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1. Filecoin生态项目集锦系列

...Filecoin生态项目集锦系列中的一篇,本期介绍的是来自Filecoin Frontier加速营的Ownership Labs、OPgames以及来自Filecoin Launchpad 加速营的Secured Finance,更多精彩期待接下来的更新。Filecoin Frontier 加速营Ownership Labs项目简介:在互联网高速发展的今天,Web2.0中高效、不断智能地数据使用与推送系统也为用户带来一定...


2. Filecoin 开发团队协议实验室都投资了哪些生态项目?

...将目光聚焦到 Filecoin 生态,并通过与业内若干个朋友的交流,会发现 Sinso、OwnerShip 具备此类特征,有望成为 Filecoin 生态的下一个投资重点。下面我们来逐个介绍分析一下:一、Sinso—— 远程医疗和 AI 诊断的医学影像数据聚合器Sinso 团队成立于 2020 年 10 月,核心成员作为医学影像 SaaS 云领先服务商,...


3. FIL单月上涨超50%关于Filecoin生态潜力项目你知道多少?

...的新锐项目也是层出不穷,诞生出了诸如Slate、Filwan、Sinso、Security fiance 、Ownership、Swan、FileDrive、Slate、Filehive、Textile、Ganache等一大批名优项目,正推动Filecoin成为Web3中最活跃的生态板块。事实上,Filecoin还在不断通过战略调整改变大家对区块链算力体系的固有印象。近期,Filecoin社区成员向官方提交了...


4. 区块链大型巡回播放第211期“产权确权”

...济产权很有必要。In a centralized property database, a software button can assign property ownership rights to others. Under the centralized operation, we don't know what happens inside, so if property ownership is not confirmed, it is difficult to guarantee the rationality of ownership, for example, if there is an automatic transplanting device in the country, the equipment manufacturer wi...


5. 官方发布:Filecoin生态项目集锦系列(二)

...Filecoin生态项目集锦系列中的一篇,本期介绍的是来自Filecoin Frontier加速营的Ownership Labs、OPgames以及来自Filecoin Launchpad 加速营的Secured Finance,更多精彩期待接下来的更新。Ownership Labs1.1 项目简介:在互联网高速发展的今天,Web2.0中高效、不断智能的数据使用与推送系统也为用户带来一定的困扰。由于信...


6. Filecoin生态项目集锦系列(二)

...Filecoin生态项目集锦系列中的一篇,本期介绍的是来自Filecoin Frontier加速营的Ownership Labs、OPgames以及来自Filecoin Launchpad 加速营的Secured Finance,更多精彩期待接下来的更新。11 Ownership Labs1.1 项目简介:在互联网高速发展的今天,Web2.0中高效、不断智能地数据使用与推送系统也为用户带来一定的困扰。由于...


7. 区块链大型巡回播放第185期“大数据归属权”

...ation itself could be copied without limit and for free, in the process of offline assets transfer, ownership is unique, we can not establish ownership and credit system on the Internet, the reason why blockchain technology is called Information revolution, if it landed, and really address these islands, credit, ownership, and data sharing.


8. DAO:Web3所有权经济的组织形式#104

...b3所有权经济的组织形式在IOSG今年的Old Friends Reunion活动上发生了大量的关于ownership economics 和DAO的讨论。毫无疑问今年大量关于metaverse的应用让人看到了开源精神带来巨大能量, Web3 is eating the world!资料来源: IOSG 2021 Summit, Benevans, Tokeninsight, Eshita整个加密市场DAO运行的现状概览当前整个加密市场有超过200...


9. 如何提出Obyte自治代理的想法

...fer of address/properties, see below USAGE// please note : before registering an new AA or transfer ownership of an existing AA// ***MAKE SURE*** to add ```var[ 'authors' ] = <author submission address>;``` to the new AA app : `state`// as it will be the only address allowed to make future transfer{ cases: [{if: "{$checkaddress = trigger.data.address;if ( !$checkaddress ) bounce( 'input: { a...


10. 区块链大型巡回播放【第67期】#区块链技术登记结算应用# &“行情解读”

... pursue them, all of these provide a good and reasonable direction for equity crowdfunding.2. STOCK OWNERSHIP INCENTIVE MODEL: stock ownership incentive companies, employees will hold the paper version of the incentive contract program, and in blockchain technology after digital stock ownership incentive management, all equity, options, dividends, and other benefits are managed in a decentralized ...


11. 通过区块链技术为房地产提供市场流动性

...施能够发行代币,即真实可交易资产的数字表示。Democratizing access to property ownership:获得财产所有权的民主化权利The tokenization of real estate assets entails a number of important benefits that can address the existing limitations and inefficiencies of property investment.房地产资产的代币数字化带来了许多重要的好处,可以解决目前房地...


12. LABS-通过区块链技术为房地产市场提供流动性

...施能够发行代币,即真实可交易资产的数字表示。Democratizing access to property ownership:获得财产所有权的民主化权利The tokenization of real estate assets entails a number of important benefits that can address the existing limitations and inefficiencies of property investment.房地产资产的代币数字化带来了许多重要的好处,可以解决目前房地...


13. FilecoinFrontier加速营DemoDay即将来袭

...://myel.devTwitter link:InactiveLinkedIn link:https://www.linkedin.com/company/myel/项目四:Ownership Labs简介:?交易私有数据计算权的开放数据交易市场网站:https://github.com/ownership-labsTwitter link:https://twitter.com/OwnershipLabs项目五:Atomica简介:面向去中心化金融的自动化保险市场平台网站:https://atomica.orgTwitter link:https:/...


14. 盘点:Filecoin生态应用发展现状

...ntifiers for datasets、Bucket Pinning API、A notary for Web3。2)Filecoin Frontier 加速营?:Ownership Labs、OPGames、Secured Finance。●?Ownership Labs:在Web 3中重建Web 2的高效服务匹配模式,构建中间件和浏览器插件,使数据交易市场更加公开透明;●?OPGames :推出了可以使游戏开发者以加密货币作为支付工具等SDK和API。●?Secu...


15. 算力果盘点:Filecoin生态应用发展现状

...ntifiers for datasets、Bucket Pinning API、A notary for Web3。2)Filecoin Frontier 加速营?:Ownership Labs、OPGames、Secured Finance。●?Ownership Labs:在Web 3中重建Web 2的高效服务匹配模式,构建中间件和浏览器插件,使数据交易市场更加公开透明;●?OPGames :推出了可以使游戏开发者以加密货币作为支付工具等SDK和API。●?Secu...
