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1. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

...Li   1. 51-attack: The ability of someone controlling a majority of hashing power to revise transactions history and prevent new transactions from confirming   51-attack:一些人通过拥有大部分地算力,从而可以修改交易历史以及阻止新的交易被确认。   2. accidental-fork: When two or more blocks have the same block height, forking the block cha...


2. 以Transaction的生命周期为线索剖析Libra核心组件

...析Node启动并加入到Libra网络的过程,介绍Network组件的设计与实现; 围绕Transaction的生命周期,分析其接收交易、打包区块、运行上链的过程,介绍Libra的Mempool、Executor以及Storage、VM等核心组件; 围绕LibraBFT,介绍Consensus组件以及区块达成共识的过程。 前面我们讲述了Libra的第一条主线——Node启...


3. 技术入门 | 以Transaction的生命周期为线索剖析Libra核心组件

...过分析Node启动并加入到Libra网络的过程,介绍Network组件的设计与实现;围绕Transaction的生命周期,分析其接收交易、打包区块、运行上链的过程,介绍Libra的Mempool、Executor以及Storage、VM等核心组件;围绕LibraBFT,介绍Consensus组件以及区块达成共识的过程。 前面我们讲述了Libra的第一条主线——Node启动以...


4. Nervos 想让智能合约平台实现「价值存储」的经济模型究竟是什么?

... both as a utility token and an asset. When bitcoins function as a utility, they can be used to pay transaction fees; when they function as an asset, they can be used to preserve value over time. Those two use cases are often referred to as the “Medium of Exchange” (MoE) use case and the “Store of Value” (SoV) use case. The two use cases are not mutually exclusive. They are both important ...


5. 灵活交易(Flexible Transactions)与隔离见证(Segregated Witness)

...碎的其他问题。   我打算提出一个升级方案我称之为:   Flexible Transactions (灵活交易)   上个周末,我写了一个小应用程序(源代码请点击这里),读取一个交易,然后按照我为比特币设计的一个新格式写出来。它基于我已经在其他项目上使用了一段时间的主意,但这是第一个开源版本...


6. 区块链大型巡回播放【第26期】#比特币清算和现金系统# &“行情解读”&“PI网友

...ystem and the cash system.1. Clearing System: bitcoin blocks are limited in size, and when multiple transactions are made simultaneously, the high value transactions are prioritized, and the high value transactions are left with sufficient fees for the miners. Since low-value transactions can not flow normally, the bitcoin network degenerates into a clearing system, and transactions that are clear...


7. 小岛美奈子:给初学者的闪电网络入门指南

...:https://lightning.network/lightning-network-paper.pdf要理解闪电网络,首先要讲解 BTC Transaction 里面的 2 个关键字段:nLockTime 与 sequence numbe。nLockTime 表示交易是否会被积压;当默认 nLockTime=0 时,代表这笔交易不会积压,节点在收到这笔交易之后,立即会进入 Memory Pool,进行打包。当 nLockTime > 0 时,这笔交易会...


8. How Does the Blockchain Work? 區塊鏈如何運作?

...Francisco. I bet it will be sunny,you that it will rain. Today we have three options to manage this transaction:區塊鏈技術可能是自互聯網以來最好的發明。它允許價值交換而無需信任或中央權威。假設您和我為明天的舊金山天氣下注$50。我敢打賭,天氣晴朗,你會下雨。今天,我們有三種選擇來管理此交易:We cantrusteach other. R...


9. 【第247期】“多重签名”&“行情解读”

...样自动执行会让整个交易看起来更加可靠。Multiple signatures make digital currency transactions secure, and since the introduction of bitcoin addresses in the bitcoin protocol, parties use multiple authenticated signatures instead of a single private key, no matter how complex the transaction, this method of multi-signature is generally accepted. Among multiple transaction signatur...


10. 澳洲国税局比特币政策解读

...收法规,这里和大家介绍一下。   Under the guidance paper and rulings, bitcoin transactions are treated like barter transactions with similar taxation consequences.   比特币的转账被视作 barter transaction,那么这又是什么意思呢?比特币被视作非现金但是有市场价值的可以用来交换商品、服务和资产的物品。   General...


11. 区块链大型巡回播放【第20期】#SPV面临的问题# &“行情解读”&“PI网友观点摘录

...t. It aims to verify the existence of the payment quickly and reduce the pressure of the increasing transaction volume. Everything is not perfect, and what are the shortcomings of the SPV?1. The SPV nodes are in contradiction with the degree of decentralization: With the increase of the number of authentication nodes of SPV, the number of nodes participating in complete authentication will decreas...


12. OV引领区块链合约交易新时代

...美国纽约,德国柏林,瑞士苏黎世,匈牙利布达斯,澳大利悉尼。Overclocking Transaction基金会与五家美国公司,五家欧洲企业进行了深度合作,Overclocking Transaction及合作伙伴瞄淮广阔的全球市场从用东南亚为入口实现覆盖亚太、欧洲、美洲、澳洲等多地,致力于打造区块链行业交易新生态,做全球最大理...


13. 比特币白皮书

...pose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As lon...


14. 比特币交易手续费(Transaction Fees)怎么计算?

...角落,通常情况下的确可以免费转账,但是在某些情况下你必须支付手续费(Transaction Fees)才能完成转账,在0.8.3版Bitcoin钱包中默认是0.0001比特币的转账手续费。   这个手续费是奖励给矿工的,以激励矿工继续挖矿为比特币提供足够的算力从而确保比特币网络的安全。目前矿工的主要收入是通过...


15. 区块链大型巡回播放第221期“中本聪设计的比特币通证”

...now each other's identities, and the identification and authentication layers are separate from the transaction layers, such as in the bitcoin payment process, a pays B 1BTC, a broadcasts the whole network, in the process, the identities of both parties need not be involved, what the bitcoin network does is confirm that a does control the batch of bitcoins, and after a has approved the transaction...
