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2021-03-08 Beep币扑 来源:区块链网络


翻译:Beep币扑分享时间:3月2日 19:00




Question:First of all, please give us a brief introduction about yourself and RTFKT.

Answer:I’m Ben, one of the 3 RTFKT founders with Clegfx and Zaptio

答:大家好,我是Ben, 是RTFKT三位合伙人之一,其他两位是Clegfx和 Zaptio

RTFKT is a very eclectic, creator led organisation. RTFKT uses the latest in game engines, NFT , blockchain authentication and augmented reality, combined with manufacturing expertise to create one of a kind sneakers and digital artifacts.we create the future and empower next gen creatives to take over the world with us?答:RTFKT是折衷主义的,创造者领导的组织。RTFKT 吸收最新的游戏引擎,NFT,区块链认证和增强现实等技术,结合制造专业知识,创造独一无二的虚拟运动鞋以及其他数字艺术品。我们创造未来,为下一代艺术品赋能并引领未来。

2.问:最近,RTFKT工作室发布的Musk携女友一起出席活动的照片出名了。那张照片给特斯拉的创始人马斯克P上了一张你们设计的鞋子,看上去毫无违和感。但就是这双并不存在的鞋子,引发了网友们的追捧,并以最终在当时以 15000 美元的价格被售出,随后价格更是一路暴涨。你们当时是出于什么动机创作这样一张图片的?随后为什么想到了要去发行NFT?你能否分析一下在这场Meme(网络迷因)中的消费者心理?Question:Recently, RTFKT studio posted a image that Musk and his girlfriend at an event and got around fifty million impressions. In that image, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, wearing the shoes you designed (latter proven to be a photo retouching), which actually doesn't exist, sparked an online frenzy and eventually sold for $15,000 at the time, even with prices skyrocketing afterwards. What was your motivation for creating such an image? And then how did you come up with the idea of issuing NFTs? Could you please provide some analysis on the consumer psychology in this Meme event?Answer:When we saw Elon’s Musks Cybertruck, we fell in love. We really wanted to be involved in the movement into a cyber future. Once we created the Cybersneaker design, we all thought how cool would it be if Elon wore these….. So we made it happen our way.

By doing this, we created our own really, based on millions of views on internet, creating internet culture and iconic moment


Did Elon Musk wear these sneakers at Met Gala? Was he really wearing that cool cyberpunk airbrushed shirt ? How many people were really at the Met Gala can testify on this VS the Millions of people who viewed it, liked it, commented and shared it on Internet ? Was this a snapshot from another simulation ? If something is seen and believed to be real by millions of people, does it become real?

“If nothing is true, everything is permitted”埃隆·马斯克在Met Gala上穿这双运动鞋吗?他真的穿着那件喷过气的酷酷赛博朋克衬衫吗?有多少真正参加了Met Gala的人能证明这一点,然而却有数百万人观看、点赞、评论并在网上分享了它?这是另一个模拟的快照吗? 如果某样东西被数百万人看到并相信是真实的,它真的会成真吗?


3.问:让我们来到第三个问题:在RTFKT接受的媒体采访中,我对一句话印象深刻:「比真实更真实的真实。」虚拟潮鞋塑造的正是一种比真实更真实的真实。尽管马斯克在那个场景下并没有这样穿戴过,但社交媒体中他的虚拟潮鞋穿戴深入人心,以至于人们甚至忘记了原本的现实。你能谈谈对眼下虚拟世界的认识吗?我们是否已经进入了一个幻觉与现实混淆、没有现实坐标,甚至人类不知来去的时代?Question:In the media interview accepted by RTFKT, I was deeply impressed by a sentence: "In some ways, it’s more real than reality." Virtual fashion shoes create a reality that is more real than reality. Although Musk didn't wear anything like that in that scene, his virtual hipness on social media has become so popular that make people overlook the real thing. Could you please share with us your understanding of the virtual world today? Have we entered an era where illusion is mixed with reality, where there are no real coordinates, and where humans don't even know where they are coming from and going forward?Answer:As RTFKT we create content to help people question this digital reality we are living in. As digital creators we aim to use our content to inspire creatives to push forward and create the future we desire. With the rapid advance of technology no one knows were we are going, we can foresee a cyberpunk future.

答:RTFKT通过创造内容来帮助人们证实我们生活中的数字现实。作为数字创造者,我们的目标是利用我们的内容来激发创意,推动并创造我们渴望的未来。随着科技的飞速发展,没有人知道我们将走向何方,但我们可以预见那将是赛博朋克的未来。4.问:C社:Ben,在你看来,NFT会给潮流行业带来哪些改变?它是否会促进潮流行业从实体转向虚拟,从而构成一种虚拟的潮流和一种符号的潮流?你身边还有其他的潮流品牌,在考虑转型NFT吗?Question:How to comprehend the behaviors that people are willing to pay a high price for a virtual symbol? (To those NFT outsiders, this might seem crazy.)Answer:Whether the good is physical or digital, there is craftmanship and emotions transfered to the owner - we believe people will have more value in virtual goods than physicalsby using NFT we can create limited availibity and exclusivity, allowing people to feel special as collectors and owners?and get them to unlock unique experiences with the NFT .答:不管是实体还是数字,技术和情感都将转移到用户手上,我们相信未来虚拟产品将比实体产品更有价值。


开启他们对于nft体验的独特旅程。5.Question:What changes will NFT bring to the fashion/trendy industry? Will it promote the fashion industry transfer from a physical phase to a virtual phase, so as to constitute a virtual trend and a symbolic trend? (Do you know any other fashion brands that are considering switching to NFT mode?)

Answer:NFT technology allows a new creative generation to disrupt the traditional fashion industry. We are in a paradigm shift where old industry standards are dissolving. The idea of ownership and creation are changing.

We believe that in the future most brands will utilise digital goods and treat physicals as rare collectors item. Manufacturing is largely wasteful, we do not need millions of physical products if we can create the same value with digital goods that represent value and status.

We are already living in this future. Its great

We have been contacted by a number of fashion brands to help them enter the space. We are more interested in assisting the young undiscovered talent which has not had their time to shine yet. NFT is a technology that empowers through community and real relationships. The next generation of creators are coming, we are here to support them.?答:NFT 技术让新的创意一代颠覆了传统的时尚产业。我们正处于一个范式转变中,旧的行业标准正在消失。所有权和创造的观念正在改变。



许多时尚品牌已经联系我们,帮助他们进入这个领域。我们更感兴趣的是帮助那些还没有施展才华的年轻人。NFT 是一种通过社区和真实的关系来增强能力的技术。下一代的创造者就要来了,我们在这里支持他们。6.问:目前RTFKT已经发行了潮鞋和夹克。接下来,RTFKT在NFT领域有那些计划?能够给大家透露一下?此外,你们是否有发币的计划?Question:RTFKT has already released trendy shoes and jackets. So for the next step, what are the plans that RTFKT are considering in the NFT area? Could you please share with us something about it? And one more important question, is there a plan of launching RTFKT tokens?

Answer:We have so many amazing projects coming our this year, ?we are here to innovate and push what is possible forward. We are working to create more utility for our NFT’s and unique mechanics. We are also working on our token. Its called $DRIP, we will use drip to power our creative community on discord. More info coming soon.

Watch this space ?答:今年有很多很棒的项目,我们正在这些项目里不断创新并推动一切可能的进展。公司正在努力为我们的NFT和独特的机制创造更多的实用程序。我们也在准备我们的代币。它叫做 $DRIP,我们将用它来为我们discord创意社区提供动力。更多信息即将发布。




