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2021-09-17 sky110 来源:区块链网络








1.What is Mooncake?1.什么是月饼?

A.Mooncake is a deflationary reflect token with a revenue generating treasury called the “oven”


The tax on the token is distributed to holders and the treasury the treasury sells the tax for $cake the native token of pancake swap and stakes the cake to earn more cake from the syrup pools, the cake rewards are then used to buy back and burn

代币上的税收被分配给持有者和财政部,财政部将税收出售给$ cake (煎饼交换的原生代币),并在蛋糕上下注,以从糖浆池中赚取更多的蛋糕,然后蛋糕奖励用于回购和燃烧

This means that the oven is always increasing the amount of cake staked and creating larger and larger buybacks and burns


This means that the rewards from sue syrup pool destroy tokens and add liquidity to the protocol every day


In addition to celebrate the mid autumn festival we remove 88% of the cake from the “oven” treasury and use it for large buybacks and burns during the festival to share the wealth it has accumulated with mooncake holders and burn a large amount of the supply


Right now the oven hav 39,940 cake in the oven, 182 cake in pending rewards and $4500 worth of moon that will be converted into cake for the oven

现在烤箱里有 39940 个CAKE 182 个CAKE和价值 4500 美元的月饼将被转化为蛋糕供烤箱使用

30,940 cake

And growing daily, you can view the oven metrics at mooncake.io/dashboard

而且每天都在增长,你可以在 mooncake.io/dashboard 上查看烤箱指标

And swap for $moon with our dapp at mooncake.io/buy

在 mooncake . io / buy 与我们的 dapp 交换$ moon

2.Who is the team behind Mooncake?2.月饼背后的团队是谁?

We have a large international team our lead solidity developer has been a senior developer for metamask wallet for 3 years working directly with the founder


We have a front end and a backend dev team as well as a marketing and community development team! In total over 20 people including developers, administrators and community managers


We are well organized to scale as the project grows!


One of our devs is always awake and we have 24/7 coverage to support the community and answer any questions investors may have!


3.What does it mean that Mooncake is a deflationary reflect token?月饼是通缩反应代币,这意味着什么?

It means that mooncake started with a fixed supply that can never increase, when transactions are made 2% of every transaction is redistributed to all holders, because the burn address holds almost 50% of the supply, some of the supply is burned on every transaction. In addition the treasury uses its income to also buy and burn more mooncake. So by holding mooncake you earn more mooncake in your wallet on every transaction and the supply of mooncake decreases


I hope that makes it clear.


4.How do the reflections work?


The reflection is native to the token, so the balance of tokens in holders wallets automatically increases any time a transaction is made.


From a development standpoint it works by calculating a “reserve balance “ of tokens which changes on any transaction and adds some of the tokens sold or purchased to the wallets of all holders without using gas


5.How does the oven work?5.烤箱是怎么工作的?

The oven receives 1% of all mooncake transactions, and picks an optimal time to swap the mooncake for $cake, it adds the cake to the syrup pools on pancakeswap the smart contract called the masterchef, by staking cake in that pool the oven earns more cake on every block, 50% of those cake rewards are used to buy back mooncake and the other 50% are added back to the syrup pool


This way the oven grows and so do the buybacks and burns


We are only 2 months old and already have almost $1600 a day in revenue compared to beefy which is almost 1 year old and has only $5000 a day in revenue


The token is programmatically guaranteed to be purchased and burned by the oven,


6.What are the tokenomics & supply of Mooncake?6.月饼的符号和供应是什么?

The total supply on launch was 111,111,111 roughly 40% was burned on launch, and more in stages since launch, leaving a circulating supply of roughly 60,000,000


There is a 3.3% tax on all transactions


2% is distributed to all holders including the burn address, and 1% goes to the oven


The remaining 0.3% goes to the moontix holders who funded the launch of the project


So instead of having a presale for a large portion of the supply we gave presalers a small reward over time because we only wanted people who were interested in the longevity of the project not a fast pump and dump


We intend to be here for years to come and as long as pancakeswap exists then mooncake will be getting burned whether or not anyone ever buys or sells the token


7.What are you doing to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?你打算怎么庆祝中秋节?

We chose mooncake as a symbol of longevity abundance and community and because the legend of their use to hide secret messages


To celebrate the festival we have massive buybacks and burns and a large airdrop for new holders who buy during this month


So people who buy mooncake before or durring the festival will get airdropped a gift of


Also if you have at least 10,000 mooncake you can stake them and receive part of the cake from the oven directly at the start of the festival


There are many more festivities which you can find out about in our chats


We have an amazing loyal community


And another important thing to note is that our token is not polluted with bots that rinse holders


We launched using something called a salmonella attack


So we destroyed the lp sniper and bot nets that frequently attack projects and lead to losses for investors


The launch strategy drained these bots and installed a floor price far above the launch price


8.Can you tell us about Mooncake on Polygon?你能给我们讲讲多边形月饼吗?

pMooncake is launching soon on polygon and the pMoontix are available on opensea


There is a partnership with quickswap on polygon


And when all the pMoontix sell out the protocol will launch on poly


9.?What’s next for Mooncake?月饼的下一步是什么?

The next big developments will be oven v2 and an asset backed nft marketplace called moontropolis Oven v2 allows the diversification of assets in the oven

下一个重大发展将是烤箱v2和一个名为moontropolis的资产支持nft市场 烘箱v2允许烘箱中的资产多样化

And asset backed nfts enable the minting of nfts that are not illiquid and have a guaranteed minimum floor price


Essentially you will be able to burn nfts to get a majority of the mint price returned to you and the idle assets are used to generate more revenue for the oven


We love nfts but hate the risk of illiquidity and wash trading


So we created a utility to solve these problems


This means you will be able to speculate on nfts without the risk of being a bag holder


Our team has over 30 years of COMBINED experience in blockchain development and we do out best to create opportunities with as little downside risk as possible

我们的团队在区块链开发方面有超过 30 年的联合经验,我们尽最大努力创造机会,尽可能减少下行风险

Everything we build is designed to increase the revenue of the oven


I’ve been investing in projects since 2011 and advising and developing since 2016 And we have 4 other members of our team with as much experience am myself

我从 2011 年开始投资项目, 2016 年开始做顾问和开发 我们的团队里还有另外四名成员和我一样经验丰富

For pMoon just get ont of the nfts from opensea! Anyway buybacks and burns will be starting in about 48 hours!




