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1. Project PAI发布(PoUW) 学术论文(英文版)

Proof of Useful Work (PoUW) is a novel blockchain consensus protocol used to improve efficiency and security of blockchain. Classical Bitcoin mining is a wasteful and resource-intensive process as its Proof of Work (PoW) protocol resembles a lottery and the underlying computational work is not useful otherwise. To add a block of transactions to the blockchain, miners spend a considerable amount of...


2. 成立新加坡基金会符合Blockchain项目特征吗?

...享者 ?卓志潘潘新加坡基金会:新加坡公众担保性公司,非盈利性质。符合?Blockchain这一去中心化的特点,因此,很多?Blockchain项目,就适合于在这种平台上进行操作。对于主要做交易所的项目方来说,选择注册新加坡基金会,出具一份法律意见文书是一个很好选择,目前,在行业内,对于新加坡基金会...


3. Blockchain项目为什么注册新加坡基金会?



4. 区块链大型巡回播放【第2期】#区块链技术概念# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘

...制造信用的工具,区块链技术的不可逆、不可更改等全部凸显出来。What is blockchain technology? Some say it's a distributed ledger, some say it's just another form of the Internet. What exactly is blockchain technology?1. Introduction of blockchain concepts? Bitcoin is a case of the application of blockchain technology, Satoshi Nakamoto blockchain technology as the core to...


5. 【第260期】“区块链合作组织”&“行情解读”

...组织可以让用户参与度和创造性更具影响力,带动我们更好的拥抱区块链。Blockchain technology is a trust manufacturing machine, in a trusted distributed account book, we can use this trusted protocol for the operation of the Cooperative Organization, in this organizational system, we do things are trusted, it's like a giant bubble in a number one player movie, where ever...


6. 区块链大型巡回播放第231期“金融公共事业”

... financial and banking organizations are currently deciding on the criteria for joint research into blockchain technology, which is also inevitable because the head force exists, and the research into blockchain technology criteria is $250,000, on the other hand, the rich are helping the poor regain a relatively fair starting point. The emergence of blockchain alliances marks another big step forw...


7. 有奖征名|aelf测试网英文名投票正式开始



8. 关于斐波那契开盘公告

尊贵会员:链一Bcone于2021年3月28日上盘交易Fibonacci Public Blockchain,开放FIBO/USDT交易对。充提时间:2021年3月26日13:00开盘时间:2021年3月28日13:00【项目介绍】Fibonacci是DPOS和s-BFT双共识机制的先进商用公链,主网上线前基于科图底层发布FiBo代币,由新加坡破晓基金会(DawnDawn Foundation)开发创建,FiBo是Fibonacci...


9. YOYOW上线SWFT Blockchain闪兑平台

YOYOW与 SWFT Blockchain 正式达成合作,YOYOW于2020年2月12日正式上线全球最大闪兑平台之一SWFTBlockchain,SWFT 现已支持 200 余种币与YOYO 直接兑换,用SWFT进行YOYO去中心化闪兑无需注册无需实名无需预存,欢迎体验!此外,SWFT OTC法币通道也将支持法币一键买卖 YOYO,简单快速安全,敬请关注!关于SWFT BlockchainSWFT...


10. YOYOW于2020年2月12日正式上线SWFT Blockchain

YOYOW与SWFT Blockchain正式达成合作,YOYOW于2020年2月12日正式上线全球最大闪兑平台之一SWFT Blockchain,SWFT现已支持200余种币与YOYO直接兑换,欢迎体验!此外,SWFT OTC法币通道将支持法币一键买卖YOYO,简单快速安全,敬请关注!关于SWFT BlockchainSWFT Blockchain是全球最大闪兑平台之一,无需注册进行去中心化闪兑...


11. TSX:背书者Blockchain金融交易所



12. 一分钟学懂以太坊分片Sharding原理| 视频&文字

...独的存储器中。This makes the data a lot faster to store and a lot easier to query. As far as blockchains are concerned, every node has to store all the information on the blockchain locally, and process all incoming transaction. 这使得数据存储更快,查询也更容易。就区块链而言,每个节点都必须在本地区块链上存储所有信息,并处理所有传入的交...


13. 【第242期】“区块链搜索”&“行情解读”

...ovation from outside the company because they are smart, the power of search is strong, and in this blockchain super book, it's a tool that can do anything, by building a platform of challenges and motivating the smartest people on the web to solve their problems, for example, the registration, transfer and production of intellectual property rights, what kind of experience and educational backgro...


14. 黄永彬与张金琳就促进“区块链+新基建”落地达成共识

...,任命杨慧为会长。中国市场信息调查业协会区块链委员会(英文译名为:BLOCKCHAIN COMMITTEE , CHINA ASSOCIATION OF MARKET INFORMATION AND RESEARCH;英文名缩写为:BC-CAMIR)是中国市场信息调查业协会设立的专门从事区块链业务活动的分支机构。BC-CAMIR将依托中国市场信息调查业协会,迎合区块链“新基建”的浪潮,...


15. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第74期(07.06-07.12)

...es Android native bugs fixed.(98%)DEX modifying the liquidity transaction friction fee tested.(100%)Blockchain browser certificate changed.(100%)Blockchain application testnet deployment completed.(30%)Following Work PlanPublic Chain developmentMainet V3.0 version will be upgraded.WASM uniswap will be developed.WASM contract TPS performance will be tested.Community Public Chain technical document(...
