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翻译角!为什么我们需要Web 3.0(中英对照)

2021-12-03 阿风1989 来源:区块链网络




今天介绍的文章是来自波卡创始人Gavin Wood,原文标题《为什么我们需要Web 3.0》(Why We Need Web 3.0),原文链接:https://gavofyork.medium.com/why-we-need-web-3-0-5da4f2bf95ab

作者:Gavin Wood


Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood onwhy today’s internet is broken — and how we can do better next time around.

以太坊联合创始人加文·伍德(Gavin Wood)讲述了为什么今天的互联网被破坏,以及我们下次如何做得更好。

It was over four years ago that I coinedthe term “Web 3.0.” Back then, it was clear to me: Ethereum — the platform I cofounded — would allow people to interact in mutually beneficialways without anyone needing to trust each other. With technologies for message passingand data publication, we hoped to construct a peer-to-peerweb that lets you do everything you can now, except there would no servers and no authorities to manage the flow of information.

4年前我创造了“Web 3.0”这个词汇,当时我很清楚的是,由我担任联合创始人的以太坊将会支持人们在无需信任的情况下以互利互惠的方式进行交互,借助消息传递和数据发布技术,我们希望构建一个点对点(P2P)的网络,让您可以做任何事情,只不过将没有服务器和机构来管理这些信息流。

These days, with keycomponentsstill missing or dysfunctional, with scalability still wanting, and many projects suffering from compatibility problems, I don’t always find it easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel, or how we will get there. But the important points are unchanged from before: Centralization is not socially tenable long-term, and government is too clumsyto fix things.


What preciselyis wrong with the web today? In short, it’s a big baby. It has grown old without growing up. While connecting the far corners of the globe with a packet-switching network and hypertext platformis an incredible achievement, the web has become corruptedfrom its own success.


The internet today is broken by design.


Rewindto 1990s and the internet was a very different place. Google was still a .org domain, open-source software was being described as “cancer” by one of thefiercest monopolists of all time, and “information superhighway” and “internet addictwere gaining tractionas terms for the newly anointed. People (well, teenagers like me) still ran their own websites and email servers, and “net neutrality” was something fishermen argued about when buying trawlers. The fabricof the internet was yet to become warpedby the shape of society. It was still rather barebones and empowering, reflecting its academic and enthusiast roots.


In the 20 years following, the “World Wide Web” would change the nature of society— this we know. Critically, though, the basic technical architectureof the internet provided no backstop againstchanges happening in the other . Society was bound toimprint itself back on the web.


Technology often mirrors its past. It acts in line with the previous paradigm, only faster, harder, better, or stronger than before. As the global economy went online, we replicated the same social structuresthat we had before. Partly, we have the web to thank for the modern dividesbetween rich and poor, between powerful and impotent, and between enlightened and under-informed.


The internet today is broken by design. We see wealth, power and influence placed in the hands of the greedy, the megalomaniacs, or the plain malicious. Markets, institutions, and trust relationships have been transposed to this new platform, with the density, power and incumbents changed, but with the same old dynamics.


Take how we pay for things online. On Web 2.0, you are not empowered to make payments per se. In reality, you must contact your financial institution to do it on your behalf. You are not trusted to do something as innocuous as pay your water bill. You are treated like a child appealing to a parent. If you wish to contact your friend online, then likely you will need to appeal to Facebook to relay your message.


Technology often mirrors its past… As the global economy went online, we replicatedthe same social structures that we had before.


The goliathsthat run these services — often critical to our lives and jobs — have no (obvious) evil intent,but nor do they act with benevolence or principle. They make money from our fealty, feeding us our information, and cutting us off when inconvenient.


Most of us don’t fear government or corporate intrusion onour lives, but there are well-documented casewhere their interests are not aligned withour own. Look at Wikileaks. In 2010,a broadly respected set of journalists thatpublishes information generally in the public interest wastargeted and cut off bymajor financial institutions like PayPal and Visawithout any legal grounds. If you wanted to give a perfectly legal charitable donationto Wikileaks, you effectivelycouldn’t.


With so much of the world’s data channelled through so few cables, the inconvenient truthis that unless we put in place open software protocols, our increasingly digital society will continue to be at risk from malicious “authorities”both within society and (as in the case Russian tampering of our elections) from outside. Those who wish to protect the peaceful, liberal post-war worldorder need to realize: Our present digital architecturewill magnify society’s maladies,not limit them.


Web 3.0 is an inclusive set of protocolsto provide building blocksfor application makers. These building blocks take the place of traditional web technologies like HTTP, AJAX and MySQL, but present a whole new way of creating applications. These technologies give the user strong and verifiable guarantees about the information they are receiving, what information they are giving away, and what they are paying and what they are receiving in return. By empoweringusers to act for themselves within low-barriermarkets, we can ensure censorship and monopolizationhave fewer places to hide.Consider Web 3.0 to be an executableMagna Carta— “the foundation of the freedom of the individual against the arbitrary authorityof the despot.”

Web3.0是一套包容性的协议,为应用程序开发者提供构建块。这些构建块取代了HTTP、AJAX和MySQL等传统web技术,但提供了一种全新的创建应用程序的方法。这些技术为用户提供了强有力的、可验证的保证,包括他们正在接收的信息、他们正在发送的信息、他们正在支付的信息以及他们正在收到的回报。通过授权用户在低壁垒市场中自主行动,我们可以确保审查和垄断的藏身之处减少。可以把Web 3.0看作可执行的大宪章:个人对抗专制者专横权威的基础。

If society does not adopt the principles of Web 3.0 for its digital platform, it runs the risk of continued corruption and eventual failure, just as medieval feudal systems and Soviet-style communism proved untenable in a world of modern democracies.


The adoption of Web 3.0 will be neither fast nor clean. With entrenched interestscontrolling much of our digital lifestyles, and interests often aligned between lawmakers, government and technology monopolists(consider how the NSA’s Prism program enlisted the help of Facebook and Google), some jurisdictions may even attempt to make components of the new web illegal. Already Russia has outlawed bitcoin and the U.K. has expressed a (ridiculous) desire to outlaw strong cryptography.


Web 3.0 is an inclusive set of protocolsto provide building blocks for application makers. These building blocks take the place of traditional web technologies… but present a whole new way of creating applications.


Aspects of this new system, including bitcoin or the Inter Planetary File System, will gain tractionfirst, probably in niche areas, much as Linux found traction “under the radarin server backrooms. As technology matures, and traditional firms inevitablyslow their innovation and treat their products as cash-cows (see Microsoft), the advantages of Web 3.0 will grow. It will be no more possible to outlawWeb 3.0 than it was for cities and countries to ban Uber, Airbnb, Grindr, and Wikipedia.


From a user’s point of view, Web 3.0 will look barely different from Web 2.0, at least initially. We’ll see the same display technologies: HTML5, CSS, and so on. On the back-end, technologies like Polkadot — Parity’s inter-chain blockchain protocol — will connect different technological threads into a single economy and “movement.”


We’ll use web browsers, but they might be called “wallets” or “key stores.” Browsers (and components like hardware wallets) will represent a person’s assets and identity online, allowing us to pay for something, or prove who we are, without needing to appeal to a bank or identity service. There will still be room for trusted parties, insurance outfits, backup-services and so forth. But their tasks will becommoditizedand their activity verifiable.As these service providers are forced to compete in a global, open and transparent market, web users will be relievedof price-gouging and rent-seeking.


Web 3.0 will engendera new global digital economy, creating new business models and markets to go with them, bustingplatform monopolies like Google and Facebook, and giving riseto vast levels of bottom-up innovation. Cheap government attacks on our privacy and liberty like widespread data trawling, censorship and propaganda,will become more difficult.


To be sure, we can’t predict the first successful use-cases of this new platform and when they might appear. As with the development of the internet before it, the timeline could be measured in decades rather than months. But when Web 3.0 emerges, it will bring a whole new meaning to the phrase“the Digital Age.”



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