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Fair Game

1. 区块链游戏平台 Fair.Game 旗下区块链游戏工作室 X Studio 完成 150 万美元融资

区块链网络消息,区块链游戏平台 Fair.Game 旗下区块链游戏工作室 X Studio 宣布完成 150 万美元机构融资,该轮融资纳斯达克上市公司 Lion Group、Negentropy.Capital、LinkVC、IMG fund、Chain Games、CryptoAngel、MXC Labs 等 10 余家投资机构参投。X Studio 是越南游戏制作人 Nguyen Hoang chính 于 2020 年创立,专注于开发基于多...

知识:投融资,LinkVC,MXC Labs,Chain Game

2. PixxCoin | PoS | Wallet with built in Exchange 32 Hour Left

...g on lot of projects.We have seen alot of free POS coins on this Forum but they fail due to their unfair distribution.We are taking first step towards fair distribution.   Minimum age for coin age is 3 day. Stake age of full weight is 100 day.   Interests are as follows:   First year: 12%   Second year: 9%   3rd year: 7%   4th year: 5%   5th ...


3. Sperax月报|2021年6月

...们充足研究了最近的稳定币事故并已尽一切可能确保USDs安全)。??Sperax Play Fair软启动, 用xp点数来购买和竞标商品??Sperax和Oasis的双重激励开启流动性挖矿一起来看看Sperax在七月都有哪些新进展吧~在夏天开启一场USDs的狂欢这个月,我们完成了USDs白皮书的收尾工作并撰写了模拟性能测试和经济模型的文...


4. (1)NFTgameanddecentralizedgamerisks

... rights of the game, which will threaten or damage the rights and interests of all other players. A fair, respectable and active management center is still essential for decentralized games! Its existence will be an important guarantee for the active development of games and related content.If there are Chinese players joining such NFT blockchain games, it is recommended to stay vigilant. There ar...


5. 中国区块链电商孕育之中

...的客服对争端处理可能没那么认知仔细也是有可能的).题外话, 这个问题叫做fair exchange. 在人类已知的逻辑体系下, 假如没有淘宝和JD这样的大佬, 是被严格证明过不可能完美实现的. 当然, 币圈逻辑超前人类认知太多, 可能有不同结论也未可知。区块链技术下现实交易的实现回到区块链这个有且只有神奇小...


6. FutureDAO创意项目融资与治理的DAICO平台

...ld建立持续性组织(Continuous Organization,CO),一个持续性组织是一个发行称为FAIR的完全数字化的证券,而其部分或全部现金流会流入一个分散式自治信托(Decentralized Autonomous Trust, DAT),一个DAT是一个利用债券曲线自动挖矿、销毁和分发FAIR证券的合约。 CO主要通过双曲线债券曲线机制实现为组织持续筹...


7. 【第256期】“区块链应用之间的博弈”&“行情解读”

...ent, so the node repeats this net revenue process in the bitcoin economy, each player is relatively fair, the system sets the rules of the game, the players use their own calculation or other strategies to mine, the first person to get the answer to the question is given a pass incentive, the first successful application of the blockchain was bitcoin. The bitcoin system itself had a process of gam...


8. Beep币扑 Plan B 第二期对话 Team Just之 无人生还

...g difference between testnet and mainnet. We had a launch procedure planned that was intended to be fair, but we couldn't test on the testnet. On launch day, tens of thousands of people showed up. This was more than we expected. And unfortunately, this caused some issues with our launch program. Fortunately, it took us no longer than 30 minutes to fix all of the issues. But at that point, people a...


9. DeFi核武器杀伤,Chainswap跨链桥损失惨重

...ex、 Rocks、Fei protocol、Oropocket、Sakeswap、 Corra、DAOventure、 Peri Finance、 Strong、Fair Game、OptionRoom、Razor、Blank Antimatter 等,黑客的地址为0xEda5066780dE29D00dfb54581A707ef6F52D8113,可以说是DeFi核武器杀伤,场面惨不忍睹,次事件是DeFi影响范围最大的一次安全事故。受该事件的影响,部分代币都最高出现40%以上的跌幅...


10. 重启IEO明星项目METAX将在HooLabs开启认购

...Casper 等。据了解,此次 Hoo labs 推出的 Metaverse X,是由知名区块链游戏平台 Fair.Game 的 X 工作室从头设计的一款去中心化的虚拟世界沙盒建造游戏。Metaverse X 的灵感来自著名的“Minecraft”和 “Roblox”,支持 NFT 创建和交易以及 Play To Earn 模式,旨在成为全球排名第一的、完全身临其境的虚拟世界 MMO 游戏...


11. (8)RambleofNFTgame:AxieInfinityandcryptocurrencymarket

...know what they want.But in fact, as a player, I know what I want. I want everyone in the game to be fair and equal, and the assets of the game can also be easily traded. The time and energy I spend in the game can let me gain real-world benefits in some way. I really don’t understand: Why do clever critics just slap their heads, then players like me will never know what we want ? !Maybe this is ...


12. Gitcoin与Fair Launch Capital联合推出KERNEL Fair Launch track

律动 BlockBeats 消息,Gitcoin 与 Fair Launch Capital 联合推出 KERNEL Fair Launch track,以帮助团队探索可以让社区参与、维护和长期治理的代币分发机制。 KERNEL Fair Launch track 将作为 KERNEL Fellowship 第二期的一部分,由 FLC 的 Joe Gerber(IDEO)和 Reuben Bramanathan(前 Coinbase 产品/法务)举办一系列专门为加密货币社区创...


13. FORSAGE(佛萨奇)团队是不是对接FairWorld去中心化

Fair World对接咨询薇:M0123LouisVuittonFair World 是什么?Fair World由“Mr.String ”发起,以“宇宙循环学”为哲学基础, 以“超弦理论”为运行机制基础,以区块链为底层技术基础, 融合经济学、互联网、区块链、哲学、宇宙学、物理学、生命科学、社会学等多门学科知识原理,打造的真实客观世界 的全局映...


14. “Fair Launch”代币胜过普通代币的表现

...新的DeFi项目,如Yearn.Finance和SushiSwap,以及经验丰富的2013年山寨币Peercoin。Fair Launch代币(无预挖,已公开宣布)表现出色。 包括$ BTC,$ SUSHI,$ DOGE,$ HNT,$ SFI,$ YFI,$ FARM,$ CVP我们在这里有预设的筛选器-> https://t.co/17N2KGDPRF pic.twitter.com/F4StV12N5Q-Mira Christanto(@asiahodl)2021年2月16日</blockquote>在过去三个...


15. 社区项目 Fair Launch Capital 将为加密项目创始人提供公平启动资金,以助力其在早

...McDermott 和 Joe Gerber 以及知名加密货币顾问 Reuben Bramanathan 启动了一个新项目 Fair Launch Capital。但官方称,这并非是风投基金,而是致力于为加密项目创始人提供「公平启动」(Fair Launch)资金的社区资源项目,例如用于在平台上线之前进行资金审核的资金。Fair Launch Capital 解释称,「公平启动」能使创始...

知识:项目,Fair Launch Capital