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the billion coin

1. Rogue 加密货币Whale Triggered Billion-Dollar Bitcoin, Ethereum and XRP 牛市 in 2017, Claims New

...ighs, reports 彭博社. “Years from now, people will be surprised to learn investors handed over billions to people they didn’t know and who faced little oversight.” Bitcoin’s correlation to the altcoin market is well-documented. At the height of the last parabolic bull run, BTC hit an all-time high of $20,089, according to CoinMarketCap. Ethereum hit $1,432 and XRP hit $3.84. Tether says...


2. 币团交易所运营周报 (11月4日—11月8日)

...cation" to strengthen project risk management;6. On November 6, Bituan universal points BT, from 10 billion deflation to 1 billion. Among them, the team holds 200 million, the user protection fund is 100 million, the ecological fund is 100 million, and the market circulation is 600 million;7. On November 7th, Bituan adjusted the USDT coin handling fee and adjusted the coin handling fee of ERC20 co...


3. 独家:pi币最高价值138933美元?6个理由深度解析

...币市场份额的 60%以上(极有可能 90%)。英文翻译:(由百度翻译提供)2084 billion US dollars is the total market value of the global digital currency. The circulation rate here is calculated by 30%, and the total number of PI coins is calculated by about 3 billion when 10 million people stop production. Specific parameters can be adjusted, such as incremental market multi...


4. 一些想在OKB上线两周年与海外社区分享的内容

...Back to the exchange’s token, OKB was initially issued on 23rd of March, 2018.? It was planed 1 billion issuance, after 300 million token had been gradually released, the management team decided to burn some amount of the OKB coins.?so one year later, on 2019 April,?they used 30% of transaction fee from OKEx spot market to buy back OKB gradually and send to a ‘black hole’ address to burn;O...


5. 七号矿场分布式存储将成为全球焦点

...ide excellent solutions for decentralized distributed Internet. The number of Fil coins issued is 2 billion pieces, and it will take 60 years to dig them out by the 6-year halving mechanism, of which 15% are protocol laboratories, 5% are Fil foundations, 10% are venture capital institutions, and 70% are miners with 1.4 billion.协议实验室凭借着团队的高效、靠谱的实力,项目的...


6. SWFTBlockchain上线Libra红包和支付功能

...ion’s mission to enable a simple global payment system and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people is aligned with our values. Recent changes to the Libra whitepaper have not changed how we at SWFT Blockchain feel about Libra nor have they changed our plans to support Libra.Following the Libra Association’s press release announcing its expansion from one multi-currency Libra ...


7. SWFT Blockchain 上线Libra红包和支付功能

...ion’s mission to enable a simple global payment system and financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people is aligned with our values. Recent changes to the Libra whitepaper have not changed how we at SWFT Blockchain feel about Libra nor have they changed our plans to support Libra.Following the Libra Association’s press release announcing its expansion from one multi-currency Libra ...


8. 多空交战激烈,空头貌似略胜一筹

...的投资故事。— —BTCJIE实时资讯:1、菲律宾证交会发布关于加密骗局“The Billion Coin”的警告据Cointelegraph消息,菲律宾证交会本月公布了第三个加密货币骗局,提醒投资者警惕一个名为“The Billion Coin(TBC)”的骗局。SEC在4月14日的一份报告中称,TBCoin自称旨在“改革全球金融体系,消除世界贫困”,...


9. 多空交战激烈,空头貌似略胜一筹

...的投资故事。— —BTCJIE实时资讯:1、菲律宾证交会发布关于加密骗局“The Billion Coin”的警告据Cointelegraph消息,菲律宾证交会本月公布了第三个加密货币骗局,提醒投资者警惕一个名为“The Billion Coin(TBC)”的骗局。SEC在4月14日的一份报告中称,TBCoin自称旨在“改革全球金融体系,消除世界贫困”,...


10. 9月25日16:00R网首席大客户经理Dora小姐姐邀请到AVF基金会理事长Martin

...完必要的开销后,将全部用于二级市场的支撑。The total number of AVF passes is 6 billion, and the total amount of AVF that can be circulated will be about 1.5 billion, of which 1.2 billion belong to traditional investors, which is not expected to be circulated in the market. Among the other 300 million, 210 million are obtained by private placement of various institutions in the ...


11. Koalabusinessmodelintroduction

... price of $0.5. The issuance plan is2. The total number of KLA's development planning issuance: 2.1 billion, pre Mining: 10%, 21 million promotion and circulation: 2 million; airdrop; 1 million, no private placement, no crowdfunding, (for circulation and mortgage mining),4,KLA release method;1 billion pieces, and it will never be issued again, halving every four years.? KOALA launched 21 mil...


12. UniswapLaunchesItsFirstPlatformCoin—LBPofLongBit

...n currency. It was issued on GXChain before going public on the mainnet. Itstotal circulation was 1 billion, which had witnessed a rise of 64% within just six days,featuring a top-ratedeflation mechanism and application scenario design. Among quarterly ecological profits, 20% will be used for LBP buy-back and burn until the aggregate amount reaches 500 million.LBP currently plays an important role...


13. VTLvirtuallifebuildsgameecologyandhelpsdigitaltransformation

... the development of Internet technology, the game industry will be a larger industry. In 2020, 2.67 billion gamers worldwide created an output value of 174.9 billion US dollars. By 2023, this figure will be $3.05 billion and $217.9 billion, respectively. Among them, virtual goods are the main source of income in the global game market, accounting for more than $150 billion, accounting for more tha...


14. Telegram“非法”代币融资 或遭美国SEC罚款千万美元

...监管标准的。 临时禁止令全文。参考资料:美国SEC网站:SEC Halts Alleged $1.7Billion Unregistered Digital Token Offeringhttps://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2019-212福布斯Forbes网站:SEC Files ‘Emergency’Restraining Order Against $1.7 Billion Telegram ICOhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2019/10/11/sec-files-emergency-restraining-order-against-17-bill...


15. 带你了解七号矿场经济模型

...FIL coins. However, the white paper issued by IPFS pointed out that FIL coins issued a total of 2 billion FIL coins, of which 70% were for FIL miners who provided storage hard disks. From the perspective of the future. As more and more data need to be stored, more and more data are uploaded. IPFS needs more and more storage space and more miners join IPFS. The output of FIL coins will gradually de...
