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explain bitcoin

1. 泰米尔语指南:加密货币的含义以及如何在印度购买比特币— Giottus访谈

...????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????????? ??????????.Price of Bitcoin in INRBitcoin.com: Can you explain what the smallest unit of bitcoin is and how much it is worth in INR in Tamil??????????? ?????????? ???? ???, ???? ???? ???????? ???????????????????? ?????????? ???? ????? ?????. 10,00,00,000 ???????? ??? ?????????? ???????????????? (100 ???? 1 ?????? ???????????? ???). ???? ????????? ??????...


2. Ethereum’s Rejection Could Spark a Massive Selloff; What Factors Should We Consider?

...itcoin/Ethereum cross rate denominated in USD.“The Ethereum/Bitcoin cross is an ugly chart,” he explained.</blockquote> The Ethereum/Bitcoin cross is an ugly chart. pic.twitter.com/xYwA45lV3o— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) January 7, 2020</blockquote>Will Growing Weakness Send ETH to $80?It is important to note that the recent rejection at $148 came about as the cryptocurrency attempted to b...


3. 零知识证明学习资源汇总

...中引用了两篇介绍零知识证明的论文,也值得看一看。「推荐文章二」How to explain zero-knowledge protocols to your children推荐值:??????难度值:??这篇来自上个世纪的文章,正如它的标题一样,作者以给孩子讲故事的口吻,讲了一个阿里巴巴与四十大盗的故事,这个故事后来也成为了介绍零知识证明的经典故事...


4. News.Bitcoin.com首席作家Jamie Redman被评为最佳加密博客作者之一

...福布斯的加密货币作家。 此外,还有两位女性加密博客作者,博客Blockchain Explainer的Portia Burton和新闻媒体Bitcoin Africa Afritechnews的Angeline Mbogo。加密博客作者在反击一些愚昧无知但有影响力的人经常兜售的虚假陈述和误解方面仍然发挥着作用。博客在发布有关比特币或一般加密货币领域的误导性故事时,...


5. 专家说,关于比特币改进的决定将比技术更主观

...作家马克·杰弗里(Mark Jeffrey)的反应,他写了《比特币简单解释》(Bitcoin Explained Simply)一书,他说:也许是最重要的一点:所有控制代码和交换的人都有很多#Bitcoin,那么为什么他们同意破坏其资产的价值?与受益于随意增加报价的央行形成直接对比。马克·杰弗里</blockquote>初创公司Casa的比特币核...


6. 维尔币博客发布 13 日 Peter Todd -开发更新

...方案的评论   https://coinreport.net/tree-chains-vs-side-chains-controversy-explained/   Peter Todd&rsquo;s solution to this is to open up Bitcoin entirely, by removing the need for miners to verify transactions: miners simply check that the transaction has a fee attached to it, and ignore the contents. Clients would do the verifications themselves, using the tree pat...


7. BForing与区块链时代比肩同行

...ny people still regard the blockchain as a scourge! Even if you have heard of blockchain, trying to explain it will be a completely different story. But then again, trying to explain the Internet 30 years ago seems to be somewhat challenging. Is the blockchain the next era of the digital revolution? Nowadays, although blockchain is an emerging technology, it has the potential to launch a wave of i...


8. 你知道什么是隔离见证(SegWit)吗?

...时,超过 33.8%的矿工明确表示赞成 SegWit。--原文链接:https://cointelegraph.com/explained/segwit-explained 原文作者:Andrew Marshall 译者:clover来源链接:www.blockvalue.com


9. 翻译角!什么是Web3,如何跟12岁的孩子解释清楚?(中英对照)

...者,也是一位创新商业领域与科技领域的顶尖作家。原文标题:What is Web3? Explained Simply To a 12-Year-Old原文链接:https://drckangelo.medium.com/what-is-web3-explained-simply-to-a-12-year-old-486bbc509ac7发布时间:2021年11月15日阅读提示:下划线词组代表重点行业词汇,黑色加粗代表重点单词与词组,红色加粗代表疑难词汇。...


10. 比特币价格走势和黄金涨跌有相关性吗?也许这只是一种古老的统计学误差?

...一篇文章,它提出的观点,非常有意思 《An Old Statistical Trick Might Help Better Explain the Apparent Correlation Between Bitcoin and Gold》文中提到了混杂偏倚,统计学中最古老的系统误差,也是最易被忽视的误差。通常用于医学领域,在流行病学研究中,由于一个或多个潜在的混杂因子(confounding factor)的影响,掩盖...


11. RSK直播第三期、直播纪要(嘉宾分享)

...nce acquired they must be sent to a web3 dApp like Metamask or Nifty, configured the RSK network as explained in our blogposthttps://www.rifos.org/blog/rif-on-chain-launchand connect tohttps://rif.moneyonchain.com/afterwards.For the time being it is necessary to have RBTC that can be easily acquire in coinswitch.coI want you to know that we are working in a solution to avoid having to buy RBTC for...


12. 币安收购印度主要交易所Wazirx-首席执行官解释了变化

...特币新闻上。 来源:https://news.bitcoin.com/binance-acquires-indian-exchange-wazirx-ceo-explains-the-changes/ 立即发送提示


13. 【12.10国外百咖说:顺便学英语】比特币通往10万美元之路



14. 墨西哥检察官办公室提醒用户有关比特币和冠状病毒的欺诈行为

...合国制定了在美国实施的扶贫计划。美国以抵消冠状病毒的经济影响。Mail Explain是一个计算机生成的竞赛??,它选择电子邮件来进入竞赛,奖金为500,000美元。他们还指出,没有必要购买门票,奖金只能在收到邮件后的30天内领取。从这一点开始,鼓励用户联系索赔管理员以获取说明和过程。陷入诈骗涉...


15. 千字解析區塊鏈

...是區塊鏈,為什麼人們一直在談論它?Well you’re in luck. In this article, I’ll explain in plain English what blockchainis, how it works and why it’s so important in less than 1000 words. Let’s getto it.好吧,你很幸運。在本文中,我將以簡單的英語用不到1000個字解釋什麼是區塊鏈,其工作原理以及為什麼如此重要。讓我們開始吧。...
