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1. 区块链大型巡回播放【第36期】#智能合约储蓄新型钱包# &“行情解读”&“PI网友

...y a has a right, he can use his private key to create a transaction that cancels party B's right to cash out. At the same time Party A and party B are present, can withdraw any amount of digital assets.2. Special Requirements: Party a can withdraw 1EOS every day. If party a needs more digital currency, party B can ask for help. If Party a loses its private key, party B can withdraw cash and forwar...


2. 区块链大型巡回播放【第125期】#货币支付影响# &“行情解读”

...领域的违法者和劣质币,全民参与、共同治理理念会越来越显得重要。From cash to non-cash payments, from traditional card-based electronic payments to network-based electronic payments, from simple electronic payments to smart code payments, from payment tools to money, it should be said that new technologies are constantly changing the monetary financial system, and may e...


3. Bignews:Europe'sNewScamStealVictim1millionEuroesofBTC(!!!)

...g procedures. Emil Pic also informed the victim that an investor wanted to pay 1.5 Million Euros in cash to complete the transaction of buying (1 Million euros in BTC spot rate + 10% exchange equity). Emil Pic also required a commission of 150,000 Euros as part of his effort of fund-raising.Emil Pic took the victim to a local cafe and asked the so-called investor “Christol” to give 1.5 million...


4. 七号矿场推动科技创新

...数字货币市场,对普通投资者来说,Filecoin或将成为唯一的风口之路。Digital cash has once again become a hot spot in the world, but from the national level, ordinary investors have little chance to participate. In order not to lose the opportunity to participate, we can focus on the decentralized digital cash market. For ordinary investors, Filecoin may become the only way ...


5. FRAX、MITH、PEGS专场算法稳定币的未来|AMA回顾

...日下午4点,我们邀请到了市场上三位算法稳定币的核心开发者——FRAX,MITH Cash和PEGS的创始人,对话BlockArk首席分析师墨客,共同探讨“算法稳定币的未来”。这是中文加密社区首次与多位算法稳定币开发者公开对话,本次算法稳定币专场AMA直播由区块方舟BlockArk支持,链闻ChainNews、星球日报Odaily、区块...


6. 区块链大型巡回播放【第120期】#无现金支付# &“行情解读”

...m, as an important part of financial infrastructure, is undergoing fundamental changes. The current cash use ratio is gradually declining, and is replaced by electronic payment, the electronic money is more efficient and lower cost, the bank and the non-bank Payment Institution's electronic payment service presents the rapid growth, this is also due to the rapid growth of the Internet economy and ...


7. 【第245期】“智能合约再认知”&“行情解读”

...t the opportunity has come, and like the UGC platform, in the early days of blockchain 1.0, we were more focused on bitcoin transactions, but by now, more and more people are willing to join in the blockchain technology learning, so UGC content platform, everywhere. The technology used to execute smart contracts has been in existence for a long time. Before the execution of a contract, after the n...


8. Kik向美国证券交易委员会负责人Bill Hinman&More发出传票

Kik Interactive于本周向美国纽约南区地方法院提起诉讼,通过向证券交易委员会(SEC)发出多次传票来大开杀戒。 Kik是SEC起诉未注册证券销售的执法目标。 Kik决定为自己辩护,而不是将其移交给法院,此案可能最终将由陪审团审判。 作为法律斗争的一部分,Kik已针对证券交易委员会的各种官员发出了多...


9. 更多硬币通过奖励扩展用例

2020年6月15日-拉斯维加斯More Coin今天宣布与Cordia Kitchens(OTCM:CORG)建立新的合作伙伴关系,Cordia Kitchens是一家拥有并经营虚拟餐厅和实体餐厅的美国上市公司。</blockquote>使用名为Snackpass的食物提取应用程序,食客可以通过从拉斯维加斯大道地区的一家名为The Blind Pig的餐厅订购来赚取更多硬币。 Snackpass...


10. Freedom Eagle 自由鹰项目白皮书

...o NFC cryptocurrency exchange, good depositrates, and a well-developed loyalty system that includes cashback and bonusesfor operations. The app is also autonomous, as you can use it worldwide evenwhen you do not have mobile internet.?甲方的每一个社区成员、乙方的每一个私人客户&amp;公众客户,这些客户在由欧洲和美国代表的全球市场上可以利用公司的基...


11. 龙卷风现金搅拌机的开发商为1114人举行了大规模的可信任安装仪式

以太坊混音器Tornado Cash的开发人员举行了可信任安装仪式。现在,由于开发人员消除了参数,因此智能合约代码以不受信任的方式工作,从理论上讲,这使他们可以使用伪造的零知识证明来干扰混合器。https://t.co/rvKZjphG8M已完成历史上最大的可信安装仪式! more了解更多变化。 ??https://t.co/uiZ06PQ92F#Tornado...


12. 支付创企Chipper Cash获3000万美元B轮融资,Ribbit Capital领投

非洲跨境支付创业公司 Chipper Cash 完成 3000 万美元 B 轮融资,风险投资公司 Ribbit Capital 领投,亚马逊首席执行官 Jeff Bezos 的个人风险投资基金 Bezos Expeditions 参投。总部位于旧金山的 Chipper Cash 于 2018 年由乌干达人 Ham Serunjogi 和加纳人 Maijid Moujaled 创立,提供免费移动 P2P 支付服务。这项服务在 7 个非洲国...


13. Bittrex &amp; SUTER? b网的中国首次AMA之行

...,这种陷阱? 信息被盗意味着攻击者可以生成无限量 的合法零知识证明。在Zcash这样的加密货币方案中,零知识证明是用于证明货币的所有 权和合法性,以便能够生成无限量的合法零知识证明,这种攻击意味着对手可以打印无限 数量的数字货币而无法被检测到。尽管安全多方计算协议可以减轻可信初始...


14. Loot仿盘汇总

...易额和Gas消耗的贡献度。Loot、Bloot的24小时交易额在所有NFT项目中排名前10。More Loot、pLoot项目在刚推出时一度引起社区FOMO。而在Gas费消耗方面,sLoot、pLoot都曾出现过ETH燃烧量超过OpenSea的情况。这些仿盘类项目站在Loot的肩膀上推出了更多的玩法。有的在Loot(游戏道具概念)的基础上补全了游戏故事和...


15. 一文速览Loot仿盘:MLoot、Rarity、Bloot......

...易额和Gas消耗的贡献度。Loot、Bloot的24小时交易额在所有NFT项目中排名前10。More Loot、pLoot项目在刚推出时一度引起社区FOMO。而在Gas费消耗方面,sLoot、pLoot都曾出现过ETH燃烧量超过OpenSea的情况。这些仿盘类项目站在Loot的肩膀上推出了更多的玩法。有的在Loot(游戏道具概念)的基础上补全了游戏故事和...
