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open block

1. BeyondBlockchainhackathon黑客松大赛开始报名

Beyond Blockchain hackathon 黑客松大赛,面向全世界的开发者,通过本公司的旗舰 EOSIO协议在可扩展的Google Cloud上开发其创新产品。黑客松大赛让参加者跟世界各地著名的区块链生态系统导师交流,当中包括Block.one与Google Cloud的代表。参赛者有机会连同世界级开发者,重新定义区块链的未来和云端技术系统,...


2. Blankos Open Beta现已面向所有人直播,并新增了5种Blankos

...线,现在每个人都可以免费下载和玩游戏。在游戏的私人Beta版期间,Blankos Block Party注册了100,000多个新用户帐户,并举办了限量版Founder’s Pack的销售。Founder’s Pack促销将于太平洋标准时间12月13日晚上11:59:59结束。 该游戏将刻录掉所有未售出的创始人包,并且永远不会再复制它们。 此次销售的每...


3. 受 Open Sea 漏洞影响的 NFT 所有者将获得退款

...场之一,它将处理部分用户因平台漏洞而损失的资金的补偿。 该信息由 The Block 披露,并引用了公司发言人作为消息来源。Open Sea 发言人表示,他们非常重视这个问题,并已开始积极联系受到伤害的 NFT 的所有者。 自 1 月 24 日星期一以来,已知该漏洞允许攻击者以最高 0.75% 的市场价格购买 NFT。Open Sea ...


4. 涡轮蜂巢矿机将与时代共赢

...reases. More storage capacity on the network means that a specific miner is more likely to generate blocks and get block rewards. Miners can choose whether to participate in storage rights negotiation, storage mining and/or retrieval mining. We expect many miners to provide focused and specialized services in these categories.您放在网络上的挖掘硬件除了提供网络安全和区块生产...


5. BigBang Core | 生态周报-第二十八期

...本修复。Optimized P2P synchronization performance, improved the synchronization performance of blocks and transactions, optimized TXINV synchronization performance, and added POW block parallel test function. The current test main network POW block synchronization speed is about 33,000 blocks/minute, which is 10 times higher than before optimization (the synchronization speed is about 3,000 bl...


6. 聚美一生VSE应用

通过近年来区块链技术(Block chain technology)的不断发展,现如今区块链技术更加成熟,具有更多的特点以及完善的机制。区块链的日渐成熟和推广,也让区块链的使用更加广泛化起来。VSE区块链公益如今已有以下四大特:①物资可追根溯源(Materials can be traced back);②区块链公益重建公众信任机制(Bl...


7. 零基础搭建YAS超级节点

...n": "de78b49b","chain_id": "ed8636abfe625d99fc9a759d49a016fd8dcae9193676a020aae2540c9fffe32f","head_block_num": 1,"last_irreversible_block_num": 1,"last_irreversible_block_id": "00000001b4889f304086b4999740dbad8b2a968144548f8e7eadf91f14167080","head_block_id": "00000001b4889f304086b4999740dbad8b2a968144548f8e7eadf91f14167080","head_block_time": "2020-01-01T00:00:00.000","head_block_producer": "","...


8. The Block 发布开放金融指数 OFI 以对开放金融行业增长状况进行量化追踪

区块链网络消息,The Block 发布「开放金融指数」(Open Finance Index, OFI),这是一个对开放金融行业增长状况进行量化追踪的新型指标。和锁定资产总值这类指标不同,OFI 利用特定垂直的指标来提供对开放金融生态发展状态的准确描述。The Block 表示,OFI 会提供有关开放金融现状的各种洞察,并有潜力成为...

知识:DeFi,The Block,OFI

9. BJS上了多家海外媒体头条 多位业内知名专家对其技术进行了肯定

...单! Currency BJS builds an economic platform for digital asset sharing and opens a new era of block chain intelligent trading According to foreign media reports, BJS, an innovative digital asset sharing application platform, has recently aroused research and discussion in several foreign block chain technology forums. A number of well-known technical experts in the industry have recognized the...


10. 美国空军的问题以及 BLOCKS、DAO 如何与 BizSecure 合作解决这些问题

...的疫苗接种伪造在世界各地的记录中,该行业已成为各种恶劣活动的温床。BLOCKS, DAO LLC 是一个主要旨在引导传统系统和组织向区块链技术迁移的项目,发现这些问题后,它最近通过新闻稿宣布与专注于隐私的区块链公司 BizSecure 建立合作伙伴关系。 这种合作背后的想法是为上述问题设计解决方案,在此...


11. Bituan(币团)交易所运营周报 (11月11日—11月15日)

...rm opened the TRC20-USDT replenishment function on November 14, 2019;4. Prepare for the “Learning Blockchain and the Second Block Resource Sharing of Bituan”.5. Launched the HBD market, opened the trading market of HBD/USDT, and opened the reopening and trading on November 14;6. Hold a double 11 transaction to send points activities;7. Record and edit the new version of the App operation proce...


12. “世界银行将不会使用比特币来帮助委内瑞拉”

...愿意这样做。人权基金会CSO Alex Gladstein表示,这是对组织的挑战。 根据The Block Crypto媒体, 开放金钱倡议这项以委内瑞拉为重点的实地研究项目,并由位于纽约州的该基金会赞助。该项目为国际组织提供了使用比特币帮助需要委内瑞拉公民的机会。 他说:“如果主要援助组织考虑比特币并以比特币发...


13. EOS首次币发行投资者对Block.One发起集体诉讼

blockquote, .new_summary{ position: relative; font-size: 16px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 28px; margin-bottom: 40px; padding: 20px; background: #f0f2f5; color: #333; } blockquote:after, .new_summary:after{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; right: 6px; bottom: 12px; color: #333; } blockquote.before, .new_summary:before{ position: absolute; content: " \300D"; top: 10px; left: 2px; transf...


14. 区块链大型巡回播放第192期“区块链技术”

...健康的治理中去,所以目前全世界都在积极探索区块链技术的应用和发展。Blockchain is a chain of blocks with a time stamp on the block data information, which records in detail the time node at which the block was created. The advantage is that the grab time is frozen as a proof of uniqueness, and the blocks are linked together, the current block contains the encrypted v...


15. 重磅|WisdomChain即将融合强大的合约脚本编程能力

...isdom_Chain/status/1301765540990590976?s=2001Contract programmingSince the time when Bitcoin opened block chain in 2009, with the development of technology and ecology, the distributed application based on block chain (dapp) has shown a blowout trend in nearly 10 years. The underlying technology that supports DAPP is "block chain + contract scripting ability".SolidityThe combination of contract pr...
