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innovation auction

1. 顶级域名服务提供商 UNR 将于 4 月 28 日在 OpenSea 上拍卖 23 个顶级域名

...消息,顶级域名服务提供商 UNR 联合以太坊域名服务 ENS、OpenSea 和 Innovative Auctions 将于 4 月 28 日在 OpenSea 上拍卖 23 个 ICANN 认证的顶级域名及代表其所有权的 NFT,这些域名分别是 .audio、.blackfriday、.christmas、.click、.country、.diet、.flowers、.game、.guitars、.help、.hiphop、.hiv、.hosting、.juegos、.link、.llp、.lol、.m...


2. 域名服务提供商UNR将于4月28日在OpenSea上拍卖23个顶级域名

... 9 日,顶级域名服务提供商 UNR 联合以太坊域名服务 ENS、OpenSea 和 Innovative Auctions,将于 4 月 28 日在 OpenSea 上拍卖 23 个 ICANN 认证的顶级域名及代表其所有权的 NFT,这些域名的后缀分别是:audio、blackfriday、christmas、click、country、diet、flowers、game、guitars、help、hiphop、hiv、hosting、juegos、link、llp、lol、mom、...


3. SupreNFT首场先锋领袖AMA|对话LVMH集团高管MehdiBarbara

...区块链“Aura区块链联盟”。Aura represents a single innovative solution that helps luxury auctions to convey information such as product authenticity, purchasing credibility and sustainability in an immutable blockchain digital form, so that customers can better understand us The product.Aura代表的就是一种单一的创新解决方案,帮助奢侈品拍以不可篡改的区块链...


4. Polkadot 的机制和多链未来将赋能下一代创新者和企业家

...在确保平行链以公平公正的方式获得资金,它有两个阶段 —— Crowdloans 和 Auctions。在第一阶段,去中心化 Crowdloan,“Polkadot 允许平行链为其平行链 [auction] 出价而去收集代币”,支持者将 DOT(Polkadot 协议的原生代币)锁定到他们支持的项目长达两年。支持者永远不会失去对代币的保管,但代币是被锁...


5. 三元×Element.black实录

...s only need to create artworks, and generate NFTs from their artworks. Once the NFT is successfully auctioned! Players can get rewards!We also invited a large number of celebrities, artists, actors, singers to participate on the collaborative canvas. Users can join them to create on the canvas and share the proceeds.After the official release of Pixel-Infinity, we will also launch the poster puzzl...


6. NFT周报:腾讯推出NFT数字藏品交易平台,Shopify支持NFT销售

...。作为合作的一部分,Yahoo! Japan 将在其在线拍卖服务平台雅虎拍卖(Yahoo! Auctions/YAHUOKU!)提供基于 LINE 区块链的 NFT。为了使 NFT 能够在该平台上交易,双方计划将 Yahoo! Auctions 与 Line 加密钱包 Line Bitmax 进行集成。Yahoo! Auctions NFT 交易将于 2021 年底启动。NFT 碎片化协议 Fractional 已上线,碎片化代币持有者...

知识: NFT

7. 三元×PolkadexAMA实录

...?是否有任何具体细节要分享吗?6、Do you plan to participate in the Kusama Parachain auction? For the Polkadot Parachain auction, what reward mechanism does it plan to provide? Are there any specific details to share?No, we will skip Kusama and go straight for the Polkadot parachain auction.We did not uncover our parachain strategy for the community yet, as it has some moving parts,...


8. 通过加密货币慈善捐赠传播节日快乐

...NFT 领域还处于早期,”他评论道。 由于这种不确定性,右键单击,给予! Auction 还通过 The Giving Block 接受加密货币捐赠。相关:2021 年最大的 NFT 下降和销售额撇开挑战不谈,很明显,加密慈善事业为渴望回馈的一代人打开了一扇新的机会之门。 例如,Park 指出,许多与 Give Big TX Crypto 活动合作的非营...


9. 全面对比MakerDAO与POFIDDAO 【SERO幻影社区】

...loaned assets cannot support Dai ’s liquidity, the system will liquidate the asset and conduct an auction to repay the previously lent Dai (for the system, every Dai issued means a Dai in debt). So the system began to issue additional MKR, and sell MKR to buy Dai. Then, the system sells the loaned assets through a public auction, and uses the raised Dai to repurchase and burn MKR.如果抵押品...


10. Ocean:数据经济生态王牌项目,如何稳扎稳打扩展版图 | AMA 整理

...,这些都是可以问币圈带来增量资金与应用的好事。墨客:Polkadot's parachain auction is about to begin. Seeing that Ocean is also submitting the proposal for the auction parachain slot, what benefits will the successful bidding of the parachain bring to the Ocean protocol? 波卡的平行链拍卖即将开始,看到 Ocean 也在提交了拍卖平行链插槽的 proposal,...

知识:墨客,观点,AMA,Ocean Protocol,数据经济

11. Ceramic:为Web3.0社交应用打造的中间件

...nbeam 上开启对应的流动性激励活动。Centrifuge 赢得 Polkadot 第 8 次平行链插槽 Auction*波卡波卡网络第 8 次平行链插槽 Auction 的蜡烛期已于 1 月 27 日结束,去中心化资产融资协议 Centrifuge 以锁定 5,435,100 DOT 赢得 Polkadot 第 8 次平行链插槽拍卖。第 9 次拍卖将在 2022 年 2 月 4 日凌晨 3 点开启。目前在所有活跃...

知识:web 3.0

12. LeBondFinance实体资产和GameFi要如何赋能NFT生态?

...赋能彼此的价值,在有限供应上线之后,彼此增加需求。While we enabled Mining, Auction and Trading for an NFT, so its utility goes beyond just ownership.Our whole team believes in “Blockchain for Good” and has a track record of delivering applications that gains mass adoption.虽然我们为NFT启用了“采矿,拍卖和交易”功能,但其实用性不仅限于所...


13. Ocean:数据经济生态王牌项目如何稳扎稳打扩展版图|AMA整理

...,这些都是可以问币圈带来增量资金与应用的好事。墨客:Polkadot's parachain auction is about to begin. Seeing that Ocean is also submitting the proposal for the auction parachain slot, what benefits will the successful bidding of the parachain bring to the Ocean protocol?波卡的平行链拍卖即将开始,看到Ocean也在提交了拍卖平行链插槽的proposal,请...


14. 七彩研究院去中心化招聘平台Freela如何链接DeFi世界

...A2、Valentin Donstetter:Ofcourse, we will do an IEO with Ascendex today 26th May 1pm UTC, where 2 auctions will occur. The first one with 7.5M $FREL (capped) at $0.01 and second one for 2.5M $FREL (uncapped).You can access all details in the official tweet from Ascendex.we will conduct a double IDO the 27th May on BSCPad and Poolz, IDO time should be shared today by the platforms themselves with ...


15. a16z的宝藏学习清单:NFT、社交代币、DAO、创作者经济

...关于为什么 Beeple 一副 jpeg 图片可以拍出 6900 万美金。How the blockchain broke the auction blockby Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Mary Childshttps://www.npr.org/2021/03/12/976513031/the-69-million-jpeg加密经济中为玩家而生的通证化关于区块链如何重塑生产关系、协作方式、社区和创造力。Monetization for Gamers in the New Cryptoeconomyby Kevin Chouhttps:/...
