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2021-04-20 老苏-八卦区块链 来源:区块链网络

感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的AMA,今晚我们有幸请来 !

感谢:链闻ChainNews、Winkrypto、Odaily星球日报、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。




先请嘉宾Matt 介绍一下自己和FUNProtocol项目 ~

Q1: First question, could you introduce yourselves and FUN Protocol ?

I used to work in the banking industry and I was relatively familiar with the blockchain, DeFi, and NFT area.

In my perspective, I really feel excited about the decentralization, anti-censorship and other features excluded by the blockchain technology.


FUN Protocol aims to capture the value of the Defi world and is committed to building a parallel world that follows the continuous prosperity of the NFT market. In the future, it includes three phases: FUN Money, FUN NFT, and FUN DAO.

FUN Protocol 旨在捕获DeFi世界的价值,致力于构建一个跟随NFT市场不断繁荣的平行世界,在该平行世界内,有专属的流动的货币体系,有不断激发NFT创作的网络,有以NFT为权利代表的治理生态,涵盖FUN Money、FUN NFT、FUN DAO三个部分。

目前我们已经完成了第一个部分的开发——FUN Money,FUN是币安智能链上的合成资产,对标NFT总市值(https://www.coingecko.com/zh/nft),FUNMoney设定自己的代币价格是所有NFT加密资产的300亿分之一,利用了Rebase机制改变供应令牌的数量以达到纠正价格的目的。



Q2: can you share with us why FUNProtocol choose to engage into the NFT marker at the first place ?

Recently, the encrypted collection NBA Top Shot with the theme of NBA star cards has received widespread attentions. NBA Top Shot is an NFT project, which is developed upon on the blockchain. By now, there are already many excellent NFT projects launched, such as CryptoPunks, MEME, SuperRare, etc. However, due to its non-fungible, NFT has an extreme wide range of category, resulting in that people do not know what exact kind of NFT they should invest in to realize profit maximization.

近期以NBA球星卡为主题的加密收藏品NBA Top Shot获得广泛关注,NBA Top Shot是基于区块链开发出来的NFT项目, 优秀的NFT项目众多如CryptoPunks、MEME、SuperRare等。但是,由于NFT的非同质化,其类别范围非常广,导致人们不知道应该为实现利润最大化而投资哪种NFT确切的类型。

For this reason, we launched the FUN Protocol, integrating all NFT products’ capitalization into one index (FUN), to help them make investment more easily meanwhile earn the corresponding wealth growth compares with the whole NFT field.



Q3: How FUN anchored the value stability of the NFT Market?

Simply speaking, we use the oracle to obtain the pegged price and time weighted average price (TWAP) of FUN in a current moment; according to the gap between the above two prices, we will use the smart contract built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to dynamically adjust the total supply of FUN tokens so that achieve target price equilibrium.


4、FUN Protocol的rebase机制详解

Q4: Can you explain the rebase mechanism of FUN Protocol?

# Inflationary rebase →When the TWAP price of FUN is higher than 105% of the pegged price, FUN Money in your wallet will be expanded;


# Deflationary rebase →When the TWAP price of FUN is lower than 95% of the pegged price, FUN Money in your wallet will be contracted;


#Except for the above two situations, the system will not trigger the rebase adjustment.


The important thing you guys need to remember is that, participants always held the same percentage of the total token supply.



5、FUN Protocol如何实现利润增长,以及参与者如何进行获利?

Q5:How does FUN Protocol generate revenue?? How investors can make profits from it?

At current stage, we have two types of users. One is long-term holders, who are optimistic about the NFT index and make a comprehensive assets allocation.


The other type is speculators. Those participants generally buy FUN Money when the market cap is relatively low and expect to obtain more tokens when market change to inflation period so that carry our arbitrage opportunities. At the same time, holders’ LP can also be pledged on the Staking section to proceed FUN farming. In addition to receiving transaction fees, participants who provide higher liquidity for FUN can also receive extra rewards.另一类是投机者,因为存在数量波动,参与者在低市值的时候买入期望可以获取更多的代币,进行FUN的套利机会;同时LP也可以质押在FUN Protocol的官网Staking板块进行更多的FUN的Farming,用户为FUN提供流动性除了获得交易手续费外,还能获得平台提供的流动性挖矿奖励。

The authenticity, the provision of ownership and the transferability together create such high value of NFT field, and due to these three unique traits, NFTs can provide unlimited possibilities for the real world and virtual assets. We believe that, the NFT field is still in its infancy, and its market capitalization surely will have a bigger leap this year. Depending on this bullish market condition, we are also confident that the FUNMoney Protocol will show a rapid and impressive growth!!! Now, we are making efforts for the second phase development. Please keep attentions! Thanks.

长期来看NFT的赛道,NFT 的真实性、提供所有权属性以及可转让性共同铸就其价值,由于这三大属性,NFT 为现实世界和虚拟资产提供了无限可能性,所以我们仍然认为NFT现在还处在萌芽阶段,整体的市值在今年会有更大的飞跃,有充分空间带动FUNMoney的市值进一步增强,我们同时也正在在为第二阶段的FUN NFT作出努力。


Q6: What do you think will be the biggest challenge in the future? How would you overcome it?

Defi is a rapidly iterating field. In the current, the number of Defi projects is increasing day by day, but there are not many projects with long-term value and long-term driving force for both users and the market. We hope to become an excellent project by using such unique rebase mechanism and taking advantage of the increasingly developed NFT market, to improve a long-term and valuable ecology.


Now many algorithmic stablecoins have appeared the phenomenon of de-anchoring, the main reason is that these tokens do not have their own practical value.

Sincerely, doing this project is not a hype in the subsequent market.

We have already developed the first phase of the project and are working hard for the second phase of NFT’s commodity market and decentralized governance. This is our team’s dream Blueprint, and I really hope that more users can agree and recognize us! Thank you!


7、能给大家透露一下目前NFTFUN Protocol 的进展吗?有什么好消息要分享给我们的用户吗?

Q7: Are there some good news you want to share with our community members tonight?

We are very happy that we will offer FUN on BSC and we are very proud that FUN is the first Initial Farm Offering on the BurgerSwap.


To participate in our IFO, you need to only know how to use BurgerSwap and held some BNB or other BSC assets (to swap burger). Very simply! Right?

首先你需要会使用BurgerSwap这个AMM DEX,你需要拥有BNB和BSC的资产就可以参加,具体的方式是:

The specific rule is:

Users who want to participate in BurgerswapIFO need to deposit Burger and USDT in the Burger liquidity pool to obtain LP tokens. After 13:00 UTC+8 IFO on 4/22, uses can purchase FUN through paying certain amount of LP Tokens.


在4/22日13:00 (UTC+8) IFO开始时可购买FUN;

When the IFO finish, we will immediately launch BurgerSwap and provide an initial liquidity pool.


8、介绍一下NFTFUN Protocol? 的发展路径以及对未来一个期待吗?

Q8:? Can you share with us the roadmap of NFTFUN Protocol and your next plan?

Now FUNMoney can act as an index trading tool for NFT that allows holders to speculate on the entire NFT market, instead of just one NFT or a portfolio of some selected NFTs.


Secondly, speculators can buy FUN Money when the market cap is relatively low and expect to obtain more tokens when the market change to inflation period so that carry out arbitrage opportunities.


Finally, users can stake FUN and LP tokens on Staking section of FUN Protocol to proceed yield farming. In addition to obtaining transaction fees, participants can also receive certain rewards due to providing liquidity.

最后用户可以将FUN单币以及LP质押在FUN Protocol官网Staking板块进行Farming,用?户为FUN提供流动性除了获得交易手续费外,还能获得平台提供的流动性挖矿奖励。

When the development of the second phase of FUN Protocol is finished, we will create more scenarios to FUN users as much as we can. For example, those users holding a certain amount of FUN can get NFT airdrops, open NFT blind boxes and purchase NFTs, etc.


很感谢今天的分享,我们也了解到很多关于NFTFUN Protocol的信息~接下来就是我们的社区提问环节啦

Thank you for your wonderful answer. Next is the community questioning session,.

问题1: 现在很多产品都集中在开发的各个方面。在信息公开方面是否有更多的计划和发展?

Q1: Now many products are focused on various aspects of development. Are there more plans and developments for information disclosure?

Matt. A :Thanks for your question, FUN Protocol not only will anchor the growing market capitalization of NFT field, but also will provide FUN more functional values. We are a very professional team in the field of blockchain and traditional finance, and we are confident that we can optimize our products, make FUN become more functional and meanwhile create value to the long-term NFT market.


Q2: what do you see as the biggest challenge for the future at this circuit? How to break through successfully?

问题2: 你认为未来在这条赛道上最大的挑战是什么?如何成功突破?

Matt. A?: We've talked a lot about that today, many algorithmic stablecoins have appeared the phenomenon of de-anchoring, the main reason is that these tokens do not have their own practical value. we are working hard for the second phase of NFT’s commodity market and decentralized governance.


Q3: How can I participate FUN Protocol?

问题3: 我们怎么参与FUN Protocol项目呢?

Matt. A?: You can get FUN by participating in IFO at Burgerswap, Bounce, and dodo on the 22nd of this month.

FUN provides a very interesting rebase mechanism. Please read more information about NFTFUN Protocol from our official website: https://nftfun.org?



Of course we hope to spread our project in more communities, and we hope to make more people know our unique rebase mechanism. Welcome to twitter@me. https://twitter.com/NFTFunProtocol

当然,我们希望将我们的项目扩展到更多社区,并希望使更多的人知道我们独特的rebase机制。欢迎到twitter@我。 https://twitter.com/NFTFunProtocol

If you guys need more AMA meetings in chinese group, we will arrange another one as soon as possible. Please follow our twitter https://twitter.com/NFTFunProtocol so that you will not miss every event we promote! Let’s play FUN togather!

如果你们需要在中文小组举行更多的AMA会议,我们将尽快安排另一场。请关注我们的Twitter https://twitter.com/NFTFunProtocol,这样你就不会错过我们推广的所有活动!让我们一起玩FUN!

Q4: What do you think your project biggest advantage, And how is different from others?

问题4: 你认为你的项目最大的优势是什么?与其他项目有什么不同?

Matt. A?: We have already developed the first phase of the project and are working hard for the second phase of NFT’s commodity market and decentralized governance. This is our team’s dream Blueprint, and I really hope that more users can agree and recognize us! Thank you!




