是技术细节和激励机制。

Ethereum completes decentralized data storage through Swarm, and no longer depends directly on external ecology. Compared with Filecoin, the biggest difference between Swarm and FileCoin is its technical details and incentive mechanism.

用户可以通过发现 P2P 网络中,新节点的加入网络或是网络中节点与为建立连接的节点进行连接的过程。官方的态度是,对于分布式网络而言,正常工作的节点越多网络的健壮性越高,从单节点自身利益出发,为其他节点提供节点发现的消息转发,能够在自身连接减少的情况下,保持更好的连接质量。通俗理解,这是一项拉人头、而奖励又不直接发放的激励模式。

Users can discover the process that a new node joins the network or a node in the network connects with a node for establishing a connection in P2P network. The official attitude is that, for a distributed network, the more nodes that work normally, the higher the robustness of the network. Starting from the self-interest of a single node, the message forwarding of node discovery is provided for other nodes, which can maintain better connection quality under the condition of reduced connection. It is generally understood that this is an incentive model that attracts people and rewards are not directly distributed.


BZZ is the currency of the incentive layer of Swarm Project, which is an important part of ETH Project. BZZ is an application developed and promoted by ETH Foundation. BZZ can operate on ETH network chain with mine pool storage, bandwidth and computing power resources. What BZZ wants to create is a peer-to-peer storage and service solution that will never stop, never fail and prevent others from reviewing.

Swarm 去中心化的内容存储和分发服务,可以将它视为 CDN,通过互联网在计算机上分发。你可以像运行以太坊节点一样,运行 Swarm 节点并连接到 Swarm 网络上。这与 BitTorrent 相似,也可以类比 IPFS,用 ETH 作为报酬激励。文件被分解成块,分配并被参与的志愿者们储存。那些为存储并为块提供服务的节点,从那些需要储存和检索数据服务的节点得到 ETH 作为补偿。

Swarm's decentralized content storage and distribution service can be regarded as CDN and distributed on computers through the Internet. You can run the Swarm node and connect to the Swarm network just like running the Ethereum node. This is similar to BitTorrent, and can also be compared with IPFS, using ETH as reward incentive. The documents were broken down into pieces, distributed and stored by the volunteers. Those nodes that provide services for storage and blocks get ETH as compensation from those nodes that need to store and retrieve data services.


Swarm is a distributed storage platform and content distribution service, which is the local basic layer service of Ethereum web3.0 stack. It is reported that the project was led and developed by Ethereum Foundation, and the protocol label BZZ of Swarm was written by V God himself, which together with intelligent contract and Whisper formed the troika of Ethereum web3.0.

七号矿场——打造新一代互联网基础。坚定的分布式存储生态建设者,构建数据价值流转的新生态,让每个人完全掌控自己的身份、资产和数据,挖矿机制开放、透明、可信、自动化。致力于推动Swarm 加速全球共识,让?bzz 更加有价值。

Mine No.7-Building a new generation of Internet foundation. A firm builder of distributed storage ecology will build a new ecology of data value circulation, so that everyone can fully control their identity, assets and data, and the mining mechanism is open, transparent, credible and automated. Committed to promoting Swarm to accelerate global consensus and make bzz more valuable.

七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Swarm 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Swarm 测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Swarm 一揽子解决方案。

Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of Swarm node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Swarm test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Swarm package solutions.


Under the background of Swarm, storage and bandwidth are the two most important limited resources, which are reflected in its incentive plan. The motivation of using bandwidth is to provide fast and reliable data. The motivation of storage is to ensure the long-term preservation of data. In this way, we can ensure that all requirements of Web application development are met, and that the incentive measures are consistent, so that the operation of each individual node not only benefits itself, but also benefits the whole network.


