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1. 芝商所关闭欧洲和澳大利亚仓库

芝商所向金融巨头透露,它将在2020年11月30日之前终止其Abide Financial和NEX监管报告业务以及其欧洲和澳大利亚贸易资料库。在提供给Finance Magnates的一份声明中,芝商所集团表示,在2018年11月收购NEX Group之后评估了其业务组合,并决定关闭其部分监管服务的运营。FMLS 2020迄今为止最多样化的受众群体-金融...


2. MAP FinTech聘请Mark Ellis领导业务发展

...未来的业务线建立了商业业务模型。 此前,他在这家公司工作了多年。他在Abide Financial和Markit的CME / NEX监管报告中花了半年多的时间。 在那里,他从事商业和战略开发工作,并为NEX Group战略性设计和建立了新的监管市场。他的投资组合还包括Markit,SwapsWire和Citi的工作经验。MAP FinTech的集团首席执行官Pa...


3. 所谓的加密货币骗局是由著名的电子竞技玩家宣传的

...etCap“他们的钱包活动表明,他们已被定时在市场上抛售,”被称为@abcd_nahi_abid 的推特用户写道。Faze Clan 是世界上最著名的专业电子竞技和娱乐组织之一。 其成员因其在《使命召唤》等视频游戏中的技能而受到认可。Faze Kay 等球员的名气使他在 YouTube 上拥有 600 万粉丝,在 Instagram 上拥有 170 万粉丝,...


4. 芝商所离任后,监管机构会评估贸易储存库的可行性吗?

...agnates)爆料称,芝商所将关闭其在澳大利亚和欧洲的贸易仓库,并将终止其Abide Financial和NEX监管报告业务。尽管该公司将保留其美国(CFTC)交换数据存储库和加拿大贸易存储库服务,但其其余监管运营将于2020年11月30日之前关闭。FMLS 2020迄今为止最多样化的受众群体-金融与创新相遇市场影响正如TRAction...


5. 全球知名生物医药专家助力湃隆生物顾问委员会

...的风险合伙人,也是Autobahn Therapeutics、Boundless Bio、Receptos(被Celgene收购)和Abide Therapeutics(被H. Lundbeck A/S收购)的联合创始人。毕红钢博士,现任Labcorp旗下科文斯医药全球高级副总裁、亚太区药物开发主管、中国区总经理,是临床前开发、临床试验测试和临床试验管理领域的全球领导者和专家。在加...


6. News Bulletin(2020.01.05-2020.01.11)

...e on board. Iran admitted to shooting down the plane unintentionally.4. Iran said it will no longer abide by the enrichment limits in its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers but but remain open to negotiations with European partners.5. US House of Representatives passed a resolution to stop Trump from further military action against Iran.6. Tsai Ing-Wen was re-elected as ROC's president, receiving...


7. 独家:Mark Kelly离开Coinbase,成立监管咨询公司

...帮助必须遵守MiFIR和EMIR报告制度的公司。 在英国Coinbase任职之前,Kelly因在Abide Financial(现为芝商所法规报告)的董事而在外汇(外汇)行业享有盛誉。 凯利(Kelly)的职业生涯漫长而多样,始于80年代。在加入Coinbase UK之前,他还曾在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers),所罗门兄弟(Salomon Brothers)和巴克莱资...


8. 巴塞罗那足球俱乐部开发自己的代币与粉丝互动

...)被认为是世界上最好的球员,他批评了俱乐部主席埃里克·阿比达尔(Eric Abidal)的一些评论。媒体开始猜测这可能是梅西在巴塞罗那的最后一个赛季。在其他地方,曼城正在密切关注球员与俱乐部之间的关系。然而,尽管在高层和球场上都遇到了困难,但巴塞罗纳仍然表现出与球迷交流的重要性。巴...


9. 区块链大型巡回播放第204期“数字化信任建立”

...ple around will gradually walk away, except for those who embrace interests, trust should generally abide by the four principles of integrity, first, transparency: our team to do things need to be open and transparent, highly transparent operation of the organization, there is no black-box operation behind the company can be full of confidence and trust between employees. So establishing an active...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放第235期“三式记账法是否有必要性”

...arency of triple-entry will force conservatives to operate off-balance-sheet, and that they may not abide by the rules of engagement, so-called shadow value information. In these gray areas, transition periods are inevitable, when we need a small number of auditors to oversee management, and for accounting functions that blockchain can't do, we need to reassess the balance sheet in real time, in g...


11. 【第246期】“制造信任”&“行情解读”

...e root of human nature for in-depth analysis, the human heart has become "old" , because we have to abide by these rules of the game.第二篇章“行情解读”每日行情走势,大饼从3月12号开始爬升,初始点为3800点,今日6月8号19点00分为9738点左右,一路飙歌,势如破竹,走势健康稳健,从日曲线来看9300-9600之间目前支撑点很多,庄家买...


12. 大团结社区关于BOHR挖矿最新防刷策略的解读

... simulators to mine in batches, they will be limited and normal miners will not be affected. Please abide by the mining rules.We will continue to take more stringent measures against cheaters. Although doing so will distract our energy and affect the progress of technology development. But in order to protect the interests of every miner, we have to do so.译文:①我们的系统已经风控着...


13. 扩展区块链的读写能力

...nd effectively manage conflicts of interest related to its investment activities. Multicoin Capital abides by a “No Trade Policy” for the assets listed in this report for 3 days (“No Trade Period”) following its public release. Multicoin Capital owns GRT.原文来源:https://multicoin.capital/2021/07/30/scaling-reads-and-writes/
