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private key bitcoin

1. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

  说明:本文翻译内容来源是《Bitcoin Developer Guide》: https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide   所有词汇来自网页浮窗特别提示的内容。专有名词词汇共计126条   译者:@力国潘 www.Weibo.com/GouLi   1. 51-attack: The ability of someone controlling a majority of hashing power to revise transactions history and prevent new transa...


2. 教你如何正确使用HD Wallets

...展性树型钱包(hierarchical deterministic wallets)   参考地址:https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0032.mediawiki   原理简介:   1.生成HD Wallets钱包的时候除了会生成主私钥(master private key)和主公钥(master public key),还会生成一个chain code。   2.利用master private key + chain code可以得到指定的子...

知识:HD Wallets

3. 比特币技术普及:Bitcoin-qt导入multibit和blockchain在线钱包的方法

  将bitcoin-qt钱包导入到MultiBit钱包中   1、打开bitcoin-qt的控制台   2、在控制台中输入 walletpassphrase [your password] [timeout in seconds] 来解锁密码保护的钱包   3、将要导入multibit钱包的每个地址,运行dumpprivkey [Receiving bitcoin address]。如果有隐藏的地址,可以运行listaddressgroupings命令。 ...


4. 区块脉动|脉动干货:什么是区块链钱包?

...?Some time ago, we learned how software wallets and hardware wallets can ensure the security of bitcoin. Many new leeks don't know what blockchain wallets are. What's the difference between them and the mobile wallets we usually use?什么是数字钱包</blockquote>数字钱包是存储和管理、使用数字货币的工具,在区块链领域有举足轻重的地位。它是一个存储加...


5. 【第247期】“多重签名”&amp;“行情解读”

...靠。Multiple signatures make digital currency transactions secure, and since the introduction of bitcoin addresses in the bitcoin protocol, parties use multiple authenticated signatures instead of a single private key, no matter how complex the transaction, this method of multi-signature is generally accepted. Among multiple transaction signatures, there is an M / N Signature Scheme, where m mea...


6. 如何挑选数字货币钱包?

...电脑钱包Exodus界面很好看,安全性做的也不错,主流币种全部支持,比如:Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash,Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Dash, Zcash, 0x, EOS, Storj等。(8)其他电子钱包以上介绍的都是主流电子钱包,没能把所有的电子钱包全部介绍一遍,以下是G2全球的评分,有兴趣的朋友可以自己去看看G26、最后的思考...


7. 比特币轻量级钱包MultiBit安装与使用指南

... 所以在这种情况下,编者推荐大家尤其是新手使用multibit客户端。 相比起bitcoin-qt客户端,multibit能实时显示Mt.Gox的交易价格,并且运行速度非常块,由于只是部分更新数据区块中的交易记 录,multibit对交易的确认非常迅速。根据编者经验,multibit有时候甚至比blockchain的确认交易还快。   当然,bi...


8. How Does the Blockchain Work? 區塊鏈如何運作?

...者的努力和區塊鏈社區的支持,還提供簡體中文和普通話版本。The Basics of Bitcoin比特幣的基礎The most known and discussed application of the blockchain technology isbitcoin,a digital currency that can be used to exchange products and services, just like the U.S. dollar, euro, Chinese yuan, and other national currencies. Let’s use this first application of the blockc...


9. 【第294期】#区块链隐私解决方案# &amp;“行情解读”&amp;“PI网友观点摘录”

...the "zk-starks" blockchain privacy solution can improve blockchain security. Since the start of the Bitcoin Pizza Festival, the unit price of bitcoins has exceeded 120,000 yuan by the end of 2017. Not only the United States, Japan, South Korea, Europe and other developed countries have introduced policies and regulations, but also many financial giants have joined them, visible blockchain this big...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放第220期“公钥基础设施”

...身,对于加密学诺贝尔奖或者经济学诺贝尔奖,相信中本聪名至所归。In a bitcoin pass system, participants use public-key infrastructure to build a secure platform, and under public-key infrastructure, users have two different keys for encryption and decryption, which are asymmetric, the public-key cryptography is valued for its free encryption software for e mail, but of ...


11. 7亿美元的钱包漏洞:比特币的第七大地址在不断受到攻击

...O称,该钱包正在黑客论坛上公开,以破解密码。在bitinfocharts.com上,名为“ Bitcoin Rich List”的列表中列出了带有大量比特币(BTC)的钱包。 在过去的十年中,加密支持者仔细检查了此列表,以找出所有者或记录重大的转让。根据Vice的一份报告,第七个最富有的BTC地址是黑客的目标,因为表面上存在一...


12. 预挖 BTCP 到底是个怎样的事件?这么大的事竟无人能察觉?

...么能瞒过这么多区块链领域的技术行家呢?接下来,请看本文的深度解析:Bitcoin Private (BTCP)项目是比特币和 ZClassic (ZCL)的「分叉合并」,旨在为比特币增加 ZClassic 基于 zk-SNARKs 的零知识证明技术的隐私和安全特性。其中,ZClassic 又分叉自 ZCash,由矿工所支持,类似于比特现金(BCH)。根据 Bitcoin P...


13. 深度|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之多重签名

...orithm to implement signature aggregation.In the case of multi signature with ECDSA, if there are N private keys signed, the N signatures need to be verified respectively. Because of the linear characteristic of Schnorr Signature Algorithm, in the same case, the signatures of N private keys can be "aggregated" into one signature. The principle is as follows:Because the points on the elliptic curve...


14. 深度 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之多重签名

...orithm to implement signature aggregation.In the case of multi signature with ECDSA, if there are N private keys signed, the N signatures need to be verified respectively. Because of the linear characteristic of Schnorr Signature Algorithm, in the same case, the signatures of N private keys can be "aggregated" into one signature. The principle is as follows:Because the points on the elliptic curve...


15. BTCV挖矿8月3日上线Bibox交易所

BTCV挖矿币在Bibox将于2020年8月3日上线Bitcoin Vault (BTCV)更新于关注Bibox创新区将于2020年8月3日上线Bitcoin Vault (BTCV)。一、Bitcoin Vault (BTCV) 上线时间北京时间 2020年8月3日11:00 开放 BTCV充值、提现;北京时间 2020年8月3日16:00 开放 BTCV/BTC;二、币种详情Bitcoin Vault是基于“three-private-key”安全架构上开发的安全技术...
