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1. 自动化比特币微支付即将与闪电网络完成整合

  译者:玩币族Sally   随着Joule Allowances的引入,比特币网络距离实现自动小额支付和流量化货币的潜力又近了一步。   Joule Allowances允许BTC实现自动小额支付   自诞生以来,比特币一直在努力实现其承诺,即成为大交易量、低价值、即时支付的推动者。然而,这很难在链上实现...


2. justSwap开盘咯,你也想发个币去当庄家?手把手教你怎么用TRC20标准在tron发币

...=> uint256) public balanceOf; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowance; // This generates a public event on the blockchain that will notify clients event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); // This generates a public event on the blockchain that will notify clients event Approval(address indexed _owner, address...


3. 波场创建匿名钱包奖励1U,DEGO空投,被交易费劝退,都能学会的创建以太坊“

...ender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining) {}event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);}contract StandardToken is Token {...


4. 《比特币开发者指南 专有名词》 翻译

...:比特币里面的基本计算单位,相当于1亿聪。   6. bitcoin-uri: A URI which allows receivers to encode payment details so spenders don’t have to manually enter addresses and other details   bitcoin-uri: 一个包含接收者付款信息,以便发送者不必手工输入地址或者其它信息的URI   7. block: A block of transactions protected by pr...


5. 非同寻常——连接到您的云和分布式存储的音乐播放器Diffuse?

...ding="UTF-8"?><CORSConfigurationxmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"><CORSRule><AllowedOrigin>*</AllowedOrigin><AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod><AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod><MaxAgeSeconds>31536000</MaxAgeSeconds><ExposeHeader>Content-Length</ExposeHeader><ExposeHeader>Content-Type</ExposeHeader>? ? <AllowedHeader>Range</AllowedHeade...


6. 非同寻常——连接到您的云和分布式存储的音乐播放器Diffuse?

...\"?><CORSConfigurationxmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/\"><CORSRule><AllowedOrigin>*</AllowedOrigin><AllowedMethod>GET</AllowedMethod><AllowedMethod>HEAD</AllowedMethod><MaxAgeSeconds>31536000</MaxAgeSeconds><ExposeHeader>Content-Length</ExposeHeader><ExposeHeader>Content-Type</ExposeHeader> <Al...


7. Pi第二阶段内容说明矿工们这下看到希望了

...nd the large active global community are a rare resource in the crypto space.An Apps Platform will allow third-party developers to build applications that facilitate structured transactions using PI. The Apps Platform can include both apps that are built within Pi Network called?Pi Apps?as well as external applications that are able to integrate Pi into their payment options, called?Pi Paymen...


8. PiNetwork官方团队公布第二阶段例如电子商务、物流、供应链、游戏、房地产或金

...and the large active global community are a rare resource in the crypto space.An Apps Platform will allow third-party developers to build applications that facilitate structured transactions using PI. The Apps Platform can include both apps that are built within Pi Network called Pi Apps as well as external applications that are able to integrate Pi into their payment options, called Pi Payments.P...


9. MuculadaforexinAsia

...perience which provides various forms of investment transactions such as web pages and mobile apps, allowing you to monitor the global foreign exchange market in real time at all times. It’s innovative software allowing investors to monitor the increase or decrease of own funds consistently to make efficient buying and selling investment decisions, so that one can outperform the complex financia...


10. 最新消息PiNetwork官方团队今日再次公布PI币手机挖矿应用程序平台开发的类型与

...and the large active global community are a rare resource in the crypto space.An Apps Platform will allow third-party developers to build applications that facilitate structured transactions using PI. The Apps Platform can include both apps that are built within Pi Network called Pi Apps as well as external applications that are able to integrate Pi into their payment options, called Pi Payments.P...


11. MOLDEX α 的系统架构

...unction approve( address _spender, uint256 _value ) public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; } // ERC721 function approve(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public { address owner = ownerOf(_tokenId); require(_to != owner); require(msg.sender == owner || isApprovedForAll(owner...


12. 有趣的智能合约蜜罐分析(上)

...; ????uint8?constant?decimals?=?18; ????uint?total; ????bool?locked; ????address?_owner; ????struct?Allowed?{ ????????mapping?(address?=>?uint256)?_allowed; ????} ????mapping?(address?=>?Allowed)?allowed; ????mapping?(address?=>?uint256)?balances; ????event?Transfer(address?indexed?_from,?address?indexed?_to,?uint256?_value); ????event?Approval(address?indexed?_owner,?address?indexed?_spender,?uin...


13. 简约币Qora一周后开源

...egrate AT within Qora. This development will continue on a private repository for now.   To allow people who have an interest in Qora to discuss things in a civilized manner I will close this thread and make a new one that will allow us to deal with these attacks.   Please continue discussions here:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php topic=881220


14. 慢雾:VETH合约被黑分析

...) public override returns (bool success) {if(!mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]){require(value <= _allowances[from][msg.sender], 'Must not send more than allowance');_allowances[from][msg.sender] -= value;}_transfer(from, to, value);return true;}可以看到在?transferFrom?函数中,先对?mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]?进行了?if?判断,具体逻辑是mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]为?f...


15. 慢雾:VETH 合约被黑分析

...) public override returns (bool success) {if(!mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]){require(value <= _allowances[from][msg.sender], 'Must not send more than allowance');_allowances[from][msg.sender] -= value;}_transfer(from, to, value);return true;}可以看到在transferFrom函数中,先对mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]进行了 if 判断,具体逻辑是mapAddress_Excluded[msg.sender]为 false...
