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2021-07-05 币赞财经 来源:区块链网络

在各个领域都有着自己的地位,应用场景非常广,是我国新基建重点发展对象。目前全网对于 Swarm 的共识度是非常高的,这利于布局 BZZ 挖矿,根据数据显示,新增节点呈几何式增长,可见共识之强。

Distributed data storage has its own status in various fields, and its application scenarios are very wide. It is the key development object of new infrastructure in China. At present, the consensus degree of Swarm in the whole network is very high, which is beneficial to the layout of BZZ mining. According to the data, the newly added nodes show geometric growth, showing strong consensus.


Swarm Mining Project completed the definition of distributed system data storage, which was discussed and clearly put forward by the founder of Ethereum and many professionals as early as the beginning of 2015. Among them, the agreement logos bzz and shh of Swarm Mining Project were written by Vitalik, founder of Ethereum. According to the staff, Swarm is an official part of Ethereum project from beginning to end. Swarm mining project is developed and designed by Ethereum Foundation, and it is the key development direction of Ethereum in the future.


Under the background of Swarm, storage and bandwidth are the two most important limited resources, which can be reflected in its incentive plan. Swarm's storage space is limited by the sum of all individual nodes' storage contributions to the network. Will the stamp system pass the fee? Uploading to the network increases the cost, thus allocating the right to write Swarm in the best way. With this signal, the storage node can decide what to keep and what to ignore, thus allocating storage space in such a way as to keep the most valuable blocks.


Swarm can continue to grow because of its holding/mining, liquidity and self-growth; The nodes that are eligible for BZZ generation/currency are those that have been proved to have exchanged bandwidth with the officially called trusted "queen bee nodes" (qBZZ nodes). The greater the contribution to the network, the greater the chance of getting BZZ.

七号矿场基于对分布式系统、区块链共识机制、数据存储等技术的深厚积累和对IPFS超过3年的研究、测试、改进,七号矿场具备了Swarm 节点设计、搭建、管理及集群化运作的全栈服务能力。凭借着在Swarm 测试网中保持名列前茅的运行成绩,七号矿场将为用户提供全球领先的Swarm 一揽子解决方案。

Based on the deep accumulation of distributed systems, blockchain consensus mechanism, data storage and other technologies and the research, testing and improvement of IPFS for more than 3 years, Mine No.7 has the full-stack service capability of Swarm node design, construction, management and cluster operation. With the best performance in the Swarm test network, No.7 Mine will provide users with the world's leading Swarm package solutions.


Swarm Mining, which is a distributed storage project in Ethereum Ecology, is used to store data such as DAPP intelligent contract of EtherChain Ecology. The application in ecology will call and store data at any time. On the nodes of Swarm distributed storage, this will require Swarm nodes to deal with data response ability. The faster your nodes react and process, the more rewards you will get from relevant economic models.


