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Random Number Generator

1. 硬件钱包的安全芯片有什么作用?(上)

...——伪随机数生成器和真随机数生成器。伪随机数生成器(pseudo-random number generator,PRNG)在维基百科上有一个更令人担忧的名字,确定性随机数生成器(deterministic-random bit generator ,DRBG)。为什么随机数还会有“确定性”这一说呢?因为伪随机数都来自于“随机种子”(Random Seed),而随机种子是由计...


2. Chainlink 推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi 游戏 PoolTogether

...伪随机性是通过计算生成的,通常借助于伪随机数生成器 (pseudo- orandom number generator, PRNG)。在实践中,后者的使用更为突出,因为它可以方便地集成到各种计算机应用程序中。关键是要确保这些算法生成的随机数确实是不可预测的。直到现在,即使是去中心化的应用程序也必须依赖于随机的集中来源。Ch...


3. Chainlink推出链上可验证随机函数(VRF),将首先用于DeFi游戏PoolTogether

...伪随机性是通过计算生成的,通常借助于伪随机数生成器 (pseudo- orandom number generator, PRNG)。在实践中,后者的使用更为突出,因为它可以方便地集成到各种计算机应用程序中。关键是要确保这些算法生成的随机数确实是不可预测的。直到现在,即使是去中心化的应用程序也必须依赖于随机的集中来源。Ch...


4. 为何不推荐用摄像头生成随机数

...生成随机数。其实,在学术界,这里是三个概念。真随机数,True Random Number Generator,简称 TRNG。伪随机数,Pseudo Random Number Generator。简称 PRNG。用手机摄像头生成随机数,叫作“传感器随机”,Sensor Random Number?Generator。简称 SensoRNG。Cobo 金库在研发的早期,掌柜就研究过是否要使用手机摄像头等传感器随...


5. 比特币完成减半之后,超 50% 矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...ng coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator number generator, PRNG. In practice, the latter is more prominent because it can be easily integrated into a variety of computer applications. The key is to ensure that the random numbers generated by these algorithms are indeed unpredictable. Until now, even decentralized applications hav...


6. 比特币完成减半之后,超50%矿机已关机或濒临关机状态

...ng coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator number generator, PRNG. In practice, the latter is more prominent because it can be easily integrated into a variety of computer applications. The key is to ensure that the random numbers generated by these algorithms are indeed unpredictable. Until now, even decentralized applications hav...


7. Cobo金库为何不用摄像头来生成随机数

...生成随机数。其实,在学术界,这里是三个概念。真随机数,True Random Number Generator,简称 TRNG。伪随机数,Pseudo Random Number Generator。简称 PRNG。用手机摄像头生成随机数,叫作“传感器随机”,Sensor Random NumberGenerator。简称 SensoRNG。Cobo 金库在研发的早期,掌柜就研究过是否要使用手机摄像头等传感器随...


8. 知乎盐选 | 下一个核心技术:Facebook CEO 在听证会上为什么要谈论中国?

...ng coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator number generator, PRNG. In practice, the latter is more prominent because it can be easily integrated into a variety of computer applications. The key is to ensure that the random numbers generated by these algorithms are indeed unpredictable. Until now, even decentralized applications hav...


9. 下一个核心技术:FacebookCEO在听证会上为什么要谈论中国?

...ng coins. PSEUDORANDOM is generated by computation, usually with the aid of the PSEUDORANDOM number generator number generator, PRNG. In practice, the latter is more prominent because it can be easily integrated into a variety of computer applications. The key is to ensure that the random numbers generated by these algorithms are indeed unpredictable. Until now, even decentralized applications hav...


10. 区块链黑客马拉松全程回顾

...0000美元,三等奖Medical Records,奖金10000美元。Nevermore、Food Chain 、Random Number Generator分别获得优胜奖,Bitsmile获得了分布式资本特别奖。   有开发者分析:   上述的 CargoChain,Medical Records , FoodChain,Bitsmile 这几个案例比较类似,都是将原本分散的数据资料改存到区块链并提供可信共识证明,相...


11. AlphaNu:密码学与安全性

...Kelvin钱包使用True-random-number生成器(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_random_number_generator)生成一组离线公钥/私钥对。这只能被开发人员访问并安全地存储在他们的Kelvin钱包中。只有私钥才能解密和验证加密的公钥或签名数据。 我们会为我们的公开密码匙基础建设使用一个多人多密钥管理系统。确认授权发...


12. 《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

...lculate the value of S.The brief description of Schnorr Signature Protocol is as follows: Setup:x: random number (aka private key)G := common pointX: x*G(aka public key)Sign:r : random number (aka nonce)R: r* G(aka commitment)e : Hash(R。EnglishSchnorr Signature Algorithm of Wisdom Chain DocumentKnowledge BaseThis article comes from the official Twitter of Wisdom ChainURL:https://twitter.com/W...


13. Keycard 简介 - 安全的非接触式硬钱包和开源 API

...状态,并且永远在银行级的安全保护之中。Keycard 使用内置的 True Random Number Generator5 生成主密钥。这样可以确保以真正随机数这种最安全形式创建密钥。Keycard 的硬件安全性符合最严格的标准(Common Criteria EAL5 +6),这意味着即使卡被盗,也没人能访问您的私钥。Keycard 硬件的无缝用户体验Keycard 将使各...


14. 关键|《WisdomChain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

... points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and we can get approximately random third points, which is expressed as: C=A+B. A point can be added to itself many times: D = C + C + C.When we talk about a point adding itself many times, we call it "multiply by a number": D = 3 C. Obviously, if we add a point A to itself many times (or multiplied by a large number) and get a...


15. 关键 |《Wisdom Chain文档知识库》之Schnorr签名算法

... points on elliptic curves. The above two points can be added together and we can get approximately random third points, which is expressed as: C=A+B. A point can be added to itself many times: D = C + C + C.When we talk about a point adding itself many times, we call it "multiply by a number": D = 3 C. Obviously, if we add a point A to itself many times (or multiplied by a large number) and get a...
