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Version One

1. 区块链存储协议 Arweave 获得 Version One Ventures 投资

区块链网络消息,风险投资机构 Version One Ventures 宣布已对主打永久存储服务的区块链存储协议 Arweave 进行投资,投资金额尚未披露。Arweave 项目于 2017 年创立,创始人为 Sam Williams,Arweave 提供一种「Permaweb 永久网」的解决方案,互联网用户可以通过 Arweave 浏览器插件实现在区块链上永久存储网页、邮件...

知识:投融资,a16z,Arweave,Coinbase Vent

2. Translated version of test.txtdiv.big{border-width: 2px 0 0;border-style: solid}div.small{border-wid

Bitcoin mining is one of the activities that has the greatest demand for electricity. And, the need to use specialized devices for mining, due to its complexity. It has led to the creation of instruments that require large amounts of energy to be able to solve cryptographic operations and execute transactions. The centralization of Bitcoin One of the main criticisms that have emerged against Bit...


3. YFIY即将上线交易项目方和机构大户联合锁仓5万ETH和6万YFIY

...st on April 10. Since the new system has not been developed yet, everyone can still use the current version of the system to participate in pledge. The pledge income remains unchanged for the time being.2. Is it possible to withdraw coins after the end of the internal test: the recharged and exchanged coins and the income generated by their pledge can be withdrawn at any time and will be credited ...


4. Pi Network(Pi币)史上第一笔跨国商品交易花费20.7499pi币

...ith 10,000 bitcoins in May 2010.Contrast BTC, Pi team Vincent has said that Pi can be seen as a new version of bitcoin reimagined in 2019. Maybe Pi COINS will be worth $1000 or more in the future…作者:Pi币中国区由COOL社区编辑


5. Pi Network(Pi币)史上第一笔跨国商品交易花费20.7499pi币

...ith 10,000 bitcoins in May 2010.Contrast BTC, Pi team Vincent has said that Pi can be seen as a new version of bitcoin reimagined in 2019. Maybe Pi COINS will be worth $1000 or more in the future…作者:Pi币中国区由COOL社区编辑


6. 揭秘DeFi迅速崛起的背后:风投机构近半年悄然布局17家DeFi协议

... Horowitz 领投,联合广场风投 USV、Paradigm、 ParaFi Capital、SV Angel、 A. Capital 和 Version One 参投。USV 近期同时参与了 Uniswap 和 Numerai 的融资 , 这家风投机构目前已经在 DeFi 领域进行了至少五笔投资,他们还曾投过的其他三个 DeFi 项目是 dYdX、Compound 和 MakerDAO。而 Binance Labs 领投 1inch 融资轮的事实表明,交易所...


7. 那个曾持有 730 个 CryptoPunks 的匿名收藏大咖如何看 NFT 的价值?

...204928ff212a052a127d50d0735a688cab0c23aae1c9cb7666ac3a8d318223a8d68f19339b5eeeec23b5ca3a6bdd1c", ??"version": "2" }2 | 大家都发现您最近(链闻注:指 2021 年年初)回到了这个钱包。自从您购买 CryptoPunks 以来,是否一直在跟踪它们的价格?Mr.703:没有——我实际上没有追踪这些价格。 我收集了这些 CryptoPunks,欣赏它们,还把它们...


8. PiNetwork(PI币)节点第一版本发布

原文:Pi Node Beta ReleaseWe’re rolling out the first Beta version of Pi Node today. When we first launched Pi on Pi Day 2019, we aimed to release the first version of the Node software by the end of Q1 2020. Achieving this important milestone is the first step towards building the Pi testnet, and ultimately towards decentralization of the network, one of the two primary goals of Pi’s Phase...


9. 揭秘 DeFi 迅速崛起的背后:风投机构近半年悄然布局 17 家 DeFi 协议

... Horowitz 领投,联合广场风投 USV、Paradigm、 ParaFi Capital、SV Angel、 A. Capital 和 Version One 参投。USV 近期同时参与了 Uniswap 和 Numerai 的融资 , 这家风投机构目前已经在 DeFi 领域进行了至少五笔投资,他们还曾投过的其他三个 DeFi 项目是 dYdX、Compound 和 MakerDAO。而 Binance Labs 领投 1inch 融资轮的事实表明,交易所...


10. 维基链WICC|项目进展周报第62期

...0:00观看直播参与互动。Technology & Product Weekly ReportPublic Chain DevelopmentThe kernel version of WASM VM is synchronized to the latest version (100%)Complete one-to-all transfer interface (100%)Complete governance of cross-chain token pairs (100%)Limit the candidates to become miners with over 21,000 votes (100%)Improve the decentralized authority management of DEX trading pairs (100...


11. 在Pi网络中建立节点不是人人都能被选上但人人都有机会

...eir devices available/unavailable for serving as a node.By March 31, 2020, we’ll make the initial version of the Pi Node application available to download and install. This initial version of the Node will include two interfaces: the node interface and the desktop Pi interface. The desktop Pi interface will be similar to the interface of the mobile app and will allow people to check their Pi bal...


12. Pine语言入门(十一)函数创建与三元条件运算符?:

...将函数与输入结合以上并用它们来创建双HMA(代码HULL Moving Average)指标。//@version=4study(“Dual HULL Indicator”, overlay=true)h1=input(title=”Fast MA Period”,type=integer,defval=9)h1_src= input(title=’Fast MA Source’, type=string, defval=’Close’, options=[‘Open’, ‘High’,’Low’,’Close’,’HL2’])h2=input(title=”Slow MA Period”,type=intege...


13. 维基链WICC | 项目进展周报第62期(3.23~3.29)

...观看直播参与互动。Technology & Product Weekly ReportPublic Chain DevelopmentThe kernel version of WASM VM is synchronized to the latest version (100%)Complete one-to-all transfer interface (100%)Complete governance of cross-chain token pairs (100%)Limit the candidates to become miners with over 21,000 votes (100%)Improve the decentralized authority management of DEX trading pairs (100...


14. FCS五色石 | 项目半月报(2020.4.16-2020.4.30)

...文版请查找适合您自己的语言进行阅读EnglishTechnical UpdatesBTchatlThe BTchat-IM5.0 version with optimized core services and performance is launched in the application market.lBTchat Android and IOS version hot update mode is basically completed.lThe revision of ecology module has been completed. Optimization of Asset module transfer process has been completed. The newly added "Tanb...


15. FCS五色石|项目半月报(2020.5.1-2020.5.15)

...ideo problems caused by IOS13 upgrade.l?Android starts the new IM6.0 framework design.l?IMServer1.0 version: ServerAPI development is completed, and ClientSDK development is completed by 60%.l?Performance optimization of block browsing station.Rise of Heroesl?The art team is optimizing the scenes and?characters. At this stage, the?characters?Sima Yi, Liu Bei, and Huang Fusong?are?completed, and th...
