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1. Themostvisionarycryptoexchange,Lookatthisuwillknowwhyitissopraised

...red in the warehouse, the more rewards you will get. Mining machines that do not store data will be unprofitable, just as there is no warehouse full of rice. Therefore, the term of Filecoin mining is: effective computing power, also called effective storage power. The more effective the data stored by miners, the more rewards they receive and the higher the trust value.Now that the digital age is ...


2. 专访Slush:世界上第一家矿池slushpool发布中文版

...when I was mining for bitcoins alone with my computer and realized that it’s quickly becoming unprofitable for single miners. Fortunately, a solution came to my mind. I’ve created a system where small miners would join together to pool their resources and   share their profit proportionally. That’s why the method is called pooled mining.   Hi, 我是Marek Palatinu...


3. RSK CEO 吴明洋 做客力场,与场东问答互动

...educing the reward they get from newly minted bitcoins by half, some mining operations might became unprofitable and will shutdown. For users is important because that reduction of income for miners will eventually result in higher transactions fees. That's why we think RSK is so important, a bitcoin transaction on RSK costs 8 cents of renmibi and all the additional activity on RSK wil bring more ...
