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1. 元宇宙音乐技术初创公司 Stage11 获得 Otium Capital 领投的 500 万欧元种子轮融资

区块链网络消息,元宇宙音乐技术初创公司 Stage11 获得 500 万欧元种子轮融资,欧洲风险投资基金 Otium Capital 领投,Stage11 创始人兼首席执行官 Jonathan Belolo 参投。募集资金将用于战略招聘、与艺术家和品牌建立合作关系、建立技术平台。 Stage11 于 2020 年在巴黎成立,是一家利用技术为元宇宙重塑音乐的...

知识:投融资,Stage11,Otium Capital,Jona

2. 构建数字化“分歧终端机”——探索Commit-RevealScheme



3. 构建数字化“分歧终端机”——探索Commit-Reveal Scheme

...件。具体操作如下:contract RockPaperScissors {enum Choice {None,Rock,Paper,Scissors}enum Stage {FirstCommit,SecondCommit,FirstReveal,SecondReveal,Distribute}struct CommitChoice {address playerAddress;bytes32 commitment;Choice choice;}event Commit(address player);event Reveal(address player, Choice choice);event Payout(address player, uint amount);// Initialisation argsuint public bet;uint...


4. BCH12小时两位数大涨;BTC重上8100美元,期货终结两连阴,本周涨超7%两周连涨

...数据安全共享由钛媒体、链得得、ChainDD 联合在 2020 CES 主办的首个中国媒体Stage【2020 CES Talk to China Stage】论坛上,ARPA 联合创始人兼首席增长官徐野木表示,数据与石油和黄金一样,都可以作为一种资产,但资产必须流动起来或者供人们使用才能变得有价值。徐野木说道,由于技术的局限性,现在还无...


5. WD世库官宣:主网上线公告和空投奖励

...n successfully completed after a month of testing. The test network is divided into the following 4 stages for testing, which lasted one month. they are:The first stage is a small-scale, shallow internal test stage. Mainly used for project classification and revision of technical logic. The core members of the node laboratory participate in the planning of the test.The second stage is an invitatio...


6. 【熊市进行到哪里了?】大树小思197

...者分别得出了牛市和熊市的三个阶段。 对于牛市而言,主要有三个阶段: Stage1:少数富有远见的人开始相信一些会变得更好。Stage2:大多数投资者意识到进步的确已经发生(行情开始变得更好)。Stage3:人人都断言一切永远会更好(繁荣的行情将会持续)。 对于熊市而言,主要也有三个阶段: Stage1:...


7. XDeFiLabs 官方致社区重要公告

...在 BSC 上线后开启;b. 通过黑洞地址权重调整 BSC 和 ETH 权重。c. 第二阶段(Stage2 )挖矿的块奖励(按 ETH 出块速度)从 80 调整到 16;d. 第三阶段(Stage3 )挖矿的块奖励从 40 调整到 8;e. 第四和第五阶段(Stage4-5)挖矿阶段块奖励调整为 4,24 小时后生效。已经挖矿的用户过往的所有收益不受此影响。(已...


8. 《 EUBOX:DeFi+NFT的体验之旅 》



9. 比原3周年回顾:过去.现在及未来

...the three-phase theory of assets, which also confirms the feasibility of Bytom's route.In the early stage of asset equity, as well as the current stage of asset securitization, subsequent assets will enter the stage of blockchain. At this stage, assets will be more conducive to circulation through infinitely divisible attributes; public and private key levels also ensure that assets are more secur...


10. 5G时代带动涡轮蜂巢矿机

...一个双赢的局面。于是,IPFS诞生了!In a broader application scenario, the application stage is the starting point of docking, because after the running-in of the trust stage and the public chain stage, we have begun to know that many things can be done. The first task at this stage is to establish a complete economic mechanism or overall model, including supervision, compliance, busi...


11. VGC币VirtualGameCoin的项目规划1、手机挖矿(空投)2、电脑节点挖矿VGC是属于全人

VGC Project Planning1st stage(Now)- Release Vcore miner tool, let developers and users from all over the world participate in VGC ecology for free, and recruit volunteers. Gradually release other basic applications in VGC ecology.2nd stage – When the 500 millionth VGC is produced, the existing Vcore tools will no longer be produced. Through vpay, we can decentralize the payment wallet and op...


12. 高仿包包哪里可以买和正品有什么区别PK比特币市场正式开启下一轮周期

... fell sharply, so everything is just fine, Perfect. From there, the market has moved on to the next stage, starting all over again. The next stage is about getting more people to know, understand and believe in Bitcoin.Okay, so what's the currency going to look like today?Let's start with the first point: Market sentiment, we have found that when the boots last night after landing, the currency on...


13. 5G时代下的七号矿场

...一个双赢的局面。于是,IPFS诞生了!In a broader application scenario, the application stage is the starting point of docking, because after the running-in of the trust stage and the public chain stage, we have begun to know that many things can be done. The first task at this stage is to establish a complete economic mechanism or overall model, including supervision, compliance, busi...


14. 烤仔创作者联盟|-Conflux理财钱包MoonSwap科普篇

...mining will be distributed to users and 10% is reserved for the team. Mining will be divided into 5 stages:Genesis Mining:100 MOON/block with 50,000 blocks in total (~7 days)Stage 1:10 MOON/block with 5,000,000 in total (~1.9 years)Stage 2:5 MOON/block with 5,000,000 in total (~1.9 years)Stage 3:2.5 MOON/block with 5,000,000 in total (~1.9 years)Stage 4:1.25 MOON/block with 5,000,000 in total (~1....


15. 比特币出圈:BTC 锚定币将带领 DeFi 走向何方?

...,每周生成和分配;2)代币的释放计划分为四个阶段:现在是冷启动阶段 Stage 0 的最后一周;后面三个阶段的代币释放计划和开发里程碑关联,同时可以叠加。目标是让产品、社区和流动性的节奏一致,达到最高的效率;3)AC 的价值除了通常的治理以及价值捕获,还承担了内部协议间价值转移的功能...
